"Master, you are here!"

  "Thank you!"

  Ni Xiaoxian took the champagne that Longwei handed over, and at the same time Le Huizhen also took another glass from Longwei's hand, which Longwei was going to keep for himself.

  Damn, he was actually treated as a waiter!

  In the end, Long Wei, who had no wine in his hand, could only watch Ni Xiaoxian raise his glass to him with a smile, took a sip and continued to walk forward with the glass in his hand.


  A hand on Longwei's shoulder interrupted him.

  Turning around, it was Li Jie.

  "Bold, how did you get in?"

  Long Wei was full of surprise.

  "Miss Yang was suddenly not feeling well. She added an invitation card, and Officer Ni brought me in with me."

  "Then the beauty beside him?"

  "I met you at the door."


  Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past Longwei in an instant.

  Is this possible?

  "Don't stop me, I'll go to the bathroom and cry for a while!" Long Wei patted Li Jie on the shoulder and turned to find a place to soothe his hurt heart.

  It hits people too much.

  Just a few steps forward, a tall and slender beauty suddenly appeared next to him, holding two glasses of champagne and blocking Long Wei's way.

  Hollow lace black dress, long black straight hair, and wearing Longwei's favorite black silk, Longwei's heart began to thump 3.8 in an instant.

  He felt like his goal for the night had finally come.

  "Frankie, the reception is about to start, where are you going?"

  The whistling tone of voice instantly made Longwei's bones soften by two points.

  "Beauty, what's your name? Have you seen the movie I acted in?"

  "You bastard, people are your fans! Just call me Feifei!"

  "Feifei, the reception is so boring. I booked a presidential suite at the hotel. I'll take you to study movies, okay? Let me tell you, there have been two excellent movies from the island country recently. I'm sure you want to watch them after watching them!"

  "I hate it!" The black-dressed beauty calmly pressed Long Wei's hand down to touch her ass, "I want to see the Tsar's jewelry, but I'm so lonely, can you be someone's male companion?" .

Chapter 126 The Showdown Of The Best Actors, Mutual Acting (6/6)

  "This..." Long Wei hesitated for a moment.

  With his character, he is not very willing to do this kind of thing of giving up the whole forest because of one tree. His usual principle is that I am tired of logging!But after seeing top beauties like Yang Qian'er and Le Huizhen, the woman in front of him was the one that caught his eye a little during the entire reception.

  For the great cause of gunfighting, he decided to sacrifice his principles a little.

  "Okay, I'll be your boyfriend."

  "Great!" Feifei hugged Longwei's arm, "Being with you, my friends feel safe!"

  "Yeah, yeah, I really want to give you a lot of condoms... no, feel safe."

  Long Wei accidentally missed his mouth, which caused Feifei to complain.

  Taking advantage of the gap when Longwei's attention was attracted by a passing beauty, Feifei's eyes froze.

  Huaxin big radish, wait and see how I clean up you!

  "By the way, Frankie, I heard that you took a very good policeman as a teacher. Is he here today?"

  "I saw the handsome guy over there standing with the woman in the pink dress and the black gauze skirt. No 27, that's my master, how's it going, he's amazing, isn't he?"

  Long Wei was referring to picking up girls, but Feifei was thinking of Ni Xiaoxian's dreaded identity.

  More than [-] terrorists and killers died in his hands. If he didn't take the credit, then this person is really very dangerous.

  Of course, the doctor has also analyzed with you before. Ni Xiaoxian is estimated to be a sharpshooter, so his record is so sturdy.

  This time the reception had to go through the security gate, so Ni Xiaoxian would definitely not be able to carry the gun with him, and the threat level plummeted.

  However, out of prudence, the doctor decided to let Feifei explore Ni Xiaoxian's bottom through Longwei first.

  "Frankie, Officer Ni is really good in actual combat? Better than you?"

  Long Wei originally wanted to say that of course, Ni Xiaoxian hitting him ten times is no problem, but then he thought about it, he was picking up girls, how could he tell his girl that other people are amazing?

  Master, I'm sorry, I'm telling lies against my heart just to applaud with the beauties!

  "My master is actually a little bit better than me. He's really good at marksmanship, BiuBiuBiu, if you grab one, there's no false shot, I'm different, I'm a machine gun, swipe, swipe a lot. Little tadpole, everyone who tried it said I was very good!"

  "I hate it!"

  Feifei pretended not to care about Longwei's words, but secretly nodded to a man with a big back not far away.

  Threat lifted!

  The man on the back held a wine glass and walked towards Ni Xiaoxian who was surrounded by a group of people with a smile.

  "Officer Ni, I have long admired my name, by the way, your girlfriend today is so beautiful!"

  In one sentence, Ni Xiaoxian and Le Huizhen beside him were complimented.

  Ni Xiaoxian said sorry to the other guests who came to greet him, and turned to look at the strange man who took the initiative to greet him.

  This hairstyle with a big back is really not something that just one person can control.

  Especially in the eyes of a later generation like Ni Xiaoxian, who does not look greasy with his back combed, but shows a personable man, the god of gamblers is considered one, and the man in front of him is the second.

  If it weren't for the red-light warning sign on the [Detection Radar], Ni Xiaoxian would never have thought that this handsome man in front of him was his target this time - a doctor!

  "Your surname, sir."

  "My surname is Wang. Officer Ni can call me Doctor Wang."

  "Doctor or Doctor?"

  "Doctor of Medicine, but I've changed careers for several years and am now in the medical device business."

  "Mr. Wang, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

  Ni Xiaoxian shook hands with the doctor, and both of them were observing each other secretly.

  There are calluses on the index finger and the tiger's mouth on the right hand.

  The joints are not prominent, so he should rarely practice boxing, and his fighting skills should be very general.

  At the moment of shaking hands, the doctor analyzed Ni Xiaoxian's strength roughly.

  "Darling, I'll go say hello to my friends, you can chat."

  Le Huizhen originally just wanted to use the identity of Ni Xiaoxian's female companion to cover up her candid photography at the reception. At this moment, her purpose has been achieved, and she just took the opportunity to escape.

  "Okay, I'll find you later."

  Seeing the back of Le Huizhen leaving, the doctor clicked his tongue.

  The breasts are very tall, and they are superb at first glance, and looking at this walking posture, it is definitely a good thing.

  "Officer Ni, this beautiful female companion of yours should have just gotten started, right?"

  Ni Xiaoxian looked at the doctor in surprise.

  "I didn't expect that Mr. Wang is actually a fellow man!"


  The doctor raised his glass humbly, and he did have a lot of experience when it comes to playing with women

  Seeing that Ni Xiaoxian was interested in this topic, the doctor began to talk about his experience with women, and also commented on the female guests present.

  "In the whole reception today, the most punctual thing is Officer Ni's female companion. I originally heard that Yang Qianer, a lady from Hong Kong Island, would also come to the reception, but I didn't see it for some reason. Besides, I was with Long Wei over there. The girl I was with was also nice."

  Seeing Ni Xiaoxian looking towards him, Long Wei hugged Feifei and waved his hand excitedly.

  Ni Xiaoxian retracted his gaze, looked at the doctor and smiled: "My apprentice is really liked by 373 women."

  What a doctor!How dare you judge another accomplice in front of yourself!

  I have to say that this guy is really bold and confident.

  Especially for this acting, you can go directly to the Oscar winner.

  "Officer Ni, it seems that we really hit it off. I know a place with a lot of beautiful women, and I have the opportunity to play together another day."

  Ni Xiaoxian pretended to agree, but in the end he held back.

  "Forget it, my identity is not suitable for those occasions."

  The doctor slapped his forehead.

  "It's my fault, it doesn't matter. Go to my house. I will invite all those beauties. There will never be any rumors leaking out."

  Ni Xiaoxian showed a meaningful smile, neither agreeing nor denying.

  This reaction is very consistent with the way doctors used to approach those high-level officials. When a bitch has to set up a torii, this kind of person is best dealt with.

  The doctor smiled slightly and was about to further deceive Ni Xiaoxian's trust when the host of the reception walked to the microphone and stood still, attracting the attention of everyone present.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, Nicholas II Jewelry Appreciation, now officially begins!"

  PS: Ask for automatic subscriptions and flowers!Thank you for your subscription support! .

Chapter 127 Mantis Catches Cicadas, Oriole Behind (1/6)

  The red cloth was lifted, and three glass safes slowly rose.

  A crown studded with various precious stones, a dazzling necklace and a scepter topped with a huge sapphire dazzled the guests present.

  Le Huizhen approached the glass cabinet, her eyes full of amazement.

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