After the old man gave an order to the people in the fortress, he turned around and walked into the fortress.

The people in the fortress saw that the old man had spoken, looked at each other, and didn't say anything more.

Soon, these people dispersed and did what they should do.

"Let's go!" Jiang Lai ordered Wang Jianjun and others, and also followed the old man and walked towards the fortress.

The roads in the fortress were very narrow, and the air was filled with various smells, including the aroma of fried food, the smell of oil smoke from street stalls, the smell of animal and human feces, and the stench of garbage.

Jiang Lai looked around and found that the buildings here were very dilapidated, the walls were covered with mottled marks, and the streets were filled with various debris.

Wang Jianjun seemed to see Jiang Lai's discomfort and whispered: "This is a slum, the environment is relatively poor."

Jiang Lai nodded and frowned slightly, mainly because of the smell, which was too bad.

However, Jiang Lai could understand.

After all, Kowloon Walled City, as the most densely populated area in Hong Kong, has dozens of buildings standing in an area that is only the size of four football fields.

The environment here is naturally not comparable to other prosperous areas in Hong Kong.

However, Jiang Lai himself is not a spoiled young man, and he quickly adapted to the environment here.

After entering the walled city, Jiang Lai and others followed the old man and the young man named Xinyi and walked for more than ten minutes.

Jiang Lai almost couldn't remember how many alleys he had walked.

The whole fortress seemed like a maze, with dilapidated buildings closely adjacent to each other, shabby curtains hanging on the windows, and occasionally dim lights inside, and every alley looked very similar.

"Brother, this is today's newspaper!" When passing by a corner of the fortress, a group of children were playing. After seeing the old man, a slightly older child in shabby clothes immediately ran up and handed him a newspaper.

The old man took the newspaper from the child's hand, stroked his little head with a kind face, and whispered: "Thank you, little brat!"

After hearing the old man's words of thanks, the child wanted to say a few more words.

But when he saw Jiang Lai and others standing behind the old man, a trace of fear suddenly appeared on his face. He just grinned at the old man, and then turned around and ran away like a frightened deer.

The old man looked at the child's back as he left, shook his head helplessly, then put the newspaper under his armpit, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one of them, and lit it with a lighter.

He took a deep breath, let the smoke stay in his lungs for a moment, and then slowly exhaled.

As the smoke rose, the old man murmured to himself: "These children living in such a place are already pitiful enough. I really don't want anyone to disturb their growth again..."

His voice was a little low and firm, as if he was making some kind of warning to Jiang Lai and others.

Jiang Lai did not respond to the words, but cast his eyes to the corner of the alley.

At the corner of the alley, between several mottled and rough walls, there was a faint sound of children's laughter and laughter.

These children seemed to be completely unaware of the simplicity and dilapidated environment around them.

On the contrary, for them, this small corner seemed to have become the only paradise where they could freely release their nature.

They can run, chase, play and enjoy the happiness brought by this small world of their own.


Just when Jiang Lai was distracted, one or two stray cats rushed out from the dark corner, their eyes alert and deep, like the ghost messengers of this fortress.

The children's crisp and innocent laughter formed a sharp contrast with the cries of stray cats.

"Children growing up here may also be a kind of helplessness for their parents!" Jiang Lai said calmly.

The old man couldn't help but stop when he heard Jiang Lai's words.

He turned his head slowly and stared at Jiang Lai for a moment with his deep eyes.

Then he shook his head and said with emotion: "People are born different, and helplessness is also destined!"



After the old man finished speaking, he exhaled a puff of smoke, couldn't help coughing twice, then turned around and walked forward.


There is nothing to treat you here. If there is any special food, it may only be barbecued pork rice, which is pretty good! "The old man said in a flat tone while walking with his back to Jiang Lai and others.

After he finished speaking, he turned his head again, glanced at Jiang Lai, and continued: "If you don't mind... just follow me!"

Hearing the old man's words, Jiang Lai nodded, didn't say much, just followed him silently.

After speaking, the old man continued to walk forward.

Jiang Lai and others followed his steps, crossed several narrow streets again, and came to a dilapidated building.

The old man led Jiang Lai and others to stop in front of the dilapidated building.

Jiang Lai slowly raised his head and his eyes extended along the line of sight.

His eyes fell on the dilapidated building, above which hung a slightly old sign.

The wooden surface of the sign had lost its former glory, showing a kind of A faint mottled color. However, the four words "Aqi Ice House" written on it are still clearly visible.

Walking into the room, the light in the room is a little dim, but the layout inside can still be seen clearly.

In the room, in addition to the shabby tables, there is also a middle-aged man with a waist and a shiny head. There are several pots of steaming barbecued pork in front of his chopping board.

The rich aroma continues to drift around, filling the entire room, like an invisible hand, constantly teasing the taste buds of Jiang Lai and others, making people salivate.

"Aqi, make a few signature barbecued pork rice!" The old man walked up and ordered the boss called Aqi inside.

While speaking, the old man turned his head to look at Jiang Lai and asked: "Do you want to add an egg? "

The tone of the old man's speech was like he was entertaining his good friend, without any intention of being distant.

Such an attitude also made Jiang Lai a little stunned.


Jiang Lai responded subconsciously.

The old man smiled slightly and said to the boss again: "Aqi, add an egg per person!"


"Sit down, don't be polite!" The old man pointed to a few chairs beside the table and said to Jiang Lai and others with a smile: "Don't look at the environment here. The barbecued pork rice here tastes good!"

Jiang Lai smelled the fragrance in the air and nodded slightly.

After expressing his response, Jiang Lai reached out and pulled a chair, and sat down slowly and gracefully.

At the same time, Wang Jianjun and others also found a seat and sat down one by one.

There was no extra verbal communication during the whole process, but everyone's eyes and expressions revealed a subtle atmosphere.

"Do you smoke? "After everyone sat down, the old man took out his cigarette box again, picked out a cigarette, and asked Jiang Lai politely.


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