The night in Hong Kong, this bustling city, is brightly lit and neon-lit.

The nightclub was bustling with people. Sha Qiang sat in a booth in the corner, hugging a beautiful woman, drinking expensive foreign wine, with a smug smile on his face.

He didn't know that his behavior had angered Jiang Lai.

"Dong Dong, send someone to find out where Sha Qiang is!" Jiang Lai acted decisively and immediately gave orders to his younger brother.

Whether it was Liang Kun or Mr. Jiang, Jiang Lai would not care too much about who was the leader.

However, whether it was to win over or threaten, as long as he dared to reach out to Thirteenth Sister, Jiang Lai would chop off this hand.

Jiang Lai also knew that in the last meeting, Liang Kun wanted to run for the leader, but was interrupted by Shisan Mei.

Perhaps it was Shisan Mei's behavior that made Liang Kun dissatisfied, but Shisan Mei's power, including Jiang Lai and others, made him afraid.

That's why he asked Sha Qiang to come to win her over and beat Shisan Mei at the same time.

Liang Kun's idea is good. If it is applied to others, it can also have a good effect by combining kindness and force.

However, Shisan Mei has a brother who protects her, and Liang Kun has not realized the seriousness of beating Shisan Mei.

"Boss, Sha Qiang is in the Red Romantic Nightclub in Causeway Bay!" Dong Dong found out Sha Qiang's location and immediately reported it to Jiang Lai.


"Li Hua, arrange people and go to Causeway Bay with me!" Jiang Lai said to Li Hua after hanging up the phone.

The reason why Jiang Lai used Li Hua and others instead of Dong Dong and others was because Jiang Lai didn't want to play the horse show with Liang Kun.

Jiang Lai was going to kill Sha Qiang directly and make a show of force. He wanted to let others know that if you provoke Thirteenth Sister, you are provoking Jiang Lai. Come on if you are not afraid of death.

As for Liang Kun himself, let him live for two more days.

In the night, a number of Jinbei cars rushed towards Causeway Bay, and the cars were full of Jiang Lai's suited thugs.

After a while.


All the vehicles braked suddenly and stopped at the door of the Red Romantic Nightclub.

The car door opened, and the younger brothers in black suits and holding Tang swords got out quickly.

The rows of bright sword lights were particularly dazzling under the light, giving people a chill.

The arrival of Jiang Lai and others also made the guests who were about to enter the nightclub flee in all directions.

The originally bustling and noisy streets were now extremely quiet.

Sha Qiang's younger brother, who was going to watch the scene at the door, saw that the situation was not good and was ready to go in to report the news.

However, they were chopped down one by one by the quick-moving thugs in suits, and fell into a pool of blood in an instant.

Jiang Lai's men acted quickly, and the fight outside the nightclub did not alarm the people inside.

When Jiang Lai led people into the nightclub, the people inside were still twisting their bodies wildly in the strong music and flashing lights.

In the dance floor and in front of the bar, women's shyness and men's rampant laughter could be heard from time to time.

Jiang Lai stood at the door, his eyes were sharp, and he coldly explored Sha Qiang's position.

Sha Qiang was having fun with a group of men inside, holding a lady in his left hand and drinking wine in his right hand, and he was having a great time in the nightclub.

Without noticing it at all, Jiang Lai brought everyone to the door of the nightclub quietly.

After locking Sha Qiang's position.

Jiang Lai arranged some people to support from the outside, and he led another group of people to rush directly into the nightclub.

The room was originally noisy, but when Jiang Lai and others suddenly broke in, they were stunned, but when they saw the Tang swords in Jiang Lai and others' hands, their pupils couldn't help but dilate.

For a moment, the screams of women and the exclamations of men disturbed the atmosphere of the nightclub.

Jiang Lai ignored other people and ran straight to Sha Qiang's position.

Sha Qiang was so scared when he saw this scene that he hurriedly retreated. While running, he picked up a bottle and threw it at Jiang Lai, but Jiang Lai easily dodged it.

Sha Qiang's younger brother wanted to resist, but was directly chopped down by the younger brother next to Jiang Lai, and fell to the ground, his life or death unknown.

Sha Qiang was frightened and panicked. He ran away in a panic, but was tripped by the bottle behind him and fell heavily to the ground.

Sha Qiang, who had just stood up, was about to continue running away, but saw Jiang Lai standing in front of him.

His pupils shrank, his body trembled, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He hurriedly crawled to Jiang Lai's feet, pulled Jiang Lai's trouser legs, and kept begging.

"Jiang Zai, it's not me, it's none of my business!"

"It was all Brother Kun's orders."

"Oh, no, it was all that bastard Liang Kun.

Dan told me to do it."

"I didn't want to, don't kill me, I just went to give money, I didn't do anything!"

"Dry tongue!"

Jiang Lai was a little impatient with Sha Qiang.

He raised his head and kicked him!

Sha Qiang was kicked and hit the wine cabinet behind him.


The collision of the body caused a lot of wine to fall to the ground, making crackling sounds.

The broken glass shards and wine fell on Sha Qiang, making him look extremely embarrassed!


The severe pain from the chest made Sha Qiang curl up on the ground and wailed.

Sha Qiang collapsed on the ground, and did not make Jiang Lai feel the slightest bit of pain. 's compassion.

Some things, if you do them, you have to pay a price.

Jiang Lai stretched out his right hand and took a Tang sword from the little brother next to him.

The bright knife light shone on the corner of Sha Qiang's eyes, which immediately made him feel terrified.

With his hands on the broken glass shards, his feet kept kicking the ground and retreating, and his pupils kept dilating.

Fear enveloped his whole body. At this moment, Sha Qiang could not feel any pain. The blood flowing on his hands had mixed with the wine, exuding a seductive red.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!" Sha Qiang stared at the Tang sword in Jiang Lai's hand with a dull look, retreating continuously, begging constantly.

Jiang Lai looked at Sha Qiang indifferently, unmoved.

Sha Qiang struggled to get up, but Jiang Lai stepped on his chest and couldn't move.

Jiang Lai looked down at him, with anger flashing in his eyes: "Dare to threaten my sister, today is your death day. "


Sha Qiang's eyes widened suddenly, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he stared at Jiang Lai.

Jiang Lai raised the Tang sword in his hand and stabbed it directly into Sha Qiang's chest.

His fate was doomed the moment he threatened Thirteenth Sister.

Sha Qiang's death is both a warning and a deterrent!!

In the nightclub, the music was still deafening. The originally lively scene was now shrouded in a chill, and irrelevant people hid in the corner and shivered.

Jiang Lai drew out the Tang sword, wiped the blood on Sha Qiang's clothes, threw the Tang sword to the younger brother beside him, and turned to leave the nightclub.

"Ah, murder, murder!"

After Jiang Lai and the others left, the other people in the nightclub came back to their senses. Some gasped, some screamed in fear, and kept fleeing from the Red Romantic Nightclub.

Jiang Lai's actions were so fast that even Liang Kun didn't react, and his chief horse was killed by Jiang Lai.

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