Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 125: Educating the Human Race: The Way of Formation

On this day, after finishing his sermon, Tongtian sat on a piece of bluestone and shook his head lightly.

"Although the human race has developed rapidly, there is still too little inheritance system."

"Master means"

Zhao Gongming's face showed confusion.

Tongtian smiled lightly and pointed at the three huge martial arts monuments in front of the Human Race Square.

"The inheritance of the human race only relies on these twelve golden immortal techniques. Although the five elements are complete, strictly speaking, the inheritance system is single. In the long run, the development of the human race will definitely be shackled and it will be difficult to make further progress."

Zhao Gongming suddenly realized that he was actually aware of this problem.

But at the moment, the golden elixir avenue has not yet been passed down, and the human race is not yet able to have the strength to create and develop on its own.

He can only continue to cultivate deeply in the twelve golden immortal skills, and it is inevitable to be restricted.

Suddenly, Zhao Gongming tried to say, "Actually, before, my disciple saw that the human race was in a difficult situation, and originally wanted to pass on some basic formation knowledge from my Shangqing lineage, but after hesitating for a long time, I still resisted this idea."


The Shangqing Formation Dao is unparalleled in the world and is a treasure that cannot be spread to outsiders.

But as far as some basic formations are concerned, all races in the prehistoric times have their own systems, and teaching them is nothing.

For example, those outer disciples of the Shangqing lineage have all more or less obtained the Shangqing Immortal Technique, so part of the inheritance of the Shangqing Formation Dao is not a big deal at all.

Zhao Gongming said respectfully.

"The Shangqing Formation Dao has been carried forward in the hands of the master. If the disciple teaches the human race on the master's behalf, wouldn't it mean that he has become a substitute teacher to teach the human race? The disciple cannot bear this merit."

Zhao Gongming vaguely remembered that all the saints achieved enlightenment, except Nuwa, who became a saint through the way of creation.

The Three Purities, Zhunti, and Jieyin all follow the path of enlightenment.

People teach that the great way is to do nothing, to do everything without doing anything.

Explain the teachings, follow the path of heaven, and explain the way of heaven.

Jie Jiao, Dao Fifty, Tian Yan forty-nine, took away a glimmer of life!

Zhao Gongming felt slightly uneasy, and he didn't know if his few words could help his teacher.

If he doesn't get any help and instead delays his teacher's sermon, that would be a grave sin.

"Oh? Civilize the human race?"

Tongtian was slightly stunned. The moment these four words fell, he seemed to have captured something.

"Yes, that's right, it is to educate the human race. In the Zixiao Palace, the Taoist ancestor gave a sermon, explaining the Daluo Jinxian's way, the quasi-sage's way, and the method of killing three corpses. It was also equivalent to enlightenment. His disciples set up a martial arts monument. Preaching to the human race is also a matter of enlightenment. I sincerely ask the master to teach the human race some basic formation knowledge and educate the human race. "

"Civilize the human race. The way to educate!"

Tongtian chewed these words over and over again, as if a yellow bell sounded in his mind.

Even the Hongmeng Purple Qi in Ni Gongwan, which had been silent for who knows how many thousands of years, began to tremble slightly!

Hongmeng Purple Qi, when the Taoist ancestor of Zixiao Palace preached, he said that Hongmeng Purple Qi is known as the foundation of the great road.

But it does not mean that without the Hongmeng Purple Qi, it is impossible to attain enlightenment.

Hongmeng Purple Qi is like a simulator that can simulate the correctness of the great path that has been understood.

As long as you understand the correct holy way, you can use the Hongmeng Purple Qi to reach the sky in one step and become a saint.

From then on, it has gone through thousands of eons without weariness, has been stained by cause and effect without being tainted, has always existed with heaven, and coexisted with Tao.

But without Hongmeng Purple Qi, even if you understand the correct holy way, you still have to explore step by step until it is confirmed before you can realize it.

But this process will be a thousand times more difficult, so it will result in countless monks in the prehistoric times and three thousand guests in Zixiao. Except for the Six Saints, none of them have attained enlightenment.

Perhaps some of the three thousand great powers have clearly understood the correct holy path, but they have fallen into the path of self-confirmation.

At this moment, with the help of Hongmeng Purple Qi, Tongtian finally captured that ray of the supreme holy way.

The way of enlightenment, this is a path that is enough for him to achieve enlightenment!

Tongtian looked at Zhao Gongming with complicated eyes, "You have done my master a great favor."

Zhao Gongming was happy in his heart. It seemed that his few words were still useful to his master.

"In the next time, you and I will teach these basic knowledge of formations to humans."

"Yes, Master."

Zhao Gongming nodded seriously.

Soon, the news that Tongtian was going to pass on to the human race array reached the ears of the Third Ancestor, who was extremely excited.

They were going to visit Tongtian in person to express their gratitude, but they didn't expect that Tongtian thought they had too many rules and complicated things, so he didn't want to see them at all, so the Third Patriarch had to return in anger.

On this day, the ancestral land of the human race was more lively than ever before, and everyone's faces were full of expectations.

One of the Three Pure Ones, the Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, will give a sermon in the square of their ancestral land to explain the formation method.

This is a great opportunity for other people, and countless Golden Immortal monks came to listen.

In the ancestral square, Tongtian sat on the first seat, and below, there were densely packed human races with no end in sight. Everyone was full of energy and prepared to listen.

Tongtian nodded slightly and began to talk about the general outline of the formation.

"I, the Supreme Pure Spiritual Treasure Heavenly Lord, now in the land of the human race, pass down the Supreme Pure Formation Way, the formation method, which is broad and profound. The first thing is to gather the people. It can kill the enemy, confuse the enemy, trap the enemy, suppress the enemy, and the formation method is complete. , endless changes, the weak defeats the strong."

The Tao of Formation is inherently broad and profound, and the Shangqing Formation Tao, with Tongtian's continuous exploration, can be called the originator of the Formation Tao.

Tongtian spoke freely, and every word was a pearl, which made people listen intoxicated.

Time passed, and another three hundred years passed in a flash.

During these three hundred years, Tongtian and Zhao Gongming explained the mysteries of the formation in the human square every few years. I don’t know how many people came to listen.

Similarly, on a large number of basic knowledge of the formation, the human race introduced new ideas and quickly learned many formations.

For example, the ice formation, once it is deployed, the cold air is biting, freezing the soul in an instant, and being trapped in it, there is no power to fight back.

There is also the blazing fire formation, once it is deployed, the sky fire will burn everything, and ordinary cultivators will not be able to hold on for ten breaths.

In addition, there is also the gathering spirit formation, which gathers the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which can greatly increase the speed of cultivation.

The five elements maze formation can produce endless illusions to trap the enemy,

and the golden light formation, a top-level defensive formation, indestructible, like gold and stone.

With the formation, the daily activities of the human race have become more convenient.

For example, a defensive golden light array can be set up in the cave where you live, so that you don’t have to worry about someone breaking into your cave when you go out.

When hunting and killing monsters, you can set up ice arrays, fire arrays and other killing arrays in advance.

Hunting is more convenient and the danger is much less.

Especially the three ancestors of the human race, who got the secret and comprehended a large five-element diamond array, a top-level defensive array.

It is arranged in the human race hall and is extremely powerful. Once it is opened, Taiyi Jinxian cultivators cannot break in for a short time.

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