Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 320: Nangong Shi is on the list and occupies Sishui Pass

Soon, Han Rong and others began to take action. Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, one on the left and one on the right, plus the main force directly in front, fiercely fought towards the Xiqi camp!

At Xiqi Camp, Ji Chang, Ji Fa, and Nangong Shi were not prepared at all!

In their hearts, the entire Great Shang Group is dominated by Gou, like a coward, and they will never come out no matter what.

As for the sneak attack in the middle of the night, that is even more impossible!

But when Ji Chang and others heard the soldiers shouting about the enemy attack, everything went wrong.

The entire Xiqi Camp was almost in chaos, with torches dancing all over the sky, like a fire dragon, darting back and forth in the Xiqi Camp.

In the main tent of the Chinese army, the burly Nangong Shi frowned, and his loud voice was full of anger, "What a Han Rong, he actually did this, Lord Marquis, I'm going to take off that Han Rong's head!"


Ji Chang nodded slowly and ordered Nangong Shi to attack.

Immediately, Nangong Shi came out of his tent, summoned his troops, and began to fight fiercely with the Sishui Pass defenders!

At this time, the huge difference between the two armies was also revealed!

The garrison at Sishui Pass all had big arms and thick waists, and they had constant food and rice on weekdays.

I can still eat a meal of meat every now and then, which gives me a lot of strength!

There were 100,000 defenders at Sishui Pass. After Grand Master Wen Zhong captured Beihai, the armor rate reached 100%!

The weapons are all shipped from Chaoge. They are extremely sophisticated, and their durability and hardness are far better than the weapons before they were improved!

As for Xiqi's army, although Xiqi's background is also very rich, they can only barely eat enough.

As for the armor coverage rate, it is only 60%. Many people's weapons have been stored in the warehouse for several years, ten or even decades.

The barrels of the guns were somewhat rotten, and with the five-day attack during the day, the men and horses were exhausted at night.

At this time, they were fiercely fighting with the elite of Dashang, and they immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Every time they collide with the weapons of the Dashang defenders, their weapons are even in danger of breaking!

In hand-to-hand combat, in addition to momentum, what matters is equipment, physical fitness, etc., etc.!

Suddenly, a thunderous shout sounded on the chaotic battlefield!

"Old thief Han Rong, how dare you fight me!"

Nangong Shi led a large number of soldiers and horses and rushed over from the rear to ease the tension of the battle.

Han Rong and Wang Hu looked at each other, with a slight smile on their lips.

"Crossbowmen prepare!" The next moment, the two waved their hands fiercely.

Thousands of crossbowmen appeared from behind the two men, wearing black clothes and looking serious. Their hands were level with the crossbows on their shoulders, and their eyes were as sharp as hawks!

That's right, it was a powerful crossbow developed by Dashang, not a bow and arrow.

This crossbow can be used by any normal person who is familiar with its structure.

It is comparable to a hundred steps piercing a poplar, and its power is infinitely greater than that of a bow and arrow.


Han Rong's gesture suddenly fell, and in an instant, thousands of arrows were fired. In the lightning and flint, the crossbow arrows pierced the body of Xiqi's army.

If you are hit by a bow and arrow in a non-vital part, you can survive, but if you are hit by a crossbow arrow, it is difficult to survive!

Just the first wave took away five thousand elites from Xiqi!

Nangong Shi's eyes were widened in disbelief.

"Second wave!"

Han Rong and others raised their hands suddenly, and then dropped them heavily!


The crossbow arrows pierced the space, and there was a sound of piercing the sky, taking away the lives of thousands more people.

Even Nangong Shi was directly shot by countless crossbow arrows and turned into a hedgehog!

The battle lasted for three hours. When the sky got slightly brighter, Han Rong no longer wanted to fight and quickly ordered a retreat!

At the Xiqi Central Army Camp, when he saw Nangong Shi's body, Ji Chang's face turned green with anger, and bursts of tears flashed in his eyes, "General Nangong Shi!"

I never expected that Han Rong, an old thief, would be so courageous. He would change his usual style and launch a sneak attack in the middle of the night!

In this battle, just by visual inspection, the number of casualties was absolutely staggering!

Two and a half days later, the battlefield was cleaned up, Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao said sadly.

"Master Marquis, in this battle, our losses totaled more than 183,900 soldiers, and countless others were injured."

After hearing this, Ji Chang felt a constant surge of energy and blood, and he almost fainted.

He thought the losses would be serious, but he didn't expect the losses to be so serious!

Ji Changqiang held his breath and said, "How many soldiers and horses came to Han Rong's side?"

"There are at most 60,000 soldiers and horses from Dashang. Among them, the biggest threat to us is the crossbow arrow that killed General Nangong."

"Crossbow, what is that? Have you captured it?"

Ji Chang asked.

Jiang Ziya shook his head and said, "Let me tell you, Lord Marquis, those crossbowmen retreated after the attack. They were extremely quick and no capture was taken!"

Xiqi's army rested in place for two or three days, and then ordered the scouts to go to Sishui Pass to check the specific situation!

Since the old thief Han Rong dared to launch a sneak attack with great fanfare, it means that there will be big moves in the future. Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles. Let's order people to explore the road first.

But when the scouts came to the Sishui Pass and saw that the gate was closed and the extremely cold Sishui Pass, they couldn't help but feel confused?

This is different from usual. Han Rong, the old thief, didn't even order anyone to set up a guard on top of the city. Being so careless and underestimating the enemy is definitely not the style of veteran Han Rong.

The scout saw that the situation was not right and did not dare to explore further, so he quickly returned to report.

In Xiqi Camp, the scout reported honestly, "My Lord, Marshal, and the two Prime Ministers, the gate of Sishui Pass is closed and there is no one. There is no one on the top of Sishui Pass. I suspect that Sishui Pass has become an empty city at this time!"

"Empty city, how is it possible!!"

Ji Fa stood up suddenly, with a look of shock on his face.

This night attack, Sishui Pass can be said to have won a great victory. How could they withdraw troops when they have such an upper hand?

Ji Fa's first reaction was that this was another trick of Han Rong.

Ji Chang looked solemn and said slowly, "Gather more people and go to explore again to ensure that there is no mistake."

"Yes, my Lord."

The scout ran out of the camp and went to Sishui Pass to investigate again.

But when the scouts bravely climbed up the gate of Sishui Pass and saw the situation inside the pass, they finally confirmed that Han Rong had abandoned the pass and escaped!

In the Xiqi camp, after Ji Chang heard the scout's second report, he stood up suddenly.

He was surprised and said, "Is what you said true?"

The scout lowered his head, "How dare you deceive the Marquis!"

Ji Chang's face suddenly turned from anger to joy, "Haha, I guess Han Rong and others know that our Xiqi has a strong foundation and can't stop us at all. In order to avoid casualties, they left early."

"Jifa, you lead a team of soldiers and horses to go into the city to see what's going on. Remember, be careful of Han Rong's ambush."


Jifa immediately selected a team of soldiers and horses and entered Sishui Pass.

After a careful investigation, it was found that the entire Sishui Pass was indeed empty!

Not only the people, but also the livestock, property, food, and almost all useful things were gone!

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