Sunlight Divine Water: can wear away blood, essence, bones and flesh!

Moonlight Divine Water: can corrode the soul!

Starlight Divine Water: can swallow and dissolve the true spirit!

If these three kinds of divine water exist alone, they are extremely poisonous in the world!

However, once the three divine waters of sunlight, moonlight and starlight are combined into one, they will become the first holy medicine for treatment!

They can dissolve all poisons in the world!

They can even make bones white and revive the dead!

Compared with the fragment of the Jade Butterfly of Fortune in his hand.

The value of this pool of three divine waters is more practical.

It is said that Su Che has not yet completely refined the chaos restriction in it after he took a fragment of the Jade Butterfly of Fortune from Luohou at the top of Buzhou Mountain last time.

Although the Jade Disc of Fortune is unpredictable and is a supreme sacred weapon, the many restrictions contained in it are extremely powerful. If it cannot be completely refined, Su Che will not be able to explore the infinite mysteries in it.

Therefore, compared with the unknown potential value of the Jade Disc of Fortune, this pool of three divine waters makes him happier!

Thinking of this,

Su Che quickly controlled the divine rainbow under his feet and descended towards the pool below.

"I remember that in Journey to the West, there was a record about the Three Lights Divine Water...Zhen Yuanzi's ginseng fruit was almost destroyed by Monkey King, but in the end it was Guanyin who stepped in and dropped only a few drops of the Three Lights Divine Water, and the ginseng fruit was instantly brought back to life and restored to its original state!"

Standing in front of a pool of Three Lights Divine Water, Su Che's mind was filled with ripples.

You know, just a few drops of Three Lights Divine Water can bring a dying ginseng fruit back to life.

It is conceivable that the Three Lights Divine Water is magical and heaven-defying.

However, now, in front of Su Che, there is a full pool of Three Lights Divine Water!

How much blessing and luck must be added to one's body to have such an opportunity and fortune? Is it because he is favored by the Great Dao and blessed by supreme luck that he has countless opportunities and fortunes?!! Amidst all these thoughts, bursts of hearty laughter suddenly echoed over the huge fairy island.

Afterwards, Su Che used his magic power to store the pool of Three Lights Divine Water and carefully placed it in the multidimensional space opened up in his body.

The pool of Three Lights Divine Water poured into the multiverse space of cells. Suddenly, Su Che felt that the cell seemed to have become much heavier.

You know, the Hunyuan Golden Immortal has long transcended eternity, ignoring the erosion of the three long rivers of time, space and time, and comprehending the true meaning of the law. He is immortal and indestructible. The 480 million cell neutrinos in his body have derived a multiverse space of 3,000, which can encompass endless mountains, rivers, sun and moon, and accommodate countless conceptual planes. It is vast and boundless.

A cell is a space world!

As the pool of Three Lights Divine Water poured into the space in his body, Su Che actually felt a little bit of heaviness?

Although this feeling is very insignificant, it can even be ignored.

But it can be seen that the majestic energy contained in the Three Lights Divine Water is extremely heavy!

"No wonder the Three Lights Holy Water has such a miraculous effect...the spiritual power contained in it is really too enormous."

After sighing,

Su Che gathered his messy thoughts and began to wander to other places on Penglai Island, wanting to see what other treasures were hidden on the island.

A pair of magic eyes can see through the universe, the present, the past, and the future. Wherever his eyes go, nothing can escape his gaze!

After some searching, Su Che found several rare and top-grade acquired spiritual roots, various peerless precious medicines, and several natural treasures on Penglai Island. The harvest was huge!

After that, he searched the island thoroughly again, and after repeated confirmation, he found that all the valuable treasures on Penglai Island had been taken into his pocket.

In this way, Su Che left with satisfaction and began to look for traces of the two fairy islands of Yingzhou and Fangzhang nearby.

It stands to reason that the three fairy islands of Penglai, Yingzhou, and Fangzhang should be connected, and the distance between the islands should not be too different.

Sure enough, not long after,

Su Che really discovered another innate formation in the sea 30,000 kilometers away from Penglai Island!

"I wonder whether the fairy island in the formation is Yingzhou... or Fangzhang?"

Looking at the floating island in front of him, which was hidden in the innate formation and looming, not a trace of breath leaked out. If Su Che hadn't used his magical powers and observed carefully with his eyes, it would have been difficult to discover the secret.

With a trace of curiosity and expectation.

Just like landing on Penglai Fairy Island before.

Su Che did not waste time slowly refining the formation, but swung his sword to break the formation, simple and rough!

The innate chaos formation, under the brilliant and dazzling sword light, was still vulnerable.

Su Che successfully landed on the fairy island.

And found a stone tablet engraved with the words"Yingzhou" on the island.

There is no doubt that this place is Yingzhou Fairy Island!

However, when Su Che descended over Yingzhou Fairy Island, the chaotic air diffused by the heaven and earth here was extremely dense, but the innate chaos formation had obviously been broken by him, but the whole island... was still shrouded in a mysterious and obscure aura, covering up all the secrets, and it looked very mysterious.


This made Su Che ponder.

He fell into deep thought.

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