Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 226 Western Conspiracy: The Battle between Man and Dragon!

Lieshan clan traveled throughout the wilderness and walked through countless deep mountains and huge valleys.

On this day, he came to a famous mountain and river, and suddenly the sound of dragons and phoenixes came from the sky.

When he looked up, he saw a golden dragon and a golden phoenix.

The golden dragon and golden phoenix circled in mid-air for several times and then flew away into the distance.

Upon seeing this, Lieshan clan hurriedly chased after him. After three days and three nights, under the guidance of the golden dragon and golden phoenix.

Lieshan clan found five-colored grain ears in a huge valley deep in the mountains.

The five-colored ears of grain have long since turned into mortals and transformed into rice, millet, millet, wheat, and bean sprouts, growing together in the deep mountains.

After the golden dragon and golden phoenix flew here, they started to eat. Under the guidance of the golden dragon and golden phoenix, Lieshan quickly found a way to eat the grains.

When a large bowl of fragrant wheat rice was placed in front of him, Lieshan was completely shocked!

Looking at the grains growing all over the mountains and plains, we know that the yield will definitely not be low.

In this way, there is no need to hunt or keep wild animals in captivity, and the human race can be protected from famine and hunger just by relying on grains!

After carefully collecting all the grains, Lieshan clan bowed to the golden dragon and golden phoenix, and embarked on the return journey.

Soon, the Lieshan clan returned to the Jiangshui tribe and mobilized the entire clan to plant grains. At first, they were questioned by many people.

Even Lieshan's mother didn't believe it. "My son, can this thing really be used as food?"

"Mom, don't worry, when these things mature, you will never be disappointed."

With Lieshan's insistence, the grains were successfully planted.

Under Lieshan's careful care, autumn has arrived, the sky is clear and the air is crisp, and the grains are ripe.

When he saw the golden ears of grain bowing their heads under the heavy weight, Lieshan gave an order and ordered people to start harvesting.

Soon, bowl after bowl of wheat rice appeared in front of everyone!

At this moment, the entire Jiangshui tribe was boiling.

It turns out that farming can really make you eat!

The Lieshan clan did not keep the grain to themselves, but shared it, and soon it was like the north wind, blowing to countless tribes.

In just a dozen years, the food crisis of countless tribes has been lifted!


At this moment, in the long river of humanity, the fate of the human race began to roll violently and began to rise steadily.

Even the Lieshan clan’s cultivation level has increased steadily!

The emergence of grains marked the human race's transition from the hunting era to the farming era, which was undoubtedly a big step forward.

Soon, this matter reached the ears of the Third Ancestor of the Eastern Sea Ancestral Land.

The Third Patriarch was overjoyed and gave Tingqi, the most talented woman in the ancestral land, to the Lieshan clan as his wife, and personally made the Lieshan clan the co-owner of the human race.

After Lieshan married Tingqi, he gave birth to a daughter named Nvwa two years later.

In the west, Mount Sumeru, Zhunti's envious eyes are red.

"Brother, we can't just sit back and watch the human race develop like this. Otherwise, where will there be a place for me in the West in the future?"

"you mean?"

Jie Yin frowned slightly, unable to guess what his junior brother meant.

"A plan to alienate!"

"Distancing the human race and intercepting the religion?"

Jie Yin shook his head, "The bond between the human race and Jie Jiao is too deep. Besides, if Zhao Gongming comes, it is destined to fail."

Zhunti smiled strangely, "Senior brother, I misunderstood. What I meant was to drive a wedge between the human race and the dragon race."

"Dragon clan?"

"The Dragon Clan is located in the East China Sea, and the ancestral homeland of the Human Clan is also in the East China Sea. Once there is a conflict between the Human Clan and the Dragon Clan, what do you think will happen, senior brother?"

"The development momentum of the human race is bound to be interrupted."

Soon, Zhunti turned into a stream of light and flew towards the East China Sea!

In the Jiangshui tribe, Mrs. Lieshan couldn't help frowning as she looked at the piles of memorials on the desk.

Since he discovered grains and the human race no longer lacked food, they seemed to have tasted the sweetness and started to taste various plants growing in the wild.

Some are just out of curiosity, while others are sick and want to find a cure.

Those plants have different medicinal properties, either tonic or poisonous. If you eat too much, you will naturally have problems. Large numbers of human beings began to die from poisoning.

Lieshan had no choice but to do it himself, taste hundreds of herbs, and write medicinal scriptures, intending to prevent the human race from being troubled by diseases.

Just when Lieshan clan was alone, he traveled in the wilderness, tasted hundreds of herbs, and compiled a book of hundreds of herbs.

The female child is very lively in the tribe and likes to play everywhere. Even the female child can't control it when he hears the soldiers go into battle together.

At the edge of the East China Sea, golden Brahma light flashed past, and an old man with white beard and hair appeared.

This old man was naturally from the West. He waited nearby and soon found his target.

It was a huge beast, similar to a dragon, but not a dragon. It was full of aura, and it was surrounded by heavenly beings.

The giant beast was none other than Chi Qiu, one of the nine sons of the ancestral dragon. Of course, after hundreds of millions of years, the blood of the ancestral dragon in his body had already become extremely weak.

It is a side branch among side branches and is not taken seriously by the Dragon Clan at all.

Zhunti casually shot out a ray of Brahma light, and the giant beast's eyes suddenly blurred, and it flew honestly to Zhunti's side.

Zhunti leaned close to his ear, whispered a few times, and then said seriously, "Do you understand everything?"

The giant beast nodded with blurred eyes, and then jumped into the East China Sea.

Zhunti nodded with satisfaction, looked around, waved his hands, and the supreme magic power directly wiped away all the cause and effect in this place.

Even if a saint of the same level came in person, he would never know that he had been here.

The purpose of all Zhunti's actions is to weaken the East, or to weaken the human race.

Otherwise, as time goes by, the East will become more and more prosperous, and he will never have a chance to prosper in the West.

One day, in the Jiangshui tribe, Nvwa was clamoring to go to the edge of the East China Sea to play, and was strongly opposed by her mother Tingzhen and grandmother Nvdeng.

The East China Sea is too dangerous, with strong winds all year round and the sea is bottomless.

Nvwa is still young, how can she go to the East China Sea to play.

But Nvwa was very smart. While Nvdeng and Tingzhen were not paying attention, she directly called three or five guards to go to the East China Sea to play.

The Jiangshui tribe was not far from the East China Sea. It only took them half a day to reach the edge of the East China Sea.

They built a small boat with trees on the seashore, and Nvwa drove the boat to play on the sea.

For a while, they were very happy, just when Nvwa was having a lot of fun on the sea.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew on the sea, raising huge waves and directly overturning the boat.

Nvwa and the guards around her were all thrown into the seabed, and only one guard escaped from the sea and fled back to the land.

He observed on land for a long time, and saw that there was still no sound on the sea. He couldn't help but panic and hurried back to the tribe to report.

Soon, the news of Nvwa's death reached the ears of Lieshan clan, and Lieshan clan was extremely sad and angry.

He called the good players in the Jiangshui tribe and flew to the East China Sea. (End of this chapter)

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