Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 212 The Tragedy of Heaven and Haotian Selling Official Positions

During the Jin'ao Island operation, all the saints also sent troops, and Nuwa called on thousands of great demons to help.

Zhunti, received and sent a dozen outer disciples.

Yuanshi sent dozens of outer disciples.

Taiqing also sent dozens of outer disciples.

All of them together, they flew towards the Thirty-Three Heavens.

On the thirty-third day, Yao Chigan's back ached and he couldn't help but get up and stretch.

Suddenly, she seemed to see something, patted Haotian's back, and said in surprise.

"Brother Haotian, look what that is."

Haotian looked up and said in surprise, "Brothers, senior sister is here to help us."

"Haotian, Master Yaochi, long time no see."

Led by Zhao Gongming, a crowd of people came over.

"Master Nephew Gongming."

Haotian handed over his hand. He didn't dare to underestimate this nephew.

The youngest Daluo Jinxian in the sage tradition!

Kill a demon saint with one sword!

He once used his own efforts to relocate countless human races to avoid being killed by the human race!

Even behind all the saints' enlightenment, there seems to be the figure of his cheap nephew.

Although he is a nephew, in Haotian's eyes, he has already regarded Zhao Gongming as a peer.

Haotian said in surprise, "Master Nephew Gongming has brought so many people here, and the progress of the project we are waiting for will finally be faster."

"Uncle Master's business is our business, no need to be polite."

Zhao Gongming waved his hand and said with a hearty smile.

Haotian warned, "In these thirty-third heavens, there are restrictions all over the place, and there are countless broken formations. Everyone should be more careful when cleaning up."

"This is natural, Master Haotian, don't worry."

After Zhao Gongming finished speaking, he ordered everyone to take action.


Everyone divided a place and started working.

Time flies, eighteen hundred years later, in the thirty-third heaven, all broken formations and dangerous restrictions have been cleared.

All that remains is the rest of the rebuilding project.

Haotian looked at the vast thirty-three days, and his heart became cold.

I thought that clearing the restrictions, formations, etc. would be a huge task.

Unexpectedly, the subsequent reconstruction work will be even more difficult.

What does it take to rebuild?

A lot of natural resources are needed!

Haotian, Yaochi has been serving Hongjun in chaos all year round, where can these things be found?

Of course, with the perfect Taoist practices of both Haotian and Yaochi, it is not difficult to collect them.

But if we want to rebuild the heaven during the three thousand years mentioned by the Taoist ancestors, it is obviously too late.

Haotian looked troubled and wanted to speak, but felt a little embarrassed.

Zhao Gongming saw Haotian's embarrassment and smiled, "Uncle Haotian is worried about what is needed to rebuild the heaven, right?"

"Yes, the two of us serve Dao Ancestor and have nothing else but this cultivation. Rebuilding the Heavenly Palace will cost a lot of money. I really won't be able to come up with this resource for a while."

Haotian exhaled a breath of turbid air, as if he had made some determination.

"Master Nephew Gongming, if you are rich, you can borrow some from your uncle first. When the new heaven is stabilized, your uncle will repay you double."

The new building represents the atmosphere of the new heaven. If he just came to power, he would just mess around.

Wanzu didn't know how to laugh at him behind his back. I don’t know how to laugh at him yet.

Haotian knew very well that his ability to become the Emperor of Heaven depended entirely on Dao Ancestor.

No matter what, after three thousand years, when Heaven is re-established, we must not lose face to Dao Ancestor.

Zhao Gongming smiled and said, "Uncle Master is joking, we are all from the same sect, why bother to say borrowing, there are a lot of resources now, Master Haotian can get them for free."

Free resources?

Get it for free?

Haotian suddenly became wary and said, "Please tell me in detail, my nephew."

Zhao Gongming smiled and said, "Uncle Haotian from the human race should know, right?"

"Of course we know that when the demon clan was refining the witch-slaying sword, the human race suffered a great disaster. If it weren't for you, my nephew, the human race would have suffered countless casualties."

"Yes, it's the human race. The human race is terrifying in number. It has accumulated countless resources over the years. Now that Master Haotian has reestablished Heavenly Court, it is the time when there is a shortage of manpower. I would like to introduce you to the human race who can help Master Haotian maintain the operation of the ancient times. , and at the same time solved the problem of rebuilding the heaven."

"Human race."

Haotian frowned, wasn't this asking him to sell his official position?

When Heaven was first established, he had to sell his official position in exchange for resources. Where was the majesty of the Heavenly Emperor?

But if you don't sell your official position, you won't have the resources to rebuild Heavenly Court. What will be lost will be Heavenly Court's face.

"Human race."

Haotian exhaled a breath of turbid air and said helplessly, "Then let's follow what our nephew Gongming said."

Zhao Gongming smiled and said, "Master Haotian, don't get me wrong. I want the human race to serve in heaven. I just want to find a job for them and do some merit. I have no other intention."

"I understand what my nephew is thinking."

Haotian nodded slightly.

After Haotian finished speaking, he glanced at the heaven and thanked him sincerely, "Thank you so much, nephew Gongming, and several senior brothers and sisters. If it weren't for your help, I don't know how long it will take to clean up the thirty-third heaven. "

After Haotian finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, "The Heavenly Court has just been built, and everything is in ruins waiting to be revitalized. Is Master Gongming willing to join me in the Heavenly Court?"

Haotian paused and added, "Joining Heavenly Court is just to serve in Heavenly Court, represent the saint's orthodoxy, and support my uncle."

Zhao Gongming thought for a while and said, "Serving in the Heavenly Court is of great importance. I still need to go back to Jin'ao Island to discuss it with the teacher. Let's talk about this matter after the Heavenly Court is re-established."

Haotian saw that Zhao Gongming did not agree immediately, nor did he force it, and nodded gently.

After cleaning up the entire thirty-three heavens, the people, Chan, Jie, Nuwa, and the Western people all left.

Zhao Gongming took Haotian to the ancestral land of the human race alone.

It took a full month of discussion to finally decide on the content of this trip to the ancestral land of the human race.

The human race was responsible for providing resources to help Haotian rebuild the heaven, and what the heaven had to do was to allocate 10,000 clergy positions for the human race to take up.

Haotian felt that he was already very conservative. Compared with the prehistoric land, 10,000 clergy were very rare and would not affect his absolute rule.

After determining the specific regulations, the grand reconstruction of the heaven began.

The human race, a well-deserved infrastructure maniac, was no problem even in building a majestic heavenly palace.

Five hundred years, just five hundred years, all the palaces in the thirty-three heavens were built, lined up one after another, magnificent and golden, not inferior to the ancient heaven.

The Third Ancestor smiled and said, "Great Heavenly Venerable, how is the construction of the Thirty-three Heavenly Palaces?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied, the craftsmanship of the human race is unparalleled in the prehistoric times."

Haotian gave the highest evaluation.

Three days later, Zhao Gongming and the Third Ancestor left, leaving only 10,000 elites in the Heavenly Court.

These people are at least Xuanxian Taoism. If they are trained in time, they will definitely become the backbone of the Heavenly Court.

When the time comes, it will be of great benefit to the human race to give back to the human race.

After everyone left, the Thirty-three Heavens became deserted again.

Yao Chi stepped forward and took Haotian's arm, saying softly, "Brother Haotian, there are still seven hundred years before the re-establishment of the Heavenly Court. Finally, we have prepared everything that should be prepared before then."

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