The company is located in the city center with convenient transportation. There is a breakfast shop downstairs, and Li Jun is very generous. He directly rented a whole building as an office space.

Since you want to bring Chinese people to the United States to make money together, jobs are indispensable.

First, some orders were issued to Chinatown.

Li Jun did not speak in his own name, but talked to the residents in Chinatown in the name of Situ Leisheng, and issued his orders to each home.

"Listen carefully, a large number of Chinese are about to arrive in the United States, and you must get along with each other in a friendly manner. Everyone makes money together and goes through difficulties together!"

The Fanggu community is not far from Chinatown, and it takes only half an hour to get there.

Chinese who come to the United States to work can live in the Fanggu community and then come to Chinatown to find a job.

"Brother Jun, you brought so many Chinese here, but the voting time has long passed. Is it really necessary?"

Situ Leisheng didn't quite understand, because the job demand in Chinatown is already saturated, and there are basically no high-paying jobs.

"You don't understand this. You just need to be a good manager of San Francisco and open a back door for us."

Li Jun did not give too many answers to Situ Leisheng's doubts. After all, Situ Leisheng's role was just a chess piece, a good-looking chess piece placed in the position of San Francisco's manager.

Suddenly, when the two were discussing, the police broke in.

The police had a gun in their hands and wore a bulletproof vest. It seemed that they had been waiting for a long time.

Li Jun was confused.

"Hasn't this Chief Tom become his own man? How come the police came to arrest him without receiving any news?"

Before Li Jun had time to ask, the police spoke first.

"Li Jun, you are suspected of killing Galens Bolt. Please go to the police station with us."

Li Jun would certainly not admit that he was the murderer of Galens Bolt. He stared at the police coldly and said.

"What evidence do you have that I am the one who killed him? Where is he? How come I don't know?"

But the police didn't give Li Jun a chance to ask questions. He was ready to walk towards Li Jun with handcuffs on. Li Jun certainly wouldn't surrender.

"If you dare to take another step forward, breaking into a private house without my consent last time is illegal."

But how could a policeman who grew up in the United States be afraid of these things?

"I have a search warrant."

After saying that, the police threw a piece of paper in front of Li Jun and asked Li Jun to check if what the paper said was true.

"There is no government seal on it. I don't agree with the search warrant! Please get out!"

Li Jun had a strange feeling in his heart. The police in front of him were not police.

The fact was just as Li Jun guessed. These people were not police at all, but people hired by Kai Kaier to act and prepare to catch Li Jun and leave.

Kyle knew how strong Li Jun's fighting explosiveness was. If he just went head-on, he couldn't beat Li Jun at all.

There was no other way, so they had to play tricks on him.

Seeing that Li Jun continued to refuse to take the bait, the police became tougher.

When they were about to drag Li Jun into the thief's car, the police suddenly saw that Li Jun had a tattoo on his body.

This kind of tattoo is only for very noble people and pure blood.

"It doesn't matter who you are."

Li Jun suddenly said coldly, and the police present were very confused. They didn't know what Li Jun meant by this, and they all turned their heads to look at Li Jun.

Li Jun looked at himself with a very cold expression on his face, as if he was looking at a dead person.

"If you are still stubborn and don't follow us or return to the police station, don't blame me for being rude."

"Threaten me, think about whether you can get out first?"

When Li Jun said this, the police felt even more weird.

Although the man was wearing a police uniform and had a police ID, Li Jun's first instinct told him.

The man was not a policeman at all!

Although there were not many guards in the seaside park, Li Jun was more than enough to fight five people alone.

Li Jun refused to go with them, and a policeman got angry.

He attacked Li Jun directly.

Li Jun was not to be outdone. This was his home. He must be tired of being wild in his own territory!

Li Jun punched the policeman head-on, making the policeman dizzy.

Xu Xi saw Li Jun take action, so he quickly followed Li Jun.

These counterfeit guys saw that they could not deceive Li Jun, so they all took out their pistols and prepared to die with Li Jun.

Li Jun was quick-witted and snatched the gun from the policeman's hand. He shot a few shots at these counterfeit guys and finished them off.

"Brother Jun, who sent these counterfeit guys?"

The battle was over, and Xu Xi was ready to throw these people into the sea to feed the sharks.

LiJun stopped Xu Xi and said.

"They all look like real policemen, but the calluses on their hands are not on the base of their thumbs. They usually do hard work and are not good at playing with guns."

"Wait, what's in this person's ear?"

Li Jun was sharp-eyed and saw something with a strange shape.

Li Jun took out everything in the man's ear and found that it was a bug.

Li Jun and Xu Xi looked at each other.

It seems that this matter is not over yet.

Li Jun checked these people again, and sure enough, these people all had pinhole cameras.

Li Jun did not speak, and it seemed that the other party would not give up until they achieved their goal.


Li Jun just said a word coldly, and Xu Xi felt very cold.

This matter has touched Jun Ge's bottom line.

It can even be said to be a naked provocation. Who can bear it?

Li Jun sent all the numbers of these policemen to Tom, asking Tom to check the true identities of these people.

Half an hour later, Tom called.

"Tell me honestly, why are you checking these policemen?"

"When is it your turn to ask me questions?"

After today's fraud, Li Jun's mood became particularly bad.

Policeman Tom was silent for a while before speaking.

"The police numbers you sent me are all dead policemen. They all died in an explosion on a small island."

"Keli Meilan Island?"

"How do you know?"

Tom's exclamation on the other end of the phone has given Li Jun the answer.

Li Jun hung up the phone and then called Mina San.

"Keli Meilan Island has launched an action. It is difficult for us to bring them down. As far as I know, there is an unknown big boss behind Keli Meilan, and even you haven't met him!"

"Yes, I just help Keli Meilan Island provide goods. I can't get in touch with this big boss hidden behind the scenes."

"Then create an opportunity for you to get in touch."

Mina San wanted to ask how to create an opportunity, but Li Jun had already hung up the phone.

Eagle Country.

Wang Jianguo contacted the largest local arms chief.

If you want to take root and grow in Eagle Country, you must first have money.

As long as you have business in Eagle Country and orders, money will come continuously.

Only then can you develop in Eagle Country for a long time.

As long as the economic lifeline of Eagle Country is in your hands, what are you afraid of Eagle Country police?

The Eagle Country royal family has to bow their heads when they see you.

The most profitable business is of course the arms business.

You hold the other party's necessities in your hands. No matter how high the price you offer, the other party can't do anything to you.

Because they can't afford the loss.

It's like, you buy for one dollar, but you can sell it for one hundred dollars.

Who wouldn't like such a profitable business?

The arms chief made an appointment with Wang Jianguo to meet in a high-rise building.

Wang Jianguo saw that the place to eat was actually on the open-air platform. It seems that there will be fun later.

The arms chief is called Aubaliu Tomala, and there is a long scar on his face.

It is said that during the previous negotiations, the other party suddenly changed their minds and designed a trap to kill Obaru.

No one knows how Obaru fought against more than a dozen people alone.

The other party took a dagger and prepared a gun. In the end, Obaru walked out alone with blood all over his body.

The others were already dead.

After the incident, more and more people dared not offend Obaru.

Obaru's arms business is also getting better and better.

"Hello, my name is Wang Jianguo, I have heard of you for a long time."

Obaru looked Wang Jianguo up and down, and saw that Wang Jianguo's temperament was completely different from others. He had some good feelings for Wang Jianguo in his heart. Obaru also shook Wang Jianguo's hand and introduced himself to Wang Jianguo.

Wang Jianguo directly stated his purpose.

"I know you are a noble man with a lot of things to do, so just say it directly."

"I have a batch of arms in my hand and want to resell them."

Obaru raised his eyebrows. It was the first time he had seen someone talk about business so straightforwardly.

"How much is your offer?"

However, seeing Wang Jianguo so straightforward, Obaru was also very straightforward.

"I have to do a good job in my first business with you. I'll give you a discount. The bullets are 30% off and the guns are 80% off."

"How about it, we'll all be based on the market price?"

Obaru blew a puff of smoke and said directly.

"50% off."

Wang Jianguo smiled.

The other party is not Chinese, so why would he halve the price right away?

Wang Jianguo smiled and looked directly into Obaru's eyes.

There was no joking in the other party's eyes.

Wang Jianguo was serious.

"Obaru, what do you mean?"

"You said it before, it's the first cooperation, so what's wrong with giving a discount?"

Wang Jianguo stood up, and in an instant,Some people were staring at Wang Jianguo.

Because Wang Jianguo was not on Obal's trust list, Wang Jianguo came alone to show his sincerity.

Even Wang Jianguo did not bring any weapons. If a fight really broke out.

Wang Jianguo would be the one who would suffer.

"Obal, do you want to rob others?"

Obal took a puff of cigarette and took out a pistol from his pocket.

Wang Jianguo was stunned because Obal threw the pistol in front of him.

Wang Jianguo didn't know what Obal wanted to do!

Obal stood up and said with a mysterious smile on his face.

"You are Chinese, and Chinese people do business here at this price."

Wang Jianguo suddenly realized that he was being racially discriminated against!

Wang Jianguo was not convinced.

"Do you really want to treat me like this?"

The implication was obvious, Wang Jianguo had a backup plan.

Even if he fought with Obal, Wang Jianguo could get away unscathed, it all depended on what Obal chose.

This time the deal failed, and Wang Jianguo gained another enemy in Eagle Country.

"If I'm not wrong, your boss is Li Jun, also a Chinese. The quality of your Chinese goods is uneven, how can I be assured?"

"Besides, your goods are only worth this price."

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