Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 163 Merit Coins The Spring of Taoist Mosquito

They were all Taiyi Jinxian-level cultivators, and their refining speed was very fast.

In about a few breaths, the golden coins were refined one by one.

An extremely pure golden merit merged into the bodies of the two.

The two's eyes lit up, and they felt refreshed, and their eyes were shining.

They suddenly became energetic and shouted, "Merit, it's really merit, and it can be traded."

The ten people looked at each other, their faces full of surprise.

Merit that can be materialized is simply too mysterious.

If the underworld has this ability, they are willing to work there. As long as the merit is in place, it is not a problem to work until death.

The words of the ten people immediately caused an uproar in the entire Senluo Palace.

Countless cultivators were boiling. They saw it clearly, and it was indeed merit.

"I want to sign up!"

"How dare you cut in line! Go to the back, I'm here first."

"If you cut in line again, I'll beat you to death."

In the entire Senluo Hall, there was a sudden rush to sign up.

Countless cultivators rushed to sign up, making Mosquito Taoist almost too busy. Yu Lei and the other five hurried to help, and the situation was temporarily stabilized.

In the depths of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Zhao Gongming smiled.

"The effect is not bad, given time, the Eighteen-Layer Netherworld Sea may not be as prosperous as Mount Buzhou. By then, Master Hou Tu will have made great contributions."

Hou Tu nodded slightly, but soon there was a trace of sadness on her face.

Establishing the underworld and severing ties with the Wu Clan, although it gave the Wu Clan a ray of hope.

But it really hurt the hearts of several of her brothers, and Hou Tu felt very guilty.

Seemingly seeing Hou Tu's sorrow, Zhao Gongming comforted her softly.

"Uncle Hou Tu, one day, they will understand your painstaking efforts."

Hou Tu's sacrifice was indeed too great. Although she became a saint, she was imprisoned in the Nether Sea.

The Wu Clan did not understand Hou Tu's behavior at all and thought that Hou Tu had betrayed the Wu Clan.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid that their Taoism would collapse. I'm afraid that only when the Wu Clan is in real danger will they know how great Hou Tu's sacrifice is!

Hou Tu restrained his mood and looked relaxed, "Use merit as bait and see how far the underworld can go!"

The recruitment conference was in full swing.

In the blink of an eye, several years had passed. With the unremitting efforts of Taoist Mosquito and the Five Ghost Emperors day and night.

In the Senluo Hall, there were already mountains of resumes, as many as hundreds of thousands.

Watching the increasing movement in the underworld, the Styx Patriarch next to the Nether Sea also began to envy.

As a creature since the beginning of the world, the mystery of merit is clear to everyone.

He, the Asura clan, also had to earn some merit first.

With a thought, the Styx tore through the space and went straight to the depths of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

"Uncle Styx, why are you here again?"

Zhao Gongming hurriedly went up, bowed his hand, and brewed a cup of enlightenment tea for Styx.

At present, the Six Paths of Reincarnation have just been established, and Styx still needs to help. It is always right to build a good relationship with Styx.

Styx glanced at the enlightenment tea in front of him, unmoved, and went straight to the point.

"I want some of my Asura clan members to enter the underworld and serve as ghost messengers."

Some of the Asura clan entered the Asura Road, but the remaining clan members are still an astronomical number.

Zhao Gongming showed a difficult expression on his face, "There are too many people who signed up, and there are really no vacancies for ghost messengers."

Minghe's expression changed slightly, "Only tens of thousands of places, can't you squeeze out?"

Zhao Gongming was speechless, "Uncle Minghe, this recruitment conference only recruited 100,000 ghost messengers. You want tens of thousands at once, and it's really impossible to squeeze out."

Minghe smiled, "If there are no tens of thousands, then a few thousand is also good."

"There are only 500 places at most."

"How about 2,000?"

"I can only squeeze out 500 places."

After a contest between the two, they finally took a step back and agreed to give Minghe 1,000 places.

Half a month later, Taoist Mosquito announced that the registration system was closed and no more registration would be accepted.

At the same time, it was announced again that the list would be released one year later. Those on the list could come to the underworld to serve, and those who were not on the list would fail.

In fact, before, Zhao Gongming, Hou Tu and Taoist Mosquito thought that as long as they registered, they would be admitted.

But helplessly, under the temptation of merit, there are too many people coming, and there is no choice but to select the best.

One year passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, Taoist Mosquito, wearing the majestic and unpredictable clothes of Fengdu Emperor, announced the prehistoric world with the Book of Life and Death and the Judge's Pen, and the underworld announced the list.

Soon, in front of the first layer of the Netherworld Sea, ten huge black stone tablets appeared, with Taoist patterns all over them, and countless golden names swimming around on them like tadpoles, emitting amazing spirituality.

The whole prehistoric world suddenly boiled for the second time, and countless cultivators rushed to the Netherworld Sea again to see if they were the ones on the list.

In front of the black stone tablet, there were countless figures, some happy and some sad.

The good thing is that after entering the underworld to work, earning merit, the future is promising.

The sad thing is that there is no hope of entering the underworld, watching the golden merit pass by and doing nothing.

Soon, the square in front of the Senluo Palace was filled with hundreds of thousands of people.

These were the first batch of employees of the underworld after being reviewed by Taoist Mosquito.

After speaking in front of the Senluo Palace, Taoist Mosquito waved his sleeves and distributed standard robes to them. They were dressed in uniform. Then, at Taoist Mosquito's command, everyone began to move without stopping.

The first thing they had to do was to pull all the floating residual souls in the entire blood sea into the Nether Sea for reincarnation.

That's right, in addition to the countless residual souls in the eighteenth Nether Sea.

The blood sea, the most sinister and evil place in the prehistoric world, also has a large number of residual souls floating around. The number is terrifying and very vicious. They are also qualified to enter the six reincarnations.

Time flies, and a hundred years have passed quickly.

The residual souls in the eighteenth Nether Sea have been gathered to an extremely terrifying level.

In the depths of the six reincarnations, Taoist Mosquito has a happy face.

In the past, he roamed the prehistoric world, although he was free and easy, but compared with this feeling of holding power and having his word be final, it is still far from it.

Taoist Mosquito has become accustomed to this kind of painful and happy life.

Taoist Mosquito smiled and said, "Master, Madam, there are too many residual souls in the entire Netherworld Sea. It can't hold them all. It's time to start the Six Paths of Reincarnation."

Hou Tu nodded slightly, "You are right. It's time to start the Six Paths of Reincarnation. I'm afraid those ghost messengers and soul-catching messengers can't wait any longer."

The salary of the underworld has been paid for a hundred years. After working for a hundred years in vain, they must be looking forward to the day of salary payment.

Time flies, and a few more days have passed.

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