After the two of them left, they were in a hurry.

"Wait for me there, I'll be there soon!" Jiang Lai said, and immediately went to the location Dongdong mentioned.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lai arrived at the destination according to the route Dongdong said.

There were few people near the factory, and the entire factory was covered by dense jungle.

Several factory buildings were surrounded, with a large open space in the middle. Compared with the scene in my memory, it was indeed here.

Due to the long-term abandonment, the entire factory area looked dilapidated, full of a dead and empty atmosphere, and the walls had long been mottled and discolored under the erosion of the years.

Near the abandoned factory, in addition to the birds' calls, the only sound may be the whistling sound of the wind passing through the empty factory area.

This quiet atmosphere even made Jiang Lai's brothers feel a sense of oppression and loneliness.

"Boss?" Dongdong looked at Jiang Lai with some doubts. He didn't know why the boss asked them to find this place. There was nothing nearby.

Jiang Lai didn't say anything, but continued to look around. After a while, he said;

"Well, brothers, you have worked hard. Here is 20,000 yuan. Take it and divide it among the brothers. Let them go back first!"

Jiang Lai felt relieved after finding the place. The next step was to make a good layout in advance.

"Okay, boss!" Dongdong took the money from Jiang Lai and distributed it to the brothers below.

"Thank you, boss!"

"Thank you, boss!"

After receiving the money, the brothers were also delighted. This money was much easier than fighting.

"Well, remember not to make a fuss!" Jiang Lai nodded to them and continued to remind them.

"Don't worry, boss!" The brothers also responded.

Although they didn't know why the boss was looking for this place, as younger brothers, they would not ask questions.

"Dongdong, what do you think about us setting up a garment factory here?" Jiang Lai looked at the factory area and asked thoughtfully.

Although it is now dilapidated, it is large enough. After renovating it, it is also a good place.

"Garment factory?" Dongdong was a little confused by Jiang Lai's idea. Did the boss find this place just to set up a factory?

If it was to set up a factory, would it be so mysterious?

Although he didn't know Jiang Lai's idea, Dongdong still answered honestly: "Boss, the environment and location here are good, I think it's good!"

Well! Jiang Lai couldn't deny Dongdong's words.

"Okay, then you go and ask around later to see if you can take it down!" Jiang Lai said to Dongdong while looking at the environment of the factory area.

"Okay, boss!" Dongdong responded to Jiang Lai's order.

"Okay, you take the brothers back first, I will go back later!" Jiang Lai prepared to observe carefully to see how to arrange the personnel more reasonably.

He planned to ambush here in advance, and take down Sasaki and his group in advance after they arrived.

After Jiang Lai finished speaking, Dongdong nodded to Jiang Lai, and then left with a few brothers.

Jiang Lai was the only one left in the entire factory.

Jiang Lai walked around the entire factory, inside and out, and investigated the entire factory and the surrounding environment.

Then he returned to Tung Choi Street.

Jiang Lai summoned Li Hua and others, told them his arrangements, and asked all the personnel to bring their weapons.

In a blink of an eye, it was the last deadline that Sasaki gave Abu.

In the movie, Abu should arrive in Hong Kong tonight, and then come as agreed, and fight against Sasaki's brothers with bare hands, so there was a wonderful scene of one against a hundred.

Jiang Lai also called Abu, but the call was not connected.

Jiang Lai also understood Abu's idea.

On the edge of the abandoned factory, a weedy open space formed a sharp contrast with the concrete floor of the factory. The weeds swayed in the wind, and the branches and leaves of the trees began to rustle.

Jiang Lai and his 100 thugs in suits had already ambushed around the factory in advance. Some hid in the bushes in the open space, some used the walls of the abandoned factory as cover, and some were responsible for controlling the commanding heights and observing the surrounding environment at all times.

The younger brothers in black suits hid in various shadow corners of the factory. They tried to keep their breathing and heartbeats stable, as if they had merged with the surrounding environment.

Jiang Lai and two younger brothers hid behind the wall on the second floor, which was where Sasaki hung Xiaohe.

Behind the position where he stood up, he waited quietly.

Unconsciously, the sky began to be overcast, a gloomy atmosphere spread, the air became dull, as if an invisible pressure was slowly descending.

Large clouds began to roll in the sky, and the breeze blew from all directions, bringing a damp breath. The buildings in the factory area and the surrounding grass were shrouded by the gloomy sky, and they seemed particularly quiet.

As the sun set, it began to drizzle. On the horizon, a flash of lightning broke through the night sky.

At this time, the sound of soles hitting the ground gradually sounded, and a large number of footsteps came towards the factory area.

Jiang Lai moved his ears, narrowed his eyes, and observed secretly in the corner.

The leader, dressed in red, fluttering his sleeves, was coquettish and wanton. Against the backdrop of many younger brothers, he looked outstanding, majestic, and full of strong and shining light.

Behind him, a large number of people in black followed closely, as if they felt the coming of the storm, and they moved quickly towards the factory area.

It was Sasaki Miho and his group who came.

As the night deepened, Jiang Lai and his group quietly ambushed around the factory area, without making any sound, and their figures were also shrouded in shadows. The younger brothers hid in the dilapidated factory buildings, rooftops, and bushes.

A huge encirclement was formed in all directions, covering Sasaki and his group.

With the arrival of Sasaki, the rain in the sky began to drip. After a while, the raindrops fell like stones, hitting the abandoned factory buildings, cold faces, and grass and trees.

The falling raindrops made a dull sound. In such weather, even the moonlight was blocked by thick clouds, as if it meant the coming of a fierce battle.

Sasaki and others also checked the factory after arriving. Perhaps they did not expect that there would be an ambush here, and because of the weather, they did not explore too carefully.

Jiang Lai and others in the shadows were unaware.

Although the factory building had been abandoned, the circuit was still intact. After trying for a long time, Sasaki's people actually connected the lights in the factory area. For a moment, the light cut through the darkness.

"Hang her up!" Sasaki pointed at Xiaohe and ordered his younger brother.

After hearing this, the younger brother tied Xiaohe's hands, pulled her up, and hung her straight under the light, so that Abu could see more clearly.

And Jiang Lai also noticed that Sasaki brought more than a hundred people, and some of them were carrying guns.

But there were not many hot weapons, only some of her confidants who were close to her, and their waists were bulging, which should be pistols.

"Do you think he will come to save you?" Sasaki asked casually to the hung Xiaohe.

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