Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 293: Bo Hou’s congratulations to Emperor Xin and his strategy!

Emperor Xin actually summoned the four great princes from the East, West, South, and North to each lead two hundred princes under his command to congratulate the Great Shang.

You must know that since the last human king, Emperor Yi, the strength of the four princes and kings has reached its peak.

Although on the surface he is still a subject of Dashang, in fact, he has already established himself as a king and controls an area.

That is to say, since Emperor Xin took the throne, he carried out drastic reforms, and the development of the power of the princes and kings was somewhat restricted.

But it was still a behemoth, so powerful that it was suffocating. At this time, Emperor Xin ordered the four princes and kings to lead eight hundred princes to go to the Great Shang Dynasty to congratulate him. What was the purpose?

Ji Chang thought hard, and finally decided to make a fortune for this trip to see if it was good or bad.

Ji Chang's deduction skills are at the pinnacle, he is very proficient, and he does what he says.

After taking the tortoise shell, bathing and burning incense, we started to deduce it.

Soon, the hexagrams came to fruition, and the hexagrams showed that it would bring good fortune and great misfortune.

Ji Chang has never encountered such a hexagram.

Ji Chang tried to interpret the hexagram and finally came to the conclusion that something bad would happen if he went to Chaoge during this trip.

But there is no problem with my own safety and I can return safely.

At this time, the door of the study room was pushed open, and the young and handsome Boyikao and Ji Fa walked in.

"Father, what does King Chaoge's order say?"

Ji Chang told Boyikao and Ji Fa the contents of the king's order and the conclusions he drew from his fortune telling.

After hearing this, the two frowned and said in unison.

"Since the hexagrams show that very bad things will happen when we go to Chaoge, then it's just a matter of saying that my father is ill and not going away. Your Majesty will never punish me, Xiqi, for this reason."

"Not going? What will the king think and what will the princes think?"

Ji Chang shook his head and said in a deep tone, "You have underestimated our great king. Quyuanli, refined sugar, refined salt, white paper, how much wealth has been gathered for Chaoge over the years, our great king has a lot of people behind him. Experts advise me, if I don’t go, it will definitely bring disaster to Xiqi.”

Boyikao said worriedly, "Father, what should we do?"

"What else can we do? Naturally, we must obey the king's order and take a look at how Chaoge has developed over the years."

In the blink of an eye, three days passed. Dongbohou Jiang Huanchu, Nanbohou E Chongyu, and Beibohou Chonghou Hu all sent messages to Xiqi.

After unifying their opinions, the four princes and kings prepared their congratulations and set out for Chaoge with eight hundred princes.

In Longde Hall, Emperor Xin finished reviewing the memorial on the desk.

After thinking for a moment, he called Fei Zhong and You Hun over.

A favor order almost completely offended the four great princes of the East, West, South, North, and the Eight Hundred Towns under their command. Naturally, he couldn't be the one to do it.

Looking at the government and the public, the most suitable people are Fei Zhong and You Hun.

After a while, Fei Zhong and You Hun came in respectfully, "Fei Zhong, You Hun have met the king."

"Everyone, get up."

Di Xin waved his hand and directly handed the prepared order of favor to the eunuch to Fei Zhong and You Hun.

The two of them flipped through the pages casually, then widened their eyes and looked at Di Xin in disbelief, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this"

The two of them opened their mouths several times, but they didn't know what to say. It was shocking, too shocking.

If what is recorded on this paper is leaked, I am afraid that a big earthquake will occur throughout Dashang.

Recall that not long ago, Emperor Xin issued a royal order to summon the princes from all over the world to come and congratulate him.

Fei Zhong and You Hun understood the most important point at once.

Di Xin looked at Fei Zhong and You Hun, their expressions changed from horror to fear, and smiled, "You should also know what Gu wants to do."

"It's clear"

Fei Zhong's voice was dry and dry.

"When the four major princes and kings and the eight hundred minor princes come to pay homage to Chaoge, it will be up to you to present this order of grace."

"Ah, us?"

Fei Zhong and You Hun were horrified. They rejected the order and reduced the strength of the princes. Who suggested it?

Who is the mortal enemy of the princes? They want to live for two more days.

Di Xin's face darkened, "Is it possible that your usual loyalty is just for show, and you are actually unwilling to share your worries?"

Fei Zhong and You Hun bowed their heads and said, "I would like to share the worries of your Majesty."

"This is a good minister of Gu."

Di Xin nodded with satisfaction, and suddenly thought of something, "By the way, I heard that Su Da, the daughter of Suhu, the Marquis of Jizhou, has the appearance of a man who could conquer a country or a city. Is this true?"

Fei Zhong and You Hun tried hard to search their heads for information about the Marquis of Jizhou, and then they found the name Su Daji.

In the impression, it seems that Su Daji does have an appearance that will captivate the country, but it seems that Su Daji is engaged to Boyikao, the eldest son of Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo.

What does the king mean by mentioning Su Daji now?

"Your Majesty, Su Daji, the daughter of Su Hu, does have an unparalleled appearance and is the most beautiful woman in Jizhou City."

Fei Zhong, You Hun said quickly.

"Gu plans to ask you two to propose marriage to Su Daji, the daughter of Su Hu, when the four great uncles and the eight hundred towns princes come to pay their respects to Chao Ge. What do you think?"

"Ah, this"

Fei Zhong and You Hun looked at each other with big eyes, "Of course we have no objection to being able to propose marriage to the king, but..."

"Just what?"

Di Xin frowned. Fei Zhong and You Hun were very good at summoning him, but he couldn't stand the way he looked forward and backward.

"Your Majesty, we have heard that the daughter of Su Hu is engaged to Bo Yikao, the son of Xibohou. If Your Majesty wants to marry her..."

Fei Zhong and You Hun did not continue.

Xibohou is the most powerful among the many princes. A decree of favor is enough to disintegrate the power of the princes.

If his beloved is taken away again, Fei Zhong and You Hun are really worried that Ji Chang will directly rebel.

The two thought that after Su Daji was engaged, Emperor Xin would give up the idea of ​​taking a concubine. Unexpectedly, the smile on Emperor Xin's face became more intense.

"It's good to have an engagement. On the day of the court celebration, remember to mention this matter."


Fei Zhong and You Hun looked at each other strangely. If they didn't know clearly that the current king was a man of great talent and ambition.

They really thought that they were serving a foolish king.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, a month had passed.

The four great princes, along with eight hundred small princes, slowly approached Chaoge.

Emperor Xin had already closed down the paper mill, sugar refinery, and salt refinery a month ago to prevent the princes from spying on their specific manufacturing processes. The Quyuan Plow, a magical weapon, was strictly controlled by the army, and was personally guarded by Wucheng King Huang Feihu, so there was no possibility of leaks.

Soon, the four great princes and eight hundred town princes entered Chaoge.

Emperor Xin ordered Prime Minister Bi Gan and Wucheng King Huang Feihu to personally welcome them, and prepared an inn for them to live in. (End of this chapter)

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