Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 337: No Martial Ethics, the Saint Takes Action!

Guangchengzi immediately used the Fantian Seal and smashed it towards Nezha.

The power of the Fantian Seal was unstoppable, and Nezha did not dare to face it, and hurriedly dodged backwards.

Yang Jian and Lei Zhenzi assisted from the side, and the combined strength of the three of them blocked the Fantian Seal.

This time, Guangchengzi's face became even uglier.

With his own strength, whether it was Yang Jian, Nezha, or Lei Zhenzi, they were not his opponents.

But the three of them combined together, they could pose a great threat to him. If this was outside the formation, he would naturally not be afraid.

But in this Nine-Bend Yellow River formation, it was a little bad.

Guangchengzi's face was gloomy, and he tried his best to fight with Yang Jian and the other two for hundreds of rounds before he barely escaped.

In the Nine-Bend Yellow River formation, in the center of the formation, Guangchengzi's face was gloomy, his clothes were messy, and he was very embarrassed. He was furious and almost drowned everything.

As the leader of the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun and the eldest brother of the Chan Sect, Guangchengzi's heart of Taoism was about to collapse after being beaten so badly by several third-generation disciples of the Jie Sect.

At this time, the yellow sand from all directions became more and more, and billions of layers of yellow sand swept over, making the Kunlun golden immortals and the Western descendants exhausted.

After persisting for more than half a day, the people had no supplies, suffered heavy losses, and their faces turned pale.

Next to the Hunyuan Golden Bowl, Sanxiao felt that the time had come, and suddenly urged the yellow sand to cover the sky, covering Manjusri, Samantabhadra, and Cihang.

Manjusri, Samantabhadra, and Cihang were not careful, and their whole bodies were covered by yellow sand.

The surface of the body seemed to be covered with a layer of golden armor.


Sanxiao's eyes became bright and sharp at this time. The next moment, several bright white lights flew out of the Hunyuan Golden Bowl, which was the closed immortal energy.

It can cut off the five qi in a person's chest and the three flowers on the top of the head. It is extremely powerful.

A few bright white lights passed through Wenshu, Puxian, and Cihang like a breeze, and only a scream was heard from the three people.

The immortal spirit on the body quickly dissipated, and the five qi in the chest was completely dissipated.

The three flowers on the top of the head were all cut off, and the immortal body was no longer immortal, and it was completely reduced to a mortal.

"This, how is this possible, this is absolutely not true!"

Wenshu, Puxian, and Cihang felt the empty Nigongwan.

The immortal body, which was no different from the mortal body, was full of disbelief.

Before the three of them could react, they were squeezed out of the formation by the pressure generated by the Nine Bends of the Yellow River.

"This immortal spirit is so powerful"

The Kunlun Golden Immortals could no longer sit still. Eliminating the five qi in the chest, cutting off the three flowers on the top, and transforming from immortals to mortals, this was really unacceptable to the Kunlun Golden Immortals who had always been arrogant.

Medicine Master, seeing Manjusri, Cihang, and Samantabhadra in trouble, his pupils shrank slightly.

"This Nine-bend Yellow River formation is so powerful, my two junior brothers, be careful."

Without Medicine Master's reminder, Maitreya, Mahasthamaprapta, and Ksitigarbha had already been on guard, as his Western Region was already barren.

It was not easy to obtain after millions of years of hard work, and it would be a pity if it was really lost in this Nine-bend Yellow River formation.

But at this time, the closed immortal energy had already come out, and it was no longer something that the Kunlun Golden Immortals and the Western direct descendants could control.

The infinite closed immortal energy spread wantonly in the formation, combined with the infinite yellow sand, and hit wherever it pointed.

In just a quarter of an hour, Taiyi Zhenren and Mahasthamaprapta were also cut off from the top three flowers, turned into mortals, and were expelled from the Nine-bend Yellow River formation.

At this time, Medicine Master and Maitreya finally couldn't bear it anymore and quickly begged for mercy.

"Junior sister Sanxiao, we are of the same origin, why are you so anxious to hurt each other? We are close brothers and sisters, why do you have to do such a cruel thing?"

Pharmacist and Maitreya are flexible. If saying a few good words can save Sanxiao from having the three flowers cut off, it is worth it in their opinion.

"Junior brother Yaoshi, Junior brother Maitreya!"

Guangchengzi glared at the two of them, and couldn't understand their actions. They were both descendants of the saintly lineage, so how could they be so humble to the disciples of Jiejiao? What a disgrace!

Beside the Hunyuan Golden Bowl, the three sisters looked down from above, their faces were extremely indifferent. They ignored the pharmacist and others, but looked at Guangchengzi.

"Guangchengzi, you, the Chan sect, have always claimed to be the orthodox sect of the Xuanmen sect, and you have been blessed with great fortune. You look down on the immortals of the Jie sect. Now my three sisters have set up the Nine Bends of the Yellow River formation to fight against your Chan sect immortals. Are you convinced?"

After Sanxiao finished speaking, he changed his tone and said, "If you are convinced, sincerely admit your mistakes to us and make a vow to the heavenly way that whenever you see the immortals of the Jie sect, you will retreat three steps and bow to them and call them senior brothers. My three sisters will be merciful and spare you a way out. It is not impossible."

Guangchengzi and others were pale and wanted to speak but didn't know how to refute.

But Guangchengzi didn't speak, and Chijingzi beside him couldn't bear it anymore and cursed.

"We, the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun, are all blessed with great fortune and extraordinary background. You, the disciples of Jiejiao, are of humble origin, born from eggs, covered with hair and horns. You want me, Yuxu Zhenxian, to admit my mistakes to you, which is simply ridiculous."

"Okay, then my three sisters will respectfully send you fellow Taoists to the list of gods."

After the voice fell, Sanxiao no longer held back, and all the magic power in her body poured into the Hunyuan Golden Bowl.

In an instant, the power of the Nine-bend Yellow River formation was pushed to the extreme.

The endless yellow sand evolved into a storm, mixed with the countless immortal energy that surged out of the Hunyuan Golden Bowl

and directly submerged the golden immortals and the Western disciples from all directions.

An hour later, Chijingzi and Dizang had their three flowers on their heads cut off, became mortal bodies, and flew out of the formation.

Another hour later, Master Yuding and Maitreya could not hold on any longer. They were hit by Shuanxian Qi and were forced to leave the formation.

As for Guangchengzi, the medicine master with the strongest foundation, he only persisted for half an hour longer than them. In the end, the five qi in his chest were eliminated by the infinite immortal energy, and the three flowers on his head were cut off. After hundreds of millions of years of hard work, he was destroyed. once.

It took less than a day from the time the formation was set up until there was no one in the formation. All the golden immortals in Kunlun and the direct descendants of the West had transformed from true immortals into mortal bodies.

After finishing everyone, Sanxiao immediately withdrew from the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, and Yang Jian and the other three appeared in the outside world in a flash.

In the outside world, on the earth, Guangchengzi and other golden immortals and the direct descendants of the West are running wildly on the ground.

As an innate divine being, he has been on a path higher than that of an immortal since he was born. He has never looked so embarrassed.

Yun Xiao's face was still cold, and he was about to use a spell to send Guangchengzi and others to the list.

Yang Jian stood up, holding a three-pointed two-edged sword, "These people are not worthy of being handled by my uncles, leave it to me."

Yunxiao nodded, "That's fine."

They knew that Yang Jian was doing this for their own good and did not want them to be too tainted with the spirit of killing, lest it be detrimental to their future practice.

Yang Jian's hand flashed with light, and a three-pointed two-edged sword appeared in his hand.

With a fierce swing, several sword energy burst out and rushed towards Guangchengzi and others.

Now Guangchengzi and the others are no different from ordinary people. They look at the lightning and flint and the sword energy flying towards them quickly, with despair on their faces.

The majestic Kunlun True Immortal, the direct descendant of the Chan Sect, was about to fall into the hands of a third-generation disciple of the Jie Jiao?

He is not willing to give in!

Not willing to give in!

At this time, outside the formation, Ran Deng was in ragged clothes and was suppressed by Liu Er. His breath was sluggish, and traces of blood were scattered in the sky!

As for the Antarctic Immortal and the White Lotus boy working together to fight against the Black Turtle, they were no match at all.

But seeing Guangchengzi in great crisis, the Antarctic Immortal finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Turning the palm of his hand, Yuanshi's most precious treasure of enlightenment, the Three Treasures and Jade Ruyi, appeared.

Jade Ruyi's whole body is white and warm, and it is shining with suffocating pressure. The power of the Holy Dao is constantly hovering, entangled, and spreading, exuding great terror and great pressure!

This treasure was given by the saint, and with one strike from the saint, it was enough to turn the tide of the battle.

The Antarctic Immortal had originally planned to use this jade Ruyi in the end, to catch the disciple of the Jie Jiao disciple by surprise and send him to the list.

But unexpectedly, Guangchengzi and others were already in danger.

This made the Antarctic Immortal feel a chill in his heart. As a direct descendant of the Kunlun Chan Cult, he knew very well the strength of Guang Chengzi and others.

But such strength was actually lost in the Nine-Meandering Yellow River Formation!

In mid-air, as Jin Yu Ruyi appeared, everyone felt a chill in their hearts, feeling locked by a supreme energy.


The Antarctic Immortal poured a trace of mana into Yu Ruyi, and in an instant, an infinite holy power revived above Ruyi.

Just the pressure released shattered the sword energy released by Yang Jian!

Then, Yu Ruyi grew bigger in the wind, turning into a huge Ruyi shadow, rushing towards Xuangui, Sanxiao, and Yang Jian, with overwhelming force and unstoppable force.

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