Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 323 The Unparalleled Ten Formations All disciples enter the formation!

They are all the best among the outer disciples of Jie Jiao, and each of them has Da Luo Jinxian level of Taoism.

At the same time, he practiced the Heavenly Jue Formation, the Earth Splitting Formation, and the Wind Roaring Formation. Once used, they are extremely powerful.

Daluo Jinxian, who was waiting for a while, entered the battle, and was about to die in an instant, and his soul was on the list of gods.

Lord Qin Wantian looked at the bodies of the Four Saints of Kowloon Island.

The faces of Yang Jian, Nezha, and Lei Zhenzi, who turned pale, suddenly became very cold, and there was great anger rising in their hearts!

The Four Saints of Kowloon Island were instructed by Zhao Gongming thousands of years ago and devoted themselves to practicing the Ten Jue Formation.

Not only did he break through all his cultivation levels to Daluo Jinxian, but he also just completed the Ten Jue Arrays not long ago.

Then he quickly rushed to Sishui Pass under Zhao Gongming's guidance.

Unexpectedly, it was still a step too late. The four junior brothers from Kowloon Island had already died and were sent to the list of gods.

"Senior nephew Yang Jian, are you okay?"

Dong Quan rushed to Yang Jian's side and asked with concern on his face.

Yang Jian coughed a few times, silently performed his mysterious skills, and his injuries were suppressed. He waved his hand, "Uncle Dong Quan, we are fine, but these golden immortals are too hateful and shameless!"

Today, Yang Jian saw how shameless these Kunlun Golden Immortals were!

Three against one, he was not ashamed at all, but proud of it. He simply carved the word shameless into his bones.

"If they were one-on-one, I would have put them on the list of gods!"

Nezha was still aggrieved, and the feeling of being beaten was really unpleasant!

Qin Wanman looked at Taiyi and the others angrily, and shouted, "You fellow Taoists don't talk about immortal virtues in life. You claim to be the orthodox sect of Xuanmen, but what you do is despicable means. If you attack in groups, even if you win, What’s the point?”

Master Yuding looked coldly, "My junior brother Daoxing died in the hands of Yang Jian. We haven't settled the debt yet!"

Master Manjusri sneered and said, "Bullying the few with more and attacking them in groups. The ancient virtues of immortals are related to those of true immortals with merit. You people who are born from wet eggs and are hairy and wearing horns are worthy of being fair to us." Showdown?"

"What a courage!"

The extremely strong Da Luo Daoyun suddenly bloomed on Shi Tianjun's face!

"I keep saying that I am a disciple of the Shangqing lineage, I am covered in hair and wearing horns, and I will look down on my disciples of the Shangqing lineage. Today, I will show you that the disciples you look down on can also send you to the list of gods."

"Send me to wait for the list of gods? Who can't tell lies? If you really have this ability, then come and try. If not, then you can just wait and enjoy the blessings of being on the list of gods."

Master Puxian shouted loudly, with a look of disdain on his face.

On their side, Taiyi and Yuding were all monks at the peak of Da Luo. They were powerful and the idle Da Luo Jinxian was no match for them at all.

In addition, he, Manjusri, Cihang, Jianglong and Fuhu are all Daluo Golden Immortals, totaling seven Daluo Golden Immortals.

There are also several Western disciples at the top of Taiyi to help out, and they can also compare with a Da Luo.

As for the Jiejiao side, I have never heard of the Ten Heavenly Lords.

Although they are all Da Luo Jinxian, they are more numerous than them.

But looking at the Dao Yun on them, they are just ordinary, ordinary Da Luo, unremarkable.

As for Yang Jian, Nezha and Lei Zhenzi, let alone the three.

He had just been beaten up by a group of them, and I was afraid that he would not be able to display even 50% of his strength at this time.

The advantage lies with them, so why not fight? There is no fear at all in explaining the Golden Immortal.

Qin Wantianjun's face turned completely cold, and the corners of his mouth curved into a cold arc.

"You are looking for death. No wonder we are here. When you are on the list to become a god in the future, remember that it was the Ten Heavenly Lords of Jin'ao Island who sent you to the list."

After saying that, Qin finished his speech and quickly glanced at Yuding and others, "I, Jiejiao, as the largest sect in the world, naturally have the ambition of a great sect. There are seven of you, so we will not bully you." , only seven large formations are set up. If you can break the formation, we will kill ourselves immediately and our soul will be on the list of gods. "

"What a loud tone!"

The faces of all the Kunlun Golden Immortals showed a gloomy look. They had always looked down on others. When had they ever been treated like this by others?

But they did not refute, Tuoda, since the so-called Ten Heavenly Lord insisted on this, they naturally had no objection.

After Qin Wan finished speaking, he gave Yang Jian and the others a reassuring look.

"Three nephews, please step aside and rest for a while. Next, leave it to us!"

The Ten Heavenly Lords of Jin'ao Island have practiced hard on Jin'ao Island for so many years in order to one day become famous. This day has finally arrived for them.

"Junior brothers, set up your formation!"

"Yes, senior brother."

The Ten Heavenly Lords have been practicing together for countless years, and they have already connected with each other.

You can understand what the other person is thinking with just one look.

The ten people had the same mind and body, and they were already standing in their own corner as their bodies changed.

In an instant, the magic power in his body continued to surge, and a large formation was set up in an instant, at an extremely fast speed.

Qin Wan took the lead, cupped his hands towards Taiyi and others, and then said solemnly.

"The three talents of heaven and earth are reversed, and the secret calculation is even more difficult to guess. If a god encounters the ultimate formation of heaven, his limbs will instantly turn into ashes."

"My formation is called Tianjue Formation. This formation is an innate number that my teacher once performed. It obtains the innate pure energy and contains the mechanism of chaos. There are three flags in it, which are composed of the three talents of heaven, earth and man. One Qi. If a person enters this formation, where there is thunder, it will turn into dust; if the immortal path comes here, his body will be shattered into pieces!"

"Everyone who teaches, fellow Taoists from the West, welcome to join the battle."

After Qin Wan, Zhao Jiang felt soaring energy rising all over his body, and the sound of urn was ringing.

"My formation is called the Earth Fierce Formation."

"The earth's fierce formation is wonderful and hidden, the thunder above and the fire below are ruthless. Even with the five elements of magic, it is impossible to escape the bone formation and shape bending."

"My earthly fierce formation is also based on the number of tunnels. It has a thick body hidden in the middle. It shows the excitement and wonders on the outside. It has many changes. There is a red flag hidden inside. Where it is moved, there is thunder above and fire below. Do you dare to enter my fierce formation?"

Lord Dong Quantian smiled again and said, "This formation of mine is called the Wind Roar Formation. It is infinitely mysterious and has hidden mysteries. The thing that suppresses this formation is called the Nothingness Wind. It was given by my senior brother. Fellow Taoists, please come." Are you having fun in my wind roar?"

Yuan Jiao Tianjun also gave a faint smile, and his whole body was enveloped in a supreme chill, freezing to the bone.

"My formation is called the Ice Formation. The Mysterious Skill is called Ice Formation. A mountain of swords condenses up and down. If human beings and immortals encounter this formation, they will lose their skin and bones. All Taoist friends are welcome to join the formation."

After the ice formation, the Golden Light Holy Mother used the golden light formation again.

Tianjun Sun Liang used the Blood Transformation Formation, and Tianjun Bai Li used the Flame Formation.

The other three heavenly kings remained as still as mountains, looking at Master Taiyi quietly with no wave in their eyes, as if the laws of heaven and earth stipulated that if the Western Sect was taught, the Western Sect would definitely be defeated.

Qin Wan and his seven men set up a large formation. In an instant, the large formation started to move, blowing wind, flames, and ice.

The formation stirred up the infinite power of heaven and earth, and the supreme killing energy spread in the air, making people's hair stand on end, trembling with fear, and their hearts beating violently.

"There's something about these Ten Jue Formations."

Taiyi and Yuding narrowed their eyes slightly, although they had never heard of this formation.

But among Qin Wanqiu, they rarely felt a great sense of crisis.

It can be seen from this that the power of these ten unique formations is definitely not simple, and must be prepared carefully.

The real Manjusri's strength was a bit shallow, and he did not see the essence of these ten unique formations. Instead, he was eager to try it.

"Senior Brother Taiyi, Senior Brother Yuding, we have the advantage in this battle, so what do these Ten Jue Formations count? We can break it together and let hundreds of millions of monks in the prehistoric era know that the Jiejiao Formation is actually nothing great. "

Master Cihang was relatively cautious. He nodded slowly and confirmed Manjusri's statement.

"These Ten Jue Formations look very intimidating, but no one knows how powerful these Ten Jue Formations are without entering the formation. Let's break in first and find out the details first."

Subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger. Having been in the barren and bitter cold land of the west for a long time, I have rich experience. I can see at a glance that these ten Jue formations are not easy to mess with, so I hesitated and said.

"These Ten Jue Formations do have some skills. Don't rush into the formation, otherwise you will definitely suffer losses."

Manjusri smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Jianglong, don't you believe in the strength of my senior brothers Taiyi and Yuding?"

Subduing the dragon, Fuhu was speechless and turned away without speaking.

"Subduing the Dragon, Fellow Taoist Fuhu is right. There must be a charter for how to enter the battle. Otherwise, there will be too much uncertainty if you rush in."

Taiyi and Jade Cauldron all spoke out, confirming the idea of ​​subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger.

"Of course we all listen to senior brother."

Western disciple, Kunlun Golden Immortal nodded quickly.

After Taiyi, the Kunlun Golden Immortals, and the Western disciples discussed for a while, they finally decided.

Taiyi Zhenren and Taoist Taoist Taoist entered that day together.

Jade tripod, holding the tower into the fierce formation.

Cihang, sit quietly into the roaring wind formation.

Samantabhadra, cross the river and enter the ice formation!

Manjusri, riding an elephant into the golden light formation.

Subduing the dragon, the laughing lion enters the blood transformation formation.

Crouching on the tiger, the bag enters the flame formation.

Among them, Taiyi Zhenren and other seven Daluo Golden Immortals are the main ones, and the other Taiyi Golden Immortal Peak is the supplementary one. The probability of breaking the formation can be greatly increased.

After discussing, everyone winked and stepped directly into the formation together.

In an instant, the seven large formations were operating at a faster speed. Golden light, wind, blood light, and fierce flames evolved into supreme killing power. Their power increased to the extreme. Once the ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortal entered the formation, they could not even hold on. A few calls will kill you.

In the Tianjue Formation held by Lord Qin Wantian, the energy of chaos spreads, the three talents of heaven, earth, and man are reversed, and the innate pure energy evolves into chaotic killing.

Wherever you look, everything in front of you is in chaos, and the infinite killing power of the world is hidden in the chaos, making people unable to guard against it and be cautious.

Master Taiyi was even more cautious. As soon as he entered the formation, pure mana covered his body to protect his body. He used the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield to prepare for any situation at any time.

The Taoist Taoist followed suit, his whole body flashed with golden light, and his skin immediately changed from flesh color to bronze color.

The defensive power is very strong, not even inferior to Taiyi Zhenren's Da Luo magic power body protection.

Red flowers, white lotus roots and green lotus leaves, the three religions were originally one family. The three Qing Dynasties lived together on the Kunlun Mountains for countless years.

The disciples of each family have some knowledge of the situation of the other two families.

What is formation?

The essence and core of the formation is actually to use the power of heaven and earth.

For example, the wind roar formation, ice formation, and flame formation, in the final analysis, rely on the power of the four major elements between heaven and earth, that is, earth, fire, water, and wind.

Most of the other formations cannot escape this concept, but must make the formation exert its maximum power.

Naturally, the monk cannot do it with his own strength, so he needs a carrier, and that carrier is the Formation Eye.

According to what Qin Wan just said, there are three flags in the Tianjue Formation, which contain the three energies of heaven, earth and man. If his prediction is correct, those three flags are the key to breaking the formation.

At this moment, there was a roar, and a thunderous sound came from the chaos, and suddenly hit Master Taiyi, the gatekeeper.

The purple divine thunder is extremely powerful and has a strong killing aura.

But before Master Taiyi could see it, he waved his hand slightly, and a fire dragon flew out from the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier, colliding with the thunder, and annihilating each other invisibly.

The gatekeeper was startled and secretly frightened. The Tian Jue Formation was really powerful. The divine thunder just now was so powerful that it was extremely difficult for him to resist it alone.

Master Taiyi glanced at the gatekeeper and said nothing.

He asked the gatekeeper to enter the Heavenly Absolute Formation with him, but he had no intention of letting the gatekeeper help him.

His purpose was to let the gatekeeper take away the three flags while he and Qin Wan were facing each other.

"Click, click!"

In the chaos, a few more thunders exploded.

Attacks came from all directions and from all cunning and weird directions, and each one was more powerful than the other.

Master Taiyi's face became more serious, and he clapped his hands on the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield. Three more fire dragons flew out immediately, disintegrating all the purple divine thunder.

Master Taiyi felt a little bad and sneered.

"The dignified Ten Heavenly Lords of Jin'ao Island, why are you acting like a tortoise? I have entered this Heavenly Absolute Formation as you wished. Why don't you dare to show up to see me?"

Suddenly, in the vast chaos, Qin Wan's voice sounded: "What's the difficulty in showing up to see him?"

The sound fell into chaos, as if someone had used great magic to forcibly separate a path. Qin Wan dodged and walked out of the road.

The moment he walked out, in a corner of chaos, three flags hung high, shining with dazzling brilliance, surrounded by innate pure air.

The three talents of heaven, earth and man are reversed, and they have evolved a supreme murderous spirit, staring at Taiyi ready to move.

"This is the moment!"

Taiyi Zhenren fiercely poured all his magic power into the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier.

The fire dragon that stretched thousands of feet from the Nine Dragons flew out fiercely, blocking all Qin Wan's escape routes, and rushed straight at Qin Wan, carrying supreme murderous intent, obviously aiming to kill him with one strike.

The moment Master Taiyi took action, the gatekeeper also acted quickly and pounced on the three flags.

As long as the three flags are captured, the Heaven's Jue Formation can be broken easily, or if Qin Wan is killed, the Heaven's Jue Formation can also be broken.

But Qin Wan didn't show any signs of panic. With a slight wave of his hand, the three flags disappeared from the spot and then appeared in his hand.

"What? The formation eye moves, this, how is this possible!"

Taiyi's pupils shrank slightly, the formation eye is the cornerstone of constructing a formation.

Once it is set, it is almost impossible to move it, and even if it is moved, it must be rearranged again.

But these three flags are clearly the core of the Tianjue Formation, so how can they be easily moved?

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