Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 249 The Origin of Blood Essence The Mastermind!

Wuzhi Qi's soul flew away, but his huge body began to shrink instantly.

Finally, it turned into a blood bead the size of a fist, and a very kind will came from it, making Liu Er ready to move.

This is a quarter of the origin of the Chaos Demonic Ape, the origin of the Red Horse Monkey!

Even if Wu Zhi Qi's body dies and his path disappears, the original imprint of the demon ape will never be destroyed, so it manifests itself.

Liu Er happily put away the blood beads, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

To put it into perspective, this matter only involves one Gun.

But speaking more seriously, it involves obstructing the revitalization of the human race and going against the general trend of heaven. Only saints have the courage to do this.

The great saint of Taiqing did nothing, it was not his doing.

As for Yuanshi, the suspicion is high, but now the person assisting Emperor Yao is none other than Yuding Zhenren, one of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Kunlun.

He sent someone to kill Gun. Yuan Shi would only do this if he had a mental disorder.

As for Master Tongtian Saint, Liu Er didn't even think about it.

I was suspicious of Master, and if Master found out, I was afraid that his skin would be peeled off.

Saint Nuwa is a human virgin, so naturally there is no such possibility.

After excluding the saints, only the West remains.

"It is unwise to hinder the great prosperity of the human race and violate the laws of heaven!"

Liu Er shook his head, put away his iron soldiers and flew directly towards Huai River.

At the edge of the Huai River, Gun patted his chest, very frightened.

Who would have thought that such a ferocious monster would suddenly appear in the calm Huaihe River.

He saluted respectfully at Liu Er, and then asked carefully.

"May I ask the Immortal, who is that big demon, and who came to instigate me to harm me?"

Gun was not a fool, and he could see at a glance that this was a premeditated assassination.

And the six-eared immortal in front of him came to protect him.

If it weren't for the Six-Eared Immortal, I might have been swallowed up by the big demon long ago.

Liu'er didn't bother to hide it and said directly, "That big demon was born in the Huaihe River. He likes to eat human flesh. He probably saw the deliciousness of your flesh and blood, so he took action. As for me, my master asked me to come."

"The master is"

"Zhao Gongming, the second-generation senior brother of Shangqing Jiejiao, is also your human race's Saint Master,"

Gun gasped, extremely excited.

"How virtuous and capable a villain is, that he can pay the Saint Master's attention and send people to protect him."

Liu Er waved his hands and said, "No need to say thank you, please dig ditches in the Huai River as soon as possible and carry out drainage operations."


Gun nodded seriously and began to have sex with the young men of the Youchong tribe in full swing.

In the west, at the Holy Land of Sumeru, next to the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, Zhunti gnashed his teeth.

"Isn't it hateful? It's really hateful. The great work was about to be completed, but I didn't expect that it was blocked by Liu Er, a stinky monkey."

He was so angry that everything inside him was burning. How could God be so unfavorable to the West? He failed in one thing and failed in the other. How could the West be revitalized in the long run?

Jie Yin shook his head slightly, "If you fail, then you will fail. Whether Gun dies or not is not that important. What is important is my next mission in the west."

"Yes, senior brother."

Zhunti was dejected and listless.

In the Kunlun Holy Land, Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi sat high above the Qingyun in the sky, and the news of Gun's attack had already reached his ears.

With Yuanshi's wisdom, it is not difficult to guess that it was the West.

With a cold expression on his face, he spat out two words from the air, "What a West. I will take note of this account first."

In the lower realm, Gun devoted himself wholeheartedly to digging ditches. In just five years, a large canal stretching from north to south was built.

Following Gun's order, hundreds of millions of tons of raging floodwaters were discharged into the East China Sea.

The human flood disaster lasted for more than ten years and finally stopped.

Soon, news of Gun's great success in flood control reached the ears of Pingyang Yao in the capital.

Emperor Yao was overjoyed, rewarded Gun greatly, and made Gun governor of the world's rivers.

He was in charge of the human race's great task of controlling floods. In addition, he also gave Yushan to Gun to live in.

After Gun controlled the flood, he lived in seclusion in Yushan, no longer interested in worldly affairs, and lived a life of leisurely clouds and wild cranes.

Another five years passed, and Emperor Yao's merits were perfected and he ascended to the ancestral land of the East China Sea human race.

At the same time, a small part of the goodness from heaven fell on Master Yuding.

Because Yu Ding assisted the wrong person and was not the emperor's master, he only gained about half of the merit he could have gained.

Fortunately, Master Yuding is extremely talented and has already reached the pinnacle of Taiyi cultivation, so he narrowly avoided attaining Daluo Jinxian.

He became the third person in the Chanjiao lineage to attain Daluo Jinxian.

Yuding returned to Kunlun Mountain, and when Ran Deng saw Dao Yun at the Daluo Jinxian level on Yuding, the resentment in his heart suddenly magnified.

If this opportunity had been given to him, he would have become a quasi-sage by now, right?



Ran Deng kept shouting in his heart.

Before Emperor Yao returned to the ancestral land of the human race, he abdicated the position of co-lord to Shun of the Youyu tribe.

Taisu Tian, ​​Nuwa's beautiful eyes were surging. After explaining her teachings, Taisu Tian ordered someone to teach the next emperor of the human race.

But he was extremely cold and cold, and she had no disciples herself. Who should she send?

Nuwa thought for a moment and called Xuantian Huofeng Jinning to the inner hall.

Jin Ning walked in with a respectful attitude, "Mother, are you looking for me?"

"You should also know about the great rise of the human race, right? Now that the three emperors of the human race have all returned to their thrones, Shun, the leader of the Yu tribe in the lower realm, is the new co-leader of the human race. Go down to the lower realm and teach him."

"Ah, shall I go?"

Jin Ning was shocked and a little bit unbelievable.

Nuwa raised a beautiful smile at the corner of her mouth, "I am aloof in Taisutian. If you don't want to go, you can stay in Taisutian and continue to accompany me."

"No, no, my lady, Jin Ning is willing to go."

Jin Ning nodded hurriedly. Just kidding, this is a supreme opportunity to teach the emperor of the human race, a job that countless people have fought for but failed to get, how can I give it up.

"Let's go to the lower world now."

Nuwa waved her hand.

"Yes, my lady."

Jin Ning thought about it and turned into a stream of light and flew to the lower world.

In the lower world, Jin Ning came to the Youyu tribe. After revealing his identity, he easily accepted Shun as his disciple.

Soon, Jin Ning followed Shun to Pingyang, the capital of the human race, to take over the position of the common leader of the human race.

After Shun succeeded to the throne, Jin Ning fulfilled his duties conscientiously and took out two hours every day to teach Shun. Shun also learned humbly and did not dare to slack off for a day.

Under Jin Ning's careful teaching, Shun improved rapidly. He toured the four directions, rectified the ritual system, and reduced the punishment.

He asked the people to "be virtuous and stay away from flatterers"

"be upright and warm, be lenient and cautious, be firm but not cruel, be simple but not arrogant", respect parents and live in harmony with neighbors.

Under his governance, it took only 30 years to successfully achieve the great political and religious achievements, and the eight directions were submissive, and the four seas praised Shun's achievements.

Just when Shun was almost perfect in merit and his human luck was stronger than one person, the world changed drastically, and the great flood broke out again.

This time, the great flood was fierce, even more violent than the flood during the reign of Emperor Yao.

In just one month, countless human tribes were submerged, and nearly tens of millions of human beings died in the flood.

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