Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 381 The Three Great Emperors and Jiang Ziya’s Identity!

Zhao Gongming smiled and said, "Uncle Zhunti, in the battle with the Zhuxian Sword Formation, Chan, the West, work together to deal with me, Jiejiao. From this, Chan, the relationship with the West should be good, but now it seems that Ziya, Master Nephew It seems that they are not very friendly to the West. What kind of divine powers are these, the Stove Lord and the God of Day and Night, and you have the nerve to show them? "

Zhunti's face suddenly turned dark, and he looked at Zhao Gongming coldly, wishing he could cut Zhao Gongming into pieces with a thousand knives.

Liu Er smiled and said, "Teacher, please don't forget that there are still four great honorary positions among the Six Imperial Guards that have not yet been returned. These honorary positions must have been left by Junior Brother Ziya to Master Zhunti and his uncle."

Zhao Gongming slapped his head and said, "Why did I forget that there is still a Sixth Imperial Position? Don't be angry when you are promoted to Master. The good priesthood is yet to come."

Zhun Tiqi's face turned blue and his body was trembling. He simply waved his sleeves and turned around.

But he secretly said in his heart: After the imperial conferment on the four royal positions, he would like to see how Zhao Gongming can still laugh.


Styx suddenly smiled, it was interesting, it was actually a bit interesting.

It's so interesting that the saint was defeated, but he was defeated in front of so many powerful people from the ancient times.

Yuanshi's brain cells burned rapidly, and suddenly, he thought of something!

Looking at Tongtian in disbelief, a huge guess appeared in his heart!

Could it be that Jiang Ziya is also a Jie Jiao?

No, it's absolutely impossible. He personally inspected Jiang Ziya, and there was no trace of his teacher's handiwork!

But if there is nothing wrong with Jiang Ziya, then he can’t match up to what Fengshen showed today.

For a moment, Yuanshi's mind was filled with confusion

Jiang Ziya continued to confer the title of god, and soon it was the turn of the four great lords among the six emperors.

The Ziwei Emperor in the North Pole, the Changsheng Emperor in the South Pole, the Gouchen Shanggong Emperor, and the Qinghua Emperor in the East Pole.

The four great emperors, together with Emperor Haotian, rule the three realms, which is a veritable top priesthood!

He does not belong to the rules, but has become the creator of the rules. He is the real powerful emperor and is infinitely respected. Although he is also under the jurisdiction of Haotian in name, in a sense, he is actually on an equal footing with Haotian.

Jiang Ziya's face straightened up, and he waved his whip, and a thunder exploded on the God Conferring Stage!

"The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the direct descendant of the Jie Jie Church, is the Northern Emperor of the Central Ziwei, the Lord of the Stars, the Master of All Things, the Four Saints of the North Pole, the Eleven Obsidian Lords of the Supreme Qing Dynasty, the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper, the Three Star Lords, and the Six Divisions of the Nandou. The twenty-eight constellations in the sky govern the latitude and longitude of the sky, leading the stars in the sky to control ghosts, gods and thunder!”


The title of Supreme Emperor was even caused to tremble on the list of gods!

The power of heaven, which was so rich that it was almost substantial, suddenly fell from the thunder clouds above Qishan Mountain and landed on the list of gods.

The power of heaven continues to surge, and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit walks out of the Jiejiao camp. There are thousands of stars of fairy light flowing around her. She is holy and unattainable, exuding the supreme and inexplicable Wei Yan!

It is unprecedented for a woman to hold the position of Emperor Ziwei in the North Pole of Zhongtian!

Yuan Shi couldn't bear it anymore. The three precious jade in his hand burst out with infinite light, and shouted, "Ziya, what are you doing!"

There was infinite coldness in Yuanshi's eyes. The rest of the priesthood was okay, but the position of the Four Emperors must be in their hands!

Dongfang Zhunti, Jieyin also stood up suddenly, his coldness was flowing, and his holy power was majestic.

"Jiang Ziya, don't forget that you are a disciple of the Chan Cult. You must act according to the will of the saint. How can you make arbitrary decisions?"

In the Conferring God Platform, Jiang Ziya smiled slightly, and no longer continued to consecrate the gods. Instead, he saluted Yuanshi, Zhunti, and said with a smile.

"Sages, I, Jiang Ziya, am the direct descendant of the third generation of the Jie Sect. When did I become a disciple of the Qian Chan Sect?"

As soon as these words came out, a huge storm was set off throughout Qishan Mountain!

"What, Jiang Ziya is not a disciple of the Chan sect, but a disciple of the Jie sect?"

"How is this possible!"

"Hiss, it took me a long time, Jiang Ziya is a disciple of Jie Jiao, no wonder so many top priests are conferred on Jie Jiao!"

"Yuanshi, Zhunti, and the three saints did not know it. Doesn't this mean that Jiejiao has already played with the saints in applause?"

Countless powerful people's expressions changed. It was such a skill to play with the saint in the applause. It was simply something they could not even imagine.

At this moment, Zhunti, beside the two saints, Shen Gongbao, suddenly had the power of the saint flowing around him, and with a thought, he actually flew to the Jiejiao camp.

Zhunti, Jieyin was shocked, "Gongbao you!"

After the Second Saint finished speaking, he glared at Tongtian Cult Leader Zhao Gongming angrily, "Tongtian, Zhao Gongming, are you responsible for this?"

On Qishan Mountain, the atmosphere completely changed. Taiqing, who had always been calm and calm, had a flash of shock in his eyes!

Jiang Ziya, Shen Gongbao, the two Flying Bears, are they all under Jie Jiao's control?

Does Jie Jiao have the ability to predict the future? Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain this behavior.

Ming He's grin widened, "Interesting, so interesting. Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao are both members of the Jie Jiao!"

Zhen Yuanzi narrowed his eyes slightly, "The plan has been planned since before the great catastrophe. The depth of the plan is unimaginable. It is not outrageous for the saint to be defeated in his hands."

"Jiang Ziya, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

On the Kowloon Agarwood Chariot, Yuan Shi's face was gloomy. Although he was questioning Jiang Ziya, his eyes fell on the Jiejiao people.

Over the years, although Jiang Ziya's qualifications were extremely poor, for the sake of being a flying bear.

The true method of teaching Yuqing and the treasure house of Yuqing were all opened to Jiang Ziya.

Including Ran Deng Taoist and the Antarctic Immortal, he also told everything he knew, and gave careful guidance, but in the end, he actually taught a traitor!

Zhunti, the pain in Jie Yin's heart was no less than Yuan Shi.

Who is Shen Gongbao?

He is the fifth direct descendant of the two sages of the West, and has the same status as the Medicine Master, Maitreya, Mahasthamaprapta, and Ksitigarbha.

The hope of the West, the infinite resources of the West, and the guidance of the direct descendants of the saints all lie in him.

Now tell Zhunti and lead that Shen Gongbao is actually a spy planted by Jiejiao in the west, how can he bear it!

In the Conferred Gods Tower, Jiang Ziya looked indifferent, did not respond, and was too lazy to respond.

Zhao Gongming smiled and said frankly, "Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao were both my disciples back then. What's wrong with the gods now conferring some teachings on me?"

At Yuanshi, Jie Yin and the Second Saint almost vomited blood in anger, glared angrily, and wanted to take action, but Dao Ancestor's Meteorite Pill was in front of him, so he was extremely afraid.

But Zhunti didn't care so much anymore, his eyes turned red, and he hit Shen Gongbao with one palm!

I have received so many benefits from him in the West, and now I want to leave, how is it possible!

This palm was enveloped by the power of a saint, but before he could get close to Shen Gongbao, he was stopped and crushed by Zhao Gongming.

"Uncle Zhunti, in front of so many great masters, he attacks a junior. Is this the pattern of Western saints?"

Zhao Gongming stopped in front of Zhunti, with an evil look on his face.

Zhunti suddenly didn't know what to say and just stared at Zhao Gongming.

Not far away, Haotian's face, instead of looking at Yuan Shi, Zhunti and Jie Yin after suffering a loss, became more solemn!

To be able to force the Chan Sect and Western Sect to this point, this method is too terrifying!

Most of the righteous gods in the heaven are disciples of the Jie Jiao. So, is this heaven the heaven of his Haotian or the heaven of the Jie Jiao?

Seeing the solemn atmosphere, the Hall of Conferred Gods was temporarily suspended.

Taiqing could only stand up and said in a stern voice.

"Being a god is a big deal right now. Have you forgotten Dao Ancestor's edict?"

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