But it is precisely because of the popularity of gambling boats that even serious cruise ships like the Naniwa have opened small casinos for tourists to have fun.

People who can afford a 10-day trip to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand also have money, so after a while, the small casino that was originally just to increase interest has become one of the main sources of income for the Naniwa.

But at this moment, the tourists on the Naniwa don’t know what they will face next.

The wheelhouse of the Naniwa cruise ship.

"Captain, there are three ships approaching us quickly."

The driver pointed to the three red dots on the radar screen and said to the captain beside him.

"Turn on the radio and try to contact these three ships and ask them what they want to do. In addition, alert the Hong Kong Island Coast Guard."

The captain of the Naniwa immediately gave instructions.

In fact, this place is more than 200 kilometers away from Hong Kong Island. Even if the Hong Kong Island Coast Guard comes by helicopter, it will take more than 2 hours. If those three ships are really pirates, more than 2 hours is enough for them to control the Naniwa.

Now he could only hope that the three ships were just passing by by accident.

But obviously, luck was not on his side.

"Put down your boarding platform immediately and let us get on board, otherwise we will directly install bombs on your hull and blow up your ship!"

After communicating with the three ships, the captain of the Naniwa received such a reply.

The size of large cruise ships is very large, and it is difficult for some equipment to board the ship, so a boarding platform will be left when designing cruise ships, and these boarding platforms have become the easiest way for pirates to board the ship.

"Captain, what should we do?"

This is the first time that the driver has encountered such a thing, and he is already panicking.

"Have you called the police?" The captain's face was still calm. Obviously, he was a bit capable to be the captain of such a large cruise ship.

"I have called the police." The driver replied immediately.

"First mate, there are pirates who want to hold the Naniwa hostage. Take people to the deck immediately to see what the pirates are doing."

After pondering for a moment, the captain picked up the intercom and spoke.

He couldn't be so scared that he gave up the cruise ship just because of the pirates' two words.

But, a few minutes later, another bad news reached the captain's ears.

"Captain, those pirates seem to be installing bombs!" The first mate's tone was full of shock and horror.

Hearing the first mate's words, the captain slumped in his chair like a deflated ball. After a few seconds of silence, he said to the driver: "Contact those pirates and tell them that we will open the boarding platform."

Ten seconds later.

Luo Sanpao looked at the slowly opening boarding platform and immediately gave an order. Several "veterans" climbed the escalator on the hull of the cruise ship and walked in. Then, more than 400 people boarded the cruise ship one after another.

Originally, Luo Sanpao didn't have so much money.

Before coming, he divided his 100 men into 2 teams, each with 50 people.

But after Li Jun promoted him to battalion commander, the number of soldiers that Luo Sanpao could summon instantly increased to 500, so he did not hesitate to fill up the three ships that were originally somewhat empty, making them overcrowded.

With the joint efforts of more than 400 people, the Naniwa cruise ship was soon completely taken over by Luo Sanpao.

After Luo Sanpao completely took control of the cruise ship, he walked into the cabin, picked up the satellite phone that originally belonged to the captain, and dialed a number...

On the other side.

Victoria Peak, Hong Kong Island.

The second son of the Li family, Li Wentian, and the fourth son of the Li family, Li Zetian, who received the news of the bombing of the Li family, stood at the location of the Li family villa, looking at the ruins in front of them, with extremely complicated eyes.

This is where they have lived since childhood, where they were born and raised. Once, this was their spiritual totem.

But now there are only broken walls and ruins.

"Sir, where is my big brother?"

After being stunned for a long time, Li Wentian turned his head and asked Chen Jili, the on-site commander of the police force standing next to him.

"Mr. Li should have hidden in the safe house in advance, but with such a strong explosion, the possibility of his survival..."

Chen Jili pointed to the only box in the ruins that was still in shape, but it was distorted and could not be seen in its original shape, and said slowly.

Although Chen Jili did not finish his words, both Li Wentian and Li Zetian had understood what he meant.

Obviously, Li Xiaotian was dead.

At this moment, there was a ripple in the eyes of Li Wentian and Li Zetian.

"Aze, although big brother may be in danger, we brothers must not give up until the last moment. Big brother loves you the most on weekdays. You stay here to guard big brother. If, I mean if, the worst happens, you contact me immediately."

Li Wentian ledSpeak first.

Hearing Li Wentian's words, Li Zetian's eyes flashed coldly.

He knew very well that his second brother was going to seize power. Li Xiaotian was dead, but the Li family was still there. The most important thing was that Li Xiaotian's son, the legal heir of the Li family, was still studying in Eagle Country. If he acted now and operated properly, he would most likely take down the Li family.

Li Zetian knew so clearly, and the reason was very simple, because he also wanted the Li family!

Who would be willing to be a sub-family if they could be the main family?

However, Li Zetian knew that Li Wentian was almost 20 years older than him, and had been entrusted with important tasks by Li Xiaotian for so many years. He was far superior to himself in terms of power and reputation in the Li family. It was impossible for him to fight him head-on, and he would definitely lose. He had to save the country in a roundabout way.

Thinking of this, Li Zetian pretended to be innocent, turned his head to look at Li Wentian, and asked: "Second brother, where are you going?"

Hearing Li Zetian's words, Li Wentian glanced at Li Zetian, and then said lightly: "Brother has an accident, the Li family must be leaderless, I must stand up to take charge of the overall situation, stabilize the situation of the Li family, and wait for Awei to come back, and then return the Li family to him."

The Awei that Li Wentian was talking about was Li Xiaotian's only son, Li Guowei.

Li Zetian sneered in his heart, but said: "Second brother, then you should get busy quickly, you will have a hard time tonight."

"Well, you too, Aze, after the eldest brother left, you will have to bear more of the burden of the Li family in the future."

Li Wentian patted Li Zetian on the shoulder, and then turned and left.

The meaning of his words was very clear. As long as Li Zetian helped him, Li Wentian, then Li Zetian would have more power in the Li family in the future.

In Li Wentian's opinion, he had done his best for Li Zetian. After all, Li Zetian had just started working and had no foundation in the Li family. It was good enough for him to give him some power.

But Li Wentian never dreamed that his fourth brother wanted more than just a little power in the Li family.

Li Zetian watched Li Wentian leave until his back disappeared from his sight, and then he retracted his gaze.

Then, Li Zetian looked at the ruins in front of him again and said softly: "Brother, you died at a really bad time!"

"Who did it?"

At this point, Li Zetian's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance, and he asked himself, "Li Jun, it was you!"

When talking about Li Jun, Li Zetian's eyes were very bright, very bright!

Half an hour after the explosion at Taipingshan.

A team of Flying Tigers surrounded the entire Blue Rose Nightclub.

The commander of the Flying Tigers, Zhuo Jingquan, was already standing in front of Li Jun.

In a box with only two people.

"Li Jun, I thought you had already run away." Zhuo Jingquan looked at Li Jun, who was sitting on the sofa with a leisurely look on his face, and said slowly.

"Sir, who are you?" Li Jun looked at Zhuo Jingquan in front of him and asked with a smile.

"Zhuo Jingquan, Director of the Support Department of the Hong Kong Island Police Force."

Zhuo Jingquan answered lightly.

After hearing the name Zhuo Jingquan, Li Jun's eyes moved slightly. There was also a memory about Zhuo Jingquan in his brain, but in that memory, Zhuo Jingquan was already the Deputy Commissioner of Police, and his identity was not very glorious.

Thinking of this, Li Jun's smile became even bigger.

He liked to deal with these dishonorable policemen, so that he could use them.

"Sir Zhuo, why should I run away?"

Li Jun asked with a smile.

"Li Jun, I don't know what cards you have, but this time, the foreigners will not let you go, and neither will the wealthy families in Hong Kong."

At this point, Zhuo Jingquan paused slightly, then looked at Li Jun, and said slowly, word by word: "You! Played! Too! Famous!"

"Sorry, Sir Zhuo, I didn't understand what you were saying."

Li Jun shrugged his shoulders and smiled easily.

"Li Jun, maybe you have read too many news reports and think that democracy and the rule of law are really spoken here. I tell you, Hong Kong is still the foreigners' Hong Kong after all. If they want to punish someone, if there is evidence, that person will die miserably, and if there is no evidence, that person will die even more miserably!"

Zhuo Jingquan leaned close to Li Jun's ear and whispered.

"Sir Zhuo, what do you mean by telling me so much?"

After listening to Zhuo Jingquan's words, Li Jun's expression was half-smile.

"Li Jun, as long as the foreigners are in charge, the Chinese in Hong Kong will never have fairness. You are dead this time. Before you die, can you make a contribution to the Chinese in Hong Kong?" Zhuo Jingquan said faintly. "Zhuo Sir, I really don't understand what you are saying." After hearing Zhuo Jingquan's words, Li Jun confirmed his guess., with a bright smile on his face.

"No matter what the foreigners do to you, don't compromise, let the foreigners judge you by force, and let all the citizens of Hong Kong Island see the ugliness of the foreigners!"

Zhuo Jingquan leaned close to Li Jun's ear and whispered.

"Zhuo Sir, I admire your spirit of resisting foreigners, but you are wrong about one thing."

Li Jun looked at Zhuo Jingquan and said with a smile.

"What's wrong?" Zhuo Jingquan was stunned after hearing what Li Jun said, and asked subconsciously.

Li Jun slowly stood up from the sofa, looked at Zhuo Jingquan, and said slowly, word by word: "Zhuo Sir, remember, no one can judge me in Hong Kong Island!"

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