Li Jun's original plan was not to take action against the Li family so early.

Although the Li family seemed aggressive, it was not fatal to Li Jun.

Li Jun had a lot of fun at the table in Hong Kong Island before, and he didn't want to turn the table for the time being.

But now, the arms are in place, and the Russians have already built a bridge. At this time, Li Jun doesn't want to play any game of wits with Li Xiaotian anymore, and he will destroy him directly.

Those who play politics always say that physical destruction is the lowest level of struggle, but sometimes, the lowest level is the highest level.

Wearing a suit and a tie is nothing more than not being strong enough to cater to other people's rules, but if you don't want to follow that set of rules, naturally I will do whatever I feel comfortable with!

At this moment, Taiping Mountain, Li family.

"Master, the share price of Champa International has dropped by 5% today. Li Zhan suddenly took action near the closing time and raised the share price."

Li Xiaotian's secretary reported to Li Xiaotian the details of today's stock market sniping of Champa International.

"Normal, Champa International is the seventh largest real estate company in Hong Kong Island after all, it is not so easy to be defeated, and I have no intention of defeating them in the stock market."

Li Xiaotian said lightly.

It is almost impossible to bankrupt a healthy industrial company simply by relying on the stock market.

The factors that can make these companies bankrupt are always in reality. The stock market is just a lever that can infinitely magnify the weaknesses of hostile companies.

"Dong Dong Dong ~" At this time, a knock on the door came.

"Master, Mr. Edmund is here."

Then, the voice of Awang, the butler of the Li family, came in.

"Okay, take him to the tea room to wait for me." Li Xiaotian said lightly.

Edmund, the Director of the Housing Department of the British Hong Kong Government, is Li Xiaotian's secret weapon against Li Zhan and Champa International.

A few minutes later.

"Good evening, Sir Edmund."

Facing the foreigner, Li Xiaotian's smile was very bright.

The Li family's current power is inseparable from the support of the foreigners.

The Li family started out by selling opium and had close cooperation with foreign companies, making them natural business partners.

Moreover, foreigners especially like to support tainted families like the Li family. After all, such families are not strong, and foreigners can easily control them to ensure that they dare not rebel.

"Good evening, Sir Li."

The smile on Edmund's face was also very bright.

Unlike many foreign high-level officials in Hong Kong Island, Edmund came to Hong Kong Island to work after graduating from university at the age of 22.

He has been here for 27 years and has a very close relationship with these wealthy families in Hong Kong Island.

Especially the Li family.

Edmund's yachts in the yacht club were all sold to him by Li Xiaotian for 190,000 Hong Kong dollars.

The yacht, which was originally worth HK$7.9 million, broke down right after it was bought. After Li Xiaotian "reluctantly" sold it to Edmund, Edmund, who studied political science at university, suddenly turned into a repairman and repaired the yacht on the same day, which can be called a Hong Kong legend.

However, at this time, ICAC's original keen sense of smell seemed to have failed, and they recognized this "Hong Kong legend" very much.

After all, ICAC was established to manage the Chinese. How can you raise a dog and let it bite its owner?

"Sir Edmund, I heard that your wife has recently been fighting for the right of children in the wooden houses in Hong Kong Island to read?"

After Li Xiaotian greeted Edmund, he did not talk about business, but talked about Edmund's wife.

"Sir Li, my wife met a newspaper boy from the wooden houses some time ago. She was shocked by his experience. You know, women are always more emotional than men. "

Edmund's smile was particularly bright, and it was obvious that he knew what Li Xiaotian was going to say next.

"Sir Edmund, I admire Mrs. Edmund's kindness. Not everyone can have such love like Mrs. Edmund."

"I don't know if Mrs. Edmund has any plans to set up a charity. I want to donate 10 million Hong Kong dollars to this charity and contribute some love to the children in those wooden houses."

Li Xiaotian smiled slightly and said slowly.

What the foreigners like to do most is to be a whore and set up a memorial archway.

It's not okay to collect money directly, but it's okay to set up a charity foundation and collect money in the name of the foundation.

The moral concepts of foreigners always stay on the surface. After deceiving themselves, everything they do is reasonable.

"Sir Li, your love surprises me. My wife is already preparing to set up a charity foundation. I believe she will be very happy when she hears the news of your donation."

Edmund's face was full of satisfied smiles.

"Sir Edmund, I want to thank youMrs. Li Xiaotian gave me a chance to contribute my love. "

Li Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Sir Li, I saw your planning proposal for the real estate industry this afternoon. I deeply agree with some of the suggestions in it. Tomorrow I will take this proposal to the Chief Secretary for Administration to talk. If nothing goes wrong, some of the suggestions will be tested in our Housing Department for a period of time. "

Li Xiaotian was so polite, Edmund naturally "returned the favor".

Li Xiaotian's suggestion was very simple. In view of the serious problem of high vacancy rate of land in Hong Kong Island, new land cannot be auctioned before the development land reaches a certain proportion.

This ratio of developed land is just above that of Champa International.

In other words, unless Champa International invests a lot of money and spends a long time developing some real estate projects, they will never be able to auction even one square meter of land from the Hong Kong British government.

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