The two of them were very happy.

Yin Tianchou heard Jiang Lai's words and saw that Jiang Lai didn't seem to be joking.

He immediately became interested and stared at Jiang Lai with shining eyes, saying: "Mr. Jiang, can you tell me in detail?"

Except Yin Tianchou, including Hua Zai, the rest of the people looked at Jiang Lai with doubtful eyes.

They didn't know whether Jiang Lai really planned to plan a movie by himself or just said it casually.

After all, it was the first time for Jiang Lai to come to the crew. After he came, he grabbed someone and said that he wanted to make a movie, and he also asked him to be the protagonist of his movie. What's more outrageous is that Jiang Lai didn't even have a script, and said that he wanted to make a kung fu movie. What a guy, just named it: "Kung Fu! ! !

How unreliable is this?

Judging from these behaviors, they all remain skeptical about Jiang Lai's plan to make a movie.

Even Gang Sheng thought that this might just be Jiang Lai's idea on a whim.

However, who says Jiang Lai is the boss? When he said he wanted to make a movie, others would not say much even if they were skeptical, let alone stand up to oppose.

"Of course! Let me tell you, although I can't write a script, my mind is full of plots." Jiang Lai followed Yin Tianchou's words and prepared to tell the plot in his mind.

He had watched the movie Kung Fu at least ten times in his previous life, and he was quite clear about the plot of the whole movie.

Just as Jiang Lai was about to start orally narrating the plot, he suddenly thought of something and turned his head to look in the direction of Du Juan'er.

Everyone thought Jiang Lai was looking at Du Juan'er, but he didn't expect Jiang Lai to directly speak to the man next to Du Juan'er: "That guy... the director, right?"

The director was stunned and quickly responded: "Yes... yes!"

"Find a notebook and a pen!" Jiang Lai ordered him.

"Okay... okay!" The director didn't know what Jiang Lai was going to do, and responded subconsciously.

Then, he took out a small notebook from his body, and then pulled out a pen from the small cloth bag on his chest.

In less than half a minute, the things Jiang Lai ordered were all done at once.

Jiang Lai's eyes lit up when he saw this, this guy has something!!!

"When I talk later, you write down everything I say with a pen, understand?" Jiang Lai pointed at the director and ordered.

As the saying goes, a good memory is not as good as a bad pen. After thinking about it, Jiang Lai felt that he should ask someone to record the content of the plot he told, so that he would not have to repeat it too much.

"Ah?" The director was stunned and subconsciously said.

"Ah, brother Lai asked you to remember, so you remember it!!" Wuying slapped him on the back of his head and gave him a big slap.

Wuying's slap was not heavy, but it just made the director's head bury.

After raising his head, the director responded helplessly: "Oh!"

Although he was the director in the crew and had the final say, he could not afford to offend anyone in this office.

Seeing this, Jiang Lai did not say much.

As for why Jiang Lai chose him, it was because among the people present, he was the only one who looked like a cultured person.

After getting ready, Jiang Lai began to narrate the plot of the movie Kung Fu.

Jiang Lai, based on his memory, described the gangster Ah Xing's initial eloquence and cunningness in a vivid way, occasionally revealing one or two classic jokes, which made everyone in the office laugh.

When Jiang Lai had told half of the story, no one doubted the authenticity of Jiang Lai's plan to shoot this movie.

In the office, Yin Tianchou's strange screams and the director's rustling of writing could be heard from time to time.

Whenever Jiang Lai talked about some of the plots that he was vague about, Yin Tianchou even expressed his own opinions from time to time.

He had his own understanding of the development of some plots, dialogues, and character settings, and he became more and more excited about the plots that Jiang Lai told.

What made Jiang Lai quite emotional was that Yin Tianchou's own imagination of the plot could perfectly overlap with the plot in Jiang Lai's mind.

Afterwards, Jiang Lai told the story of how Ah Xing went from being an unknown gangster to a peerless master, and how he fought a fierce battle with Huoyun Evil God and finally defeated the ultimate killer Huoyun Evil God.

Until Jiang Lai told the story of Kung Fu

After one time, everyone came back to their senses from the wonderful plot, and their eyes looking at Jiang Lai also changed.

Only one person was already sweating profusely!!

"Huh!" The director put down the pen in his hand and put the notebook on the coffee table.

He shook his arms vigorously and exhaled a long breath, as if he had exhausted all his energy.

"Mr. Jiang, I have another doubt!" Yin Tianchou thought about the plot Jiang Lai told in his mind and raised a little doubt to Jiang Lai.

"You say!" Jiang Lai motioned him to speak directly.

"It's what you asked for, to show the scene of Huoyun Evil God catching the bullet with his bare hands in a real way. With the current shooting level, it may not be easy to present it!!" Yin Tianchou thought and put forward his own opinion.

"Don't worry about this. I have already selected the role of Huoyun Evil God. I guarantee that the scene shot will be real enough!!" Jiang Lai said confidently.

"Mr. Jiang, can I play the heroine of this movie!!" Du Juan'er couldn't help asking after hearing the conversation between Jiang Lai and Yin Tianchou. She was also moved by the plot of this movie.

Although she was only playing a mute girl and didn't have a single line, Du Juan'er still wanted to give it a try.

"You?" Jiang Lai looked at Du Juan'er and shook his head gently.

Although Du Juan'er's image was not bad, he had a preconceived idea and didn't intend to let Du Juan'er play the heroine.

So he said, "I heard that the movie being filmed now is built around you, so you should shoot this movie well. I will find someone else to play the heroine of Kung Fu!"

"This... okay!" Hearing Jiang Lai's refusal, Du Juan'er was a little disappointed, but thinking that Jiang Lai's words did make sense, she stopped talking.

"What about the director? Can I direct this movie?" The director couldn't help but interrupt at this time. He recorded the entire plot and was very optimistic about the movie Kung Fu.

"Director, I already have a better candidate!" Jiang Lai also rejected his request.

"Oh? Can I ask who Mr. Jiang plans to let direct this movie?" The director was puzzled. The current film and television industry is so small, and Jiang Lai said that there are better candidates than him, which also made him curious about who Jiang Lai plans to let direct this movie.

"Let him do it!" Jiang Lai raised his chin and gestured to Yin Tianchou.

"Me?" Yin Tianchou saw Jiang Lai's action and pointed at himself with disbelief.

"Well, you are not a director, a gold medal screenwriter, and a producer. You can direct and act in this movie yourself, right?" Jiang Lai asked back as a matter of course.

Yin Tianchou's surprised expression could no longer be hidden, and he responded tremblingly: "No... no problem!!"

"From today on, you will follow me, and tell me anytime if you need anything, how about it?" Jiang Lai said with a smile.

"Really? Being able to follow Brother Lai is a blessing that I have cultivated for ten lifetimes!!!" Yin Tianchou responded excitedly.

Jiang Lai was happy to hear this.

He patted Yin Tianchou on the shoulder and encouraged him: "Haha, come on, I'm rooting for you!!"

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