Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 109 Maitreya cuts off his flesh and Duobao retreats!

Jie Yin sighed slightly, and with a thought, a ray of golden light flashed across his eyes.

"Maitreya, come on behalf of your senior brother and have a debate with all the senior brothers from the East."

"Yes, Master."

The second direct descendant from the West, Maitreya walked out from the crowd.

At this time, Maitreya was a broad-bodied Taoist priest, with combed hair and wide Taoist robes, looking rather unkempt.

He raised his hands to the disciples of Yuqing and Shangqing, "I wonder who of the two disciples is willing to come out and compete with me, Maitreya?"

Although Maitreya called him senior brother, there was a hint of pride in his eyes, a feeling of looking down.

Among the disciples of the Yuqing lineage, Chi Jingzheng was defeated miserably at the hands of the pharmacist. If Zhao Gongming of the Shangqing Dynasty hadn't come to help, he would have been completely defeated.

Guangchengzi was very afraid of Western methods, and he was not sure of victory if he took action at this time.

On the Shangqing side, Duobao jumped out directly under Zhao Gongming's hint.

"A disciple of the Shangqing lineage, Taoist Master Duobao, is willing to discuss the Tao with Junior Brother Maitreya."

"It turns out to be Senior Brother Duobao. Maitreya has admired Senior Brother Duobao's name for a long time. In that case, let's get started."


As Duobao's voice fell, the two sat on the ground and began to talk about Tao.

The original body of Duobao is the transformation of Duobao Rat, a prehistoric alien species. Although Duobao Rat is an ancient alien species, its talent and qualifications can only be ranked at the middle level among all the ancient alien species. But Duobao is different and has extremely understanding. Outstanding!

After becoming a disciple of Tongtian, he listened to the Three Thousand Dao of Supreme Taoism and gained a profound understanding. Looking at the entire Kunlun, Guangchengzi may not be his opponent.

As the two began to discuss Taoism, they had a heated exchange on the futon.

You said something, I said something, there was a heated debate, and the true words of Taoism were spoken by the two of them.

For a time, Maitreya's eight hundred side roads were at a disadvantage.

At this moment, suddenly, a palm-sized flying swallow flew from not far away.

Behind Feiyan, a giant eagle filled with evil aura and a fishy smell followed Feiyan closely.

There was still amusement in his eyes, and it seemed that the reason why he didn't kill Feiyan immediately and treat it as blood food was because he hadn't had enough fun yet.

The giant eagle had a demonic aura about it. Seeing that it was about to reach the Kunlun Mountains, human fear flashed across its eyes, and then it stretched out its sharp claws and grabbed Feiyan with the force of thunder.


A hint of coldness flashed across Jin Ling's face, and with a flick of his finger, he fired a burst of magic power, instantly imprisoning the giant eagle in mid-air.

No matter how hard the giant eagle struggled, it was of no avail. He could only watch the flying swallow slip away from under his nose.

Then, Jin Ling fired another spell and released the shackles of the giant eagle.

The giant eagle flapped its wings in panic, with great fear flashing in its eyes.

Damn it, why were you targeted by the seniors from Kunlun Mountain today?

The giant eagle flapped its wings and was about to fly away from Kunlun Mountain.

I saw Maitreya, who was discussing the Tao with many treasures, suddenly opened his eyes.

Then he also used a magic power to imprison the giant eagle again.

Then he looked at Duobao, "Junior brother Duobao, why is this?"

Duobao said calmly, "Master taught us that the Great Dao is fifty and the Heavenly Evolution is forty-nine. Everything has a glimmer of hope. This Feiyan met me today, which is where his vitality lies. Naturally, I have to rescue him."

Tongtian smiled and nodded. Duobao was very good. He remembered everything he said on weekdays.

A standard smile appeared on Maitreya's face, "Senior Brother Duobao has a compassionate heart, which really touches me. But senior brother doesn't know that if a compassionate heart is used in the right place, it is the real great mercy. If it is used in the wrong place, it is the real great mercy." This place is even more vicious than a snake or a scorpion."

Duobao frowned, "What do you mean?"

Zhao Gongming on the side sighed secretly, "This Western lineage cannot be used to discuss the truth directly, and has to resort to sophistry."

There was a faint smile on Jie Yin's face, as if he was confident of winning.

He didn't believe that the disciples of the Shangqing lineage could be so powerful and destroy his Western wonderful theories one after another.

Sanqing frowned. His two junior brothers really did not follow the three thousand righteous path, but only followed the evil path. They wanted to achieve enlightenment and become a saint. How could they achieve it by relying on these alone?

Seeing Duobao asking, Maitreya raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a smile, "Brother Duobao, do you know that you saved the flying swallow, but the giant eagle had nothing to eat, so it had to starve to death. The glimmer of hope was given to Feiyan, but the life-and-death crisis was given to Giant Eagle."

Duobao showed a trace of tangle on his face and said coldly, "There is a way to have both in this world. The giant eagle can't eat the flying swallow, so just go and eat other things."

"Senior Brother Duobao is wrong again. If the giant eagle goes to eat other things, wouldn't there be other creatures that will fall into the giant eagle's mouth? The body will die and turn into white bones?"

"Then tell me, what should I do?"

Duobao looked at Maitreya's fat and greasy body and his standard smile. For some reason, a great irritation suddenly arose in his heart.

“The East doesn’t have the best of both worlds, but I do in the West.”

After saying that, Maitreya tore off his clothes, revealing his thick, white arms.

With a smile on his face, light flashed in his hand, and a sharp knife appeared in his palm.

Then, Maitreya held a sharp knife in his hand and cut off a large piece of flesh directly on his arm.

When cutting the meat, Maitreya still had a faint smile on his face.

This bloody scene directly made Yuqing and the disciples of Shangqing frown.

Cut your own flesh? Why are all the Western disciples either dreaming or self-mutilating?

"Cut your flesh to feed the eagle?"

Zhao Gongming smiled in his heart. He had already come up with a plan to deal with it. He did not expose it, but let Maitreya continue to perform.

He wanted to let everyone in the West see that relying on sophistry alone would eventually lead to nothing, just like flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water.

Maitreya cut off a large piece of flesh, and green light appeared on his hands. He pressed on the wound, and soon the injury recovered at a very fast speed.

Then, under the surprised eyes of everyone, Maitreya directly grabbed the piece of flesh on his body and threw it to the giant eagle.

The giant eagle was surprised and happy. This fat Taoist not only did not kill him, but also gave him meat to eat?

The giant eagle swallowed Maitreya's flesh in two or three bites, and felt that the magic power around him had disappeared.

He quickly flapped his wings and flew into the clouds and disappeared.

Maitreya smiled slightly, "The giant eagle cannot eat the swallow and will starve to death, but if it eats the swallow, the swallow will also die, so I cut off my own flesh and feed it to the giant eagle. In this way, the giant eagle and the swallow can both be saved from death. This is my method of achieving both ends. I wonder what Senior Brother Duobao thinks?"

"You are making a sophistry and a fallacy!"

Duobao stood up angrily with anger in his eyes.

"Since Senior Brother Duobao thinks what I said is wrong, please refute it."


Duobao was about to refute, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know what to say.

After all, although Maitreya's move was a sophistry, it did achieve the method of achieving both ends in a sense.

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