But before he even reached the car door, Zhang Oumei felt a little pain in his head, and then Li Jun looked at his head and found that the place where he had the bandage was bleeding.

He said worriedly, "Let's go to the hospital to check your head now. We can't let it bleed all the time."

No matter what the reason was, he had to take Zhang Oumei to the hospital today, but Zhang Oumei said.

"Isn't there a family doctor in the villa? And there are bandages, medicine and so on. Just let the family doctor treat the injury on my head. Maybe I accidentally hit the tree above when I was there just now, so I hit it and bled."

Hearing him say that it was because of the tree that he bled, the two of them didn't care much, and then Li Jun said.

"Since you said there is no big problem, then I will take you back to the villa first. After all, the villa is close to where we are now, and we can quickly ask the family doctor to come and treat the injury on your forehead."

After that, he carried Zhang Oumei to the car and let him sit steadily in it.

Half an hour later, the family doctor sat on the sofa and helped him remove the bandage, and then replaced it with a new one.

The doctor had bandaged him again, and looking at Zhang Oumei lying on the bed, he told Li Jun not to let his head get hurt again.

"His head has been seriously injured twice, and he must take good care of it."

Then he told Li Jun that Zhang Oumei needed to rest, and then took Li Jun out of the room and gave him a list.

"Foreign equipment is quite advanced, and there are many medical facilities that can be equipped in the family, but all the medicines here are not very complete. These are the missing medicines and need to be bought outside."

Li Jun took the list, which was clearly written on it. He told the family doctor what medicine he needed.

"You can stay in the villa and take care of Zhang Oumei these days. If there is anything stupid in his head, don't think about returning to China. As for the medicine, don't worry, I will take care of it."

Then Li Jun went out.

Xu Xi also knew that Zhang Oumei had a head injury at the place where he was found, so he came to their villa with supplements out of worry. When he ran in, he found Li Jun smoking outside, so he said.

"What happened? Why are you smoking here in the middle of the night? And isn't Zhang Oumei injured in the head? Why don't you go into the villa to take care of him."

Li Jun sighed. He had already read the list the doctor gave him just now. He could basically find any medicine needed on it, but there was a medicine that was unique to an organization, and he might not be able to get it.

After looking at Xu Xi who came to his villa, he gave him the list.

"Do you know if there is anyone selling these medicines over there? Just buy them back for me. As for the last one, don't look for it, because you can't buy it."

Xu Xi looked at the list Li Jun gave him and asked.

"Why didn't you buy the last medicine? This should be the one the doctor prescribed for Zhang Oumei. These are all medicines used to treat Zhang Oumei's brain. Why don't you let me find it?"

But he really hadn't heard of the name of this medicine.

Li Jun sighed, "This medicine is auctioned in a certain organization. I have to buy it back myself. I guess I have to prepare some money from China."

They opened a company here to deal with Zhang Ming. All the money they brought from China was spent. If they want to go to the auction to buy medicine now, they must raise some more money, Xu Xi said.

"Then I will notify the assistant tomorrow, and then ask the company to review and transfer some money, and then we will go to their auction to buy medicine in the evening."

Li Jun hummed and asked him to prepare the medicine on the list.

After returning to the room, the doctor treated the wound on Zhang Oumei's forehead again, and then left their villa. He sat in Zhang Oumei's room and touched his forehead.

The blood-red mark on it was still on his face and he didn't wipe it off. He went to the bathroom and brought a basin of water.

Looking at Zhang Oumei with a pale face, he touched the water temperature, then wrung out the towel inside, walked in front of Zhang Oumei and said.

"What happened where you were today? Why did your forehead bleed when I found you? You couldn't have been hit."

But after Zhang Oumei returned to the villa, he fainted because of too much blood on his forehead. He is now lying on the bed. Although the wound has been bandaged, he has not woken up yet. Li Jun sighed.

After he wrung the towel thoroughly, he wiped Zhang Oumei's face and wiped the bloody marks on his face.All of them were wiped off.

Looking at the dirty water in the basin, he threw the towel in and prepared to pour it into the bathroom, but the dizzy Zhang Oumei shook his head, but did not wake up, but his hand had already grabbed his hand.

Li Jun quickly put the basin on the table and asked beside Zhang Oumei's ear.

"Do you need anything? I'll be with you in the room, tell me and I'll get it for you."

But Zhang Oumei loosened his hand after just moving twice, and did not wake up. Li Jun was a little disappointed, but he took the basin to the bathroom to pour the water.

Here he had to wait for Zhang Oumei to wake up before he dared to go to bed, so he sat by the bed all the time.

However, fatigue made him a little drowsy. When there was light outside, Li Jun couldn't hold on and fell asleep beside his bed.

Still came to inform him that Xu Xi, who had prepared all the medicines, woke him up.

"This is the list you gave me yesterday. I said you took all the medicine you bought for me. Here, when Zhang Oumei wakes up, you should give him the prepared medicine first."

Li Jun took the big bag of medicine he brought and put it in the living room, and then asked him.

"Aren't we going to the auction today to buy the remaining medicine that we can't get? Have you prepared the invitation letter?"

If it is sold at the auction site of the auction boss, then they don't need an invitation letter, but it will be sold at this auction soon, not his.

Xu Xi smiled and took out two invitation letters from behind him and said.

"Invitation letter, I had already prepared it last night when you asked which auction it was. We can go there tonight as long as we get the money."

However, Li Jun was a little worried, so he took his invitation letter and looked at it, frowning and said.

"Didn't you listen carefully to which auction it was last night? You went to find the invitation. You found the wrong one. How can we go in to buy medicine at night?"

Xu Xi had some experience and it was impossible for him to hear it wrong, but Li Jun had already seen the invitation, and he also knew the name. Could it be that he really made a mistake?

He found the invitation, and then saw that it clearly stated that it was an antique auction, which was not the one they wanted to go to. He said to Li Jun with a cry.

"What should we do now? I will go to their auction boss temporarily, and then give us two tickets. If so, we have to prepare money again."

Because if you want to get tickets for the auction temporarily, it will cost a lot of money, perhaps much more than the things they want to buy.

Li Jun put away the invitation he brought and said to him.

"Now you ask someone else to buy tickets temporarily. Even if you have a lot of money, you may not be able to get tickets. I'd better go to the boss of the auction now. Maybe he can help a little."

Because the auctions are all connected to each other, the boss of the auction should have their tickets in his hand.

But Li Jun didn't know whether the boss would give them these two tickets.

Then Li Jun went back and told the nanny to take good care of Zhang Oumei. After that, he went to the boss of the auction. As soon as he arrived at the auction, he said.

"Do you know where there is a drug auction today? Do you have an invitation letter from there? Can you give us two tickets?"

Because time is very urgent now, he came to the auction and told the boss what he wanted from the auction. The boss of the auction frowned and said.

"What invitation letter? I haven't received any invitation from any auction at all. Have you heard any news?"

Everything Li Jun did abroad was right. Their auction and the company they built were beneficial, so they and the boss also wanted to know something, but Li Jun said.

"It's not news, but the heroine, you know? His head was broken last time, and I don't know what happened this time, something happened again. I need to go to their auction to buy some herbs and need an invitation."

The auction boss was a little embarrassed, but saving a life is better than creating a seven-level blessing, so he told Li Jun directly.

"Tell me which auction it is, I will contact their auction boss, and then let you go directly to their site, no invitation is needed."

Li Jun said directly, "Dream Back Auction, check if you have any contact with them? If you have, tell them quickly, we must go to the auction site to buy medicine tonight."

Because the heroine's condition can't wait now, if they can't enter the auction to buy medicine, then even if the doctor cut his foreheadEven if the above injuries are healed, there will be sequelae in the future.

But when the auction boss heard Meng Hui Auction, he was even more embarrassed, he said.

"If I go to other auctions, I can contact their boss directly, but this is my mortal enemy. He just stopped his auction because he couldn't compete with me for the contract before, and then went to deal with medicine."

If it was a mortal enemy, he would contact their boss and let Li Jun in, but he would definitely not agree.

But Li Jun couldn't get an invitation letter now, and finally thought that saving people was more important, so he said to Li Jun.

"I'll try to contact their boss. Maybe we made too much money before, so he will treat me as a good friend and let you two go in without an invitation letter."

Li Jun nodded.

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