In his clenched right hand, a handful of golden bullets, no more or less, exactly eight.


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Chapter 42 Killers who died inexplicably 【For collection】

  At the elevator entrance, a killer wearing sunglasses was looking around, suddenly a hand stretched out from behind and put it on his shoulder.

  Turning his head, a tall and handsome man was looking at him with a smile.

  "Hey, man, borrow a fire!"

  At this moment, he almost took out the pistol hidden in his arms, but seeing the harmless appearance of the other party, he finally put the gun back in his pocket and took out the lighter.

  After lighting the cigarette, the handsome man thanked him, turned around and went downstairs in the escalator.

  The killer breathed a sigh of relief, unaware that the bullets in his gun had been taken away.

  Ni Xiaoxian quickly walked out of the killer's sight and put out the cigarette on the ashtray of the trash can.

  In the department store on the sixth floor, it took him half an hour to circle up and down, and there were more than [-] bullets in his carry-on space, all of which he used [Empty Hands] to slip away from the killer.

  There were no bullets in the guns, so they would not accidentally injure ordinary people in the mall during the sniping at Xu Zhengyang and Yang Qianer.

  In order to achieve the additional reward conditions for the urgent task, Ni Xiaoxian, the poor man, could only play the role of a pickpocket once.

  These scattered killers are easy to deal with, but those killers who are disguised as cleaners together in twos and threes are a little troublesome. It is not easy to create a suitable reason to have physical contact with them, and Ni Xiaoxian can't walk every time. If you bump into it, it's reasonable once or twice, and too much will lead to suspicion.

  He raised his hand and looked down at the watch. It was estimated that the killers had already locked on Yang Qianer, who was shopping for clothes on the third floor. They were waiting for the right time to start. Ni Xiaoxian had an idea and thought of a one-time solution to these killers disguised as cleaners.

  Taking the elevator up to the top floor of the mall, as soon as he entered the door, the lady at the front desk raised his head and politely asked him what was the matter.

  Ni Xiaoxian directly showed the police certificate and asked to see the general manager of the mall.

  The secretary made a phone call, and soon a man in a suit with gold-rimmed glasses came out.

  "Officer, what happened?"

  "We received a tip that a drug dealer has infiltrated the staff of your mall. I now ask you to find all the cleaners in the mall, and I will identify them one by one."

  Hearing that the drug dealers got in, the manager of the mall immediately became nervous. He called the heads of all floors and gathered all the cleaners in the lobby on the second floor.

  Because they haven't received the news of the operation, the ten killers disguised as cleaners can only honestly gather according to the requirements of the shopping mall. There are fifty cleaners in total, and they are inconspicuous among them.

  Ni Xiaoxian was afraid that he would over-stimulate these killers. As soon as he came up, he indicated that he was catching a drug dealer, and hoped that everyone would cooperate.

  All the cleaners line up and let him identify one by one.

  Every time he sees a person, he will push the person away directly, and then the next one, looking very anxious.

  After [-] people watched it, they did not find the so-called drug dealer. Ni Xiaoxian apologized to the manager of the mall. The other party saw that Ni Xiaoxian was already a senior inspector at a young age, and he politely said that he should cooperate with the police action.

  When the two were talking, the killers who were disguised as cleaners left quickly because they had been notified that the target had been locked and they were ready to start.

  The little gangsters had already been settled, and Ni Xiaoxian was about to turn his attention to searching for the bandit leader Wang Jianjun, when chaos broke out in the shopping mall on the fourth floor.

  A killer sneaked into the locker room and was about to assassinate Yang Qianer who was changing clothes next door. Xu Zhengyang shot and killed the killer, scaring everyone around him to scream and avoid.

  "Police, don't move!"

  A Qiang took out a gun and pointed at Xu Zhengyang who had his back turned to him.

  Xu Zhengyang turned around and glanced at him helplessly.

  "Mr. Xu, why are you?"

  "Don't talk nonsense, take Miss Yang and come with me quickly, there are killers everywhere in this mall!"

  In the locker room, Yang Qianer was frightened by the sound of gunshots she suddenly remembered, so she hugged her head and squatted on the ground. Ah Qiang suddenly opened the curtain and barged in, pulling her out without saying a word.

  Xu Zhengyang walked in front and only reached the door of the store, when two killers approached, pulling out the gun and pulling the trigger.


  Xu Zhengyang landed Yang Qianer on the ground with a flying pounce, and at the same time shot the killer on the left in the chest.

  Immediately after the second shot, the killer on the right also had a bunch of blood blooms from his chest, and fell backwards to the ground.

  A Qiang held guns in both hands, and his face still kept the expression of disbelief before the shooting.

  It was obvious that the killer's gun was aimed at him first, but the strange thing was that he had already pulled the trigger, but the gun didn't go off. At the moment when the killer was stunned, Ah Qiang reacted and fired.

  Xu Zhengyang was protecting Yang Qian'er from getting up from the ground, but he didn't notice anything wrong, he just signaled Ah Qiang to leave quickly.

  The two guarded Yang Qianer out of the store, and they encountered five or six killers on the way. They were all killed by Xu Zhengyang before they could draw a gun. A Qiang, who was in charge of keeping an eye on the back, didn't fire a single shot.

  Xu Zhengyang originally wanted to take Yang Qianer directly down the escalator, but as soon as he appeared, five or six killers appeared upstairs, and he was about to shoot here with a gun, so he quickly retreated.

  The killer's gun didn't sound upstairs. After pressing the trigger a few times, they found that something was wrong. After removing the clip, they found that the bullet was missing.

  Looking at each other head-on, the gunshots rang out.

  After six shots in a row, the six killers who shot down each had a blood hole between their eyebrows, and fell leaning against the railing.

  Ni Xiaoxian came out of the elevator, holding a gun in his left hand, scaring the surrounding people to flee.

  "Police, all squat down and don't run around!"

  Just when Ni Xiaoxian showed his police certificate to maintain order, a cleaner who was squatting and holding his head suddenly took out a pistol with a muffler from a bucket and shot him twice in the back.

  It's a pity that there is no response at all when the trigger is pressed. The killer was wondering, Ni Xiaoxian raised his hand without looking back and shot.


  The killer fell head-on, dying without knowing why there was no bullet in his gun!

  And Ni Xiaoxian's .[-] has already fired six shots, why are there still bullets!

  Through the [detection radar], it was determined that the killers had already gone to the fourth floor, and Ni Xiaoxian told Xu Zhengyang to take the escalator directly through the walkie-talkie, and he took cover on it.


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Chapter 43 One-sided death [For collection]

  When Xu Zhengyang retreated from the stairs, he had already realized that something was wrong, but he couldn't think about the current situation, because two killers had already caught up, reaching into his arms to draw guns.

  There were two bangs.

  The two killers fell to the ground.Xu Zhengyang hid in a restaurant while protecting Yang Qianer, leaning against the pillar and starting to change the magazine.

  A Qiang stood guard at the door with a gun, and at the same time told the people in the store not to panic.

  All the diners, including the clerk, were so frightened that they squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands.

  One of the diners sitting opposite Xu Zhengyang took courage and looked up, met Xu Zhengyang's knife-like gaze, and immediately lowered his head in fright.

  Xu Zhengyang only regarded the other party as a daring diner, and didn't care too much. He turned his head to check the situation outside the store, and didn't notice that the other party's hand hidden under the dining table had secretly taken out a gun.

  Yang Qian'er was the first to notice what was wrong with the guy on the other side, and shouted, "Be careful!"

  At the same time, the killer on the opposite side disguised as a diner also pulled the trigger, but unfortunately it was empty.

  what happened?

  His face changed, and before he remembered to put the gun away, Xu Zhengyang kicked the table away, saw the gun in his hand, and raised his hand to shoot.


  The killer tilted his head and lay down on the chair.

  A Qiang heard that he rushed in and found that the killer here was dead.

  "Mr. Xu, it's not safe here, let's go quickly."

  "Wait a minute, take the killer's gun and check the magazine."

  A Qiang thought that Xu Zhengyang had run out of bullets, and immediately followed suit, but when he took out the magazine, he found that it was empty and had no bullets.


  At this time, Xu Zhengyang could not have guessed that it was Ni Xiaoxian's hand and foot, and he had personally experienced the other party's ability to steal things.

  Just then, the walkie-talkie in his arms rang.

  "110, the road has been cleaned up, you can go."

  "You took the bullet from the killer gun?"

  "What did you say?"

  "Stop pretending, do you already know the killer contact sign?"

  "There are two pens in the collar of the coat, one red and one black."

  "You've shot everyone down?"

  "Don't talk nonsense, if you see shooting directly, there are people in this mall. I don't know if there are any fish that slip through the net."

  Xu Zhengyang wanted to ask again. There were five gunshots outside the restaurant. He turned his head and saw that Ni Xiaoxian was holding a handful of .[-], killing the Quartet.

  Knowing that Ni Xiaoxian was helping him attract firepower, Xu Zhengyang no longer hesitated, and took Yang Qianer out.

  Coming to the escalator entrance on the other side of the fourth floor, two cleaners squatting on the ground caught Xu Zhengyang's attention.

  They have two pens in their chest pockets, and the description is exactly the same as what Ni Xiaoxian said.

  Because the other party didn't do anything, Xu Zhengyang hesitated for a while, and chose to pass by directly, at the same time quietly watching the two from the corner of his eyes.

  Sure enough, as soon as he passed, the two cleaners took out pistols with mufflers from their pockets, and were about to shoot when there were two gunshots, and they were shot in the head from behind.

  Liang Jianbo held a pistol, hiding behind Billy, and ran over quickly to join Xu Zhengyang.

  "Mr. Xu, I have met Sir Ni. He asked me to protect you and leave first."

  The three guarded Yang Qianer and Billy in a herringbone shape, and went up and down the escalator all the way to the second floor. There were already five or six killers waiting there.

  This time, Xu Zhengyang didn't hesitate, he shot and killed two people while he was still on the elevator. The other three killer guns were pulled out, and the guns of Xu Zhengyang, A Qiang, and Liang Jianbo rang together.

  Exactly one by one.

  "These killers feel good, they shoot so slowly."

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