"Dad, I don't understand, why do you value that Ni Xiaoxian so much, what's so good about him?"

  "Just because he is good at kung fu, one can beat you ten times!"

  "Bold kung fu is good, I'd rather let Da Dao play the leading role with me than work with that Ni Xiaoxian."

  "It's really a fight, I'm not sure I can win him." Li Jie smiled helplessly at Long Wei.

  Long Wei covered his forehead with his hands, his face speechless.

  "Besides, you lost your bet to someone else. You are such a big star, don't you want to default on your debt?"

  "Wow, no way"? "Long Wei leaned back in fright and looked at Uncle Long in disbelief: "Dad, if I admit defeat, I will call him a father. I don't want to have two fathers!" "

  "You think I think, what I mean is that you should worship Officer Ni as your master, and you will be a teacher for one day and a father for a lifetime. Isn't this way the problem will be solved?"

  "No way!" Longwei stood up from the sofa at once, "Isn't he just a little bit better at fighting, what qualifications does he have to be my teacher, if he wants to learn kung fu, I can let Da Dao teach me!"

  Li Jie finally helped Long Wei to say a word.

  "If you study hard from now on, you might not be able to achieve the same level as him."

  "Dad, you heard me, I'll start practicing from today, and I swear I won't stop defeating Ni Xiaoxian!"

  "Good son, have ambition!" Long Bo gave a thumbs up, "But you still have to worship Officer Ni as your master. This has nothing to do with your martial arts."

  "Dad, are you being funny? It doesn't matter how high your martial arts are. Do you want me to learn from him to be a policeman and catch a thief?"

  Long Bo took two puffs of his pipe angrily.

  "Hey! Dead wood can't be carved! If it's just to learn kung fu, of course I won't force you to apprentice, but there is one thing in Officer Ni that is better than kung fu, can you not see it at all?"

  "Is it because of his ability to pick up girls? I think that Officer Yang is very interested in him, but he ignores me. Does he have a special secret? Oh, Dad, what are you doing to hit me with a pipe?"

  "Pick up girls, pick up girls, all day long, you only know how to pick up girls. If you continue like this, sooner or later, you will be wasted on a woman's belly."

  Seeing Longwei being scolded, Li Jie couldn't bear it, and stood up to make a relief.

  "Long Bo, when you say Officer Ni's extraordinary ability, don't you mean that he can control the intensity of his beatings without hurting?"

  "Yes, I can still see the way with his kung fu, but he hits people without injury. I have never seen him, and I can't even figure out what happened."

  Li Jie felt the same way, and he wondered why Ni Xiaoxian practiced this.

  Long Wei said the truth in one sentence: "You are stupid, he is a policeman, of course he used torture to extract a confession, I can imagine how miserable it would be if a criminal fell into his hands, and he was beaten for nothing. No complaints yet."

  Long Bo and Li Jie looked at each other.

  The two preconceived that Ni Xiaoxian was a decent policeman, so they would not think about it at all, and Long Wei was hostile to Ni Xiaoxian from the beginning, so naturally he didn't mind the worst setting to speculate on each other.

  Accidentally, Long Wei told the truth.

  "Great!" Long Bo clapped his hands.

  This move confused Longwei.

  "Dad, you already know he's a bad cop, and you still want him to be my teacher?"

  "Tactics are just as good or bad as martial arts, it only cares about the person who uses it. You just said that Officer Ni used this trick to deal with bad guys. I think if he becomes your master, will this trick be very effective against you? "

  "¨〃Don't!" Longwei jumped and knelt in front of Uncle Long and hugged his leg tightly, "Dad, I don't want that wicked person to be my master, I don't want to be beaten to death by him."

  Long Bo lovingly touched Long Wei's head.

  "Son, you think too much. Officer Ni will beat people without incident. I believe he will be a very good teacher."

  Long Wei wanted to cry but had no tears. He knew earlier that Ni Xiaoxian would not have been tortured to extract a confession. Now that he is fine, it has all been fulfilled on himself.

  "Okay, don't act in front of me, wipe your tears, do you think I'm really cruel to send my son to be beaten? If I'm really cruel, your martial arts won't be wasted to the present. Like this."

  Long Wei immediately stood up from the ground and hugged Long Bo with relief.

  "Sure enough, Dad is still at home."

  "But the matter of apprenticeship is not negotiable, so don't get excited first, listen to my (good) words, why do I have to force you to apprentice? First of all, there really needs to be someone who can control you. , I can't even be bold, I can't do anything to you; more importantly, don't you realize that the biggest use of beating someone without injury is actually not in torture to extract confessions, but can be used for filming!"

  Long Bo looked at the people who were just waking up from a dream, and continued: "Especially Aaron, imagine how easy it will be to shoot action scenes if you learn this skill, and Long's overtime brothers will have less time for this. How many injuries have you suffered? The key is that you can only do this style, not to mention that it is popular all over Asia, it will be a matter of time to get into Hollywood!"

  Hearing the word "Hollywood", Longwei's eyes suddenly lit up.

  At this moment, what he thought of was not the scenery of filming in Hollywood, but those hot big Yankees.

  "I have decided, I must worship Officer Ni Xiaoxian as my teacher!".

Chapter 113 Big News (5/6)

  "Big news! Big news!"

  The TV director, Idiot Li, ran in with his big brother in hand, his small eyes glowing excitedly behind his spectacles.

  "I just received a call from the head of the station, and Longwei's agent announced that Longwei will have a big event at the Western District Police Station at noon today!"

  Le Huizhen, who was rushing to make a piece of news, raised her head, frowned and asked, "Is the news reliable?"

  "Of course it's reliable. The director told us to prepare immediately and get a good position in advance. It would be even better if we could get the exclusive news!"

  "No way, Longwei jumped off the building and jumped to the police station in the West District?" the photographer next to him interjected.

  "You idiot, how could the police station approve him to do this kind of thing, he must do something else." The idiot Li was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he directly asked Le Huizhen to quickly put on makeup and set off in half an hour.

  As if Le Huizhen didn't hear him, she sat there in a daze, not responding at all.

  I couldn't help thinking in my heart, shouldn't this matter have anything to do with Ni Xiaoxian?

  The last time she learned of Ni Xiaoxian's identity in the public relations department, Le Huizhen did a serious investigation after she came back, and the result shocked her.

  There are various indications that Ni Xiaoxian 487 is directly related to at least three major cases reported by the police recently, which means that his promotion is really not based on the background, but the promotion based on his ability.

  Even if the upgrade is fast, this guy was selected by the Public Relations Division to become the image spokesperson for the Hong Kong Island Police's publicity.

  My own videotape is completely irresistible.

  When he came back to his senses, he found that the greasy and wretched face of Idiot Li was in front of him.

  "I found it strange that you jumped off the building from the last on-site interview with Long Wei. Why, did you like some man?"


  Le Huizhen raised her hand to poke Idiot Li's eyes.

  The idiot tilted his head and ducked.

  Before she could be proud, Le Huizhen stepped down on the instep with her high heels.

  In the Western District Police Station, a large group of reporters surrounded the entrance early in the morning. The police who were not clear about the situation thought that there was another major case in their jurisdiction.

  "What did you say? Are these reporters here to interview Long Wei?"

  Sir Huang turned to look at the heads of various departments who were called into the office, and asked who (cfci) had arrested Long Wei.

  Look at me across from me, I'll look at you, no one makes a sound.

  The secretary reminded in a low voice: "Sir Huang, Officer Ni of the serious crime team is not here, could it be that his people detained Long Wei?"

  Ni Xiaoxian is filming with Long Wei, why is he arresting Long Wei?

  Sir Huang dismissed this possibility without even thinking about it.

  "Call the public relations department and ask them to ask Longwei's agent what's going on!"


  Just as the police station was looking for the public relations department to implement the situation, Longwei's newly bought Rolls-Royce just drove into the West District Police Station.

  The Long family class martial masters who got on and off in the front and rear cars formed a human wall to keep the reporters out.

  Li Jie opened the rear door and helped Long Bo get out of the car.

  Long Wei got out of the car on the other side, and before he had time to put on his sunglasses, a row of long guns and short cannons began to take pictures, and the flash couldn't stop at all.

  "Mr. Long Wei, have you been summoned by the police when you went to the Western District Police Station this time?"

  "Mr. Longwei, there is a newspaper saying that you raped underage girls after drinking. Is it true?"

  "Mr. Longwei, is someone pretending to be your illegitimate son to recognize your relatives?"

  Charlie Cao got out of the passenger seat and blocked the reporter's microphone.

  "Don't get me wrong, Long Wei came to the Western District Police Station this time to complete a major event in his life, and it has nothing to do with the things you said. I hope you don't spread rumors!"

  There was Charlie Cao dealing with reporters. Long Wei turned around and was about to enter the police station building when he suddenly heard the voice of a female reporter behind him.

  "Mr. Long Wei, did you come to the Western District Police Station to find Officer Ni Xiaoxian from the serious crime team?"

  Damn, the news leaked so quickly?

  Long Wei was about to speed up his pace, when the martial master Long Family Class, who acted as a bodyguard, suddenly whispered in his ear:

  "Big brother, it's a beauty!"

  Long Wei shook his head handsomely, turned around, and saw Le Huizhen in the crowd at a glance.

  A short white trench coat, a short skirt with hips, and long and straight legs on high heels.

  This leg Longwei feels that he can play for a year!

  Not to mention this bumpy figure, this baby face that I feel pity for is simply superb!

  Long Wei tilted his head and motioned for the martial masters of the Long family to let Le Huizhen come over and prepare to be interviewed by her alone.

  Squeezing out the crowd, Le Huizhen walked towards Longwei with the cameraman.

  The idiot who stayed in the crowd helped the glasses that were squeezed crookedly, and his face was full of excitement.

  This is the rhythm of getting the scoop.

  "Mr. Long Wei, I heard that you are co-producing a movie with Officer Ni Xiaoxian of the Western District Police Department's Serious Crime Team. Can you introduce the situation of the movie?"

  "Yes, my new film has received strong support from the Hong Kong Island Police, and I am even more fortunate to have Chief Inspector Ni Xiaoxian as the hero of this film. This is a new style work that is completely different from my previous films. I believe it must be A huge surprise for everyone.”

  Le Huizhen wanted to ask again, but the cameraman behind him had been taken away by the martial masters of the Long family class.

  Longwei rubbed his hands with a smile and leaned forward.

  "Beauty, what's your name?"

  "Le Huizhen."

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