The sky was filled with heavy rain, and every drop of rain fell heavily on the ground like a stone. Except for the sound of raindrops, the whole factory was filled with a heavy sense of silence. Everyone was waiting for the arrival of that man. Lightning cut through the night, and under the illumination of lightning, Abu's figure gradually emerged. Abu walked slowly towards the factory, his steps were steady, like a rock, his clenched fists and cold eyes revealed endless determination. He was greeted by two rows of densely packed black-clothed brothers, which formed a sharp contrast with Abu's loneliness. Everyone's eyes followed Abu's steps forward. There was also a cold light in the eyes of Sasaki's many brothers. Everyone knew that if they didn't defeat this man, they would all die here.

Abu walked towards the place where Xiaohe was hanging with a firm look in his eyes. He didn't retreat at all, he didn't fear, he only had a firm look and fearless courage.

He was like a wild beast at this moment, ready to tear all the enemies apart.

When Abu walked into the crowd, Sasaki waved his hand, and hundreds of brothers rushed up like a tide.

Because of Jiang Lai, Sasaki didn't hit Xiaohe with a stick this time.

Facing the crowd rushing up, Abu was fearless. He jumped up and kicked the person in the front with a spring kick. The man was kicked out by Abu and knocked down a large group of people behind him. Before Abu landed, he directly used the force in the air and kicked the two people close to him with a left and right roundhouse kick.

There were too many people, leaving Abu no chance to catch his breath. After Abu landed, the people behind him followed one after another. After knocking down one person with a hook punch, he elbowed the person behind him.

Abu kept swinging his fists and feet, and every move was full of strength and skill. People kept falling under Abu's fists and feet. At this moment, Abu exploded with amazing lethality.

However, there were so many people that even if Abu tried his best, his space for movement was getting smaller and smaller. In addition, in order to knock Abu down, the little brothers under Sasaki used extremely vicious and cruel moves, which made Abu unable to defend himself.

As a last resort, Abu began to move quickly, sometimes dodging the opponent's attack, and sometimes taking the opportunity to counterattack.

At the same time, Abu moved to a higher place, like a swift cheetah, and climbed to the top of the building in a few moves. Taking advantage of the terrain, Abu used defense as offense, and with his superb martial arts skills, he knocked down the people chasing him one after another.

Even though there were heavy casualties, the remaining people were still fearless and rushed towards Abu. Tonight, it was either you or me.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

People were constantly knocked down by Abu, and the falling figures hit the ground, making a dull sound of collision and splashing water. Many people began to fall to the ground and wailed, unable to get up.

After constantly swinging his fists and feet and consuming a lot of physical strength, Abu gradually became weak and began to get injured. Although Abu tried his best to avoid the vital parts, he could not avoid being hit in other parts and was hit several times.

The pain in his body seemed to stimulate Abu. His moves became more fierce, and his strength and speed increased again. Many of his brothers were knocked down by him, but there were still people who kept besieging him.

Faced with such a situation, Abu began to dodge constantly. In the high-rise buildings, he jumped and rolled flexibly, sometimes left and sometimes right, sometimes rolling, sometimes jumping, sometimes flying into the air, jumping his body, dancing with his fists and feet, and each move accurately hit the opponent's vital points.


After repelling one attack, Abu took a deep breath, and the rain flowed into Abu's respiratory tract along the air. The cool feeling gave his hot lungs a little relief.

Without any distraction, Abu focused on dealing with the enemy in front of him. Constant attacks and dodging made him feel exhausted, but he knew he had to hold on.

Abu focused on dealing with every enemy. The rain mixed with sweat slid down Abu's forehead and nose. A lot of physical strength was lost, and Abu's body load was almost at its limit.

Abu's vision began to blur due to the rain and sweat. More attacks fell on him. Abu fought back, but was dragged off the platform and fell heavily to the ground.

"Cough! Cough!" Abu endured the pain and coughed up a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth. Then he stood up exhausted and faced the incoming attacks.

Even though Abu was exhausted, the remaining brothers were no match for Abu and were knocked to the ground one by one.

In the end, Abu used all his strength to defeat the last opponent. He fell to the ground, breathing heavily, and the rainy night returned to tranquility.

In Sasaki's disbelieving eyes, her little brother was also shocked to be defeated by Abu alone.

Although Abu is kneeling now, there is no one on her side who can fight anymore. Facing the fear of death, she has no choice but to go and face Abu by herself.

She picked up a samurai sword, which seemed to bring her more security. In the rainy night, she walked slowly towards Abu with steps and rain.

When Abu saw her coming, although he wanted to stand up and resist, he was indeed exhausted and his vision began to blur. He looked at Sasaki vaguely and walked towards him step by step. He fought hard Mental alert.

Walking in front of Abu, Sasaki slashed at Abu with all his strength.

"Abu!" Xiaohe's face was filled with tears. Seeing that Abu was about to be in danger, Xiaohe couldn't help shouting loudly.

Xiaohe's shouting may have had an effect. Although Abu knelt down and his consciousness began to blur, the moment Sasaki struck, he quickly turned sideways to avoid the blow.

Abu dodged the blow, but Sasaki stumbled forward due to excessive force. Abu seized the opportunity and slashed at the back of Sasaki's neck with his palm.

Sasaki was knocked unconscious by Abu and lay motionless on the ground before Abu let out a long breath.

After taking a short rest, Abu picked up the katana next to him as a support, and used the remaining strength in his body to try to stand up.

Dragging his exhausted body, Abu relied on his strong willpower to stand up and looked in Xiaohe's direction with a smile on his face.

He tried hard to move himself closer to Xiaohe, but he was so exhausted that he couldn't support himself even after taking two steps. He fell heavily to the ground and fell unconscious!


"Abu!" Seeing Abu fall to the ground, Xiaohe's face was filled with tears and he shouted at Abu with concern.

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