Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 390 The Incarnation of the Saint, Seven Countries Discuss the Dao!

Zhunti and Jieyin looked at each other and headed for the netherworld without hesitation.

In Taisutian, Nuwa Palace, Nuwa, who was dressed in plain clothes and was extremely beautiful, opened her eyes and slowly closed them.

She did not establish a Taoist tradition, and as the Holy Mother of the human race, she had already gained enough luck, so she was naturally not interested in the battle for luck in the human world.

Time is like a rolling wheel, never stopping, and in the blink of an eye, another hundred years have passed.

Since the demise of the Shang Dynasty, the human world has been fighting endlessly, and finally seven overlords were born.

They are Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei, and Qin.

The seven countries, with a vast area, are distributed in all directions, with strong national strength, and are well-deserved overlords.

In addition to the seven countries, there are countless vassal states, and there are wars all day long.

Among the many small countries, there is a country called Chen.

In the territory of Chen, Ku County, Li Township, Qu Renli, this is the poorest and most remote place in the territory of Chen.

It is precisely because of its barrenness and remoteness that the people here are also free from war. Although life is a bit hard and difficult, there is still hope.

There is a family in Qurenli, surnamed Li. The owner of this family joined the army ten months ago and has not received any news since then.

Before the owner left, Li was pregnant. Today is the day of delivery.

In the inner room, the woman's painful voice lasted for half an hour before it stopped, and then the sound of a baby crying came from the inner room.

After ten months of pregnancy, Li finally gave birth to a boy. Li named him Li Er.

On the day Li Er was born, there was no ripple in the human world, but the earthly immortal world was shaken violently.

In the void, golden lotuses appeared, exuding a strange fragrance, thousands of auspicious colors, and an inexplicable purple air across the sky and earth, coming from the east, sweeping across the sky and earth!

"Brother Taiqing's incarnation has been born!"

The saints' brows condensed, and they all looked at the human world. Qi moved people's hearts. Brother Taiqing, who had never fought or competed, was the first to make a move this time.

In Qurenli, Li Er was no different from an ordinary baby when he was born, except for a pair of big eyes that flashed, dark and bright like stars.

As time went by, Li Er's talent was truly revealed.

He could walk in half a year, speak in a year, and understand everything at once.

Although he was young, some adults couldn't argue with him when he talked about the truth.

The Li family was very happy and spent all their money to send Li Er to school.

After entering the academy, Li Er lived up to everyone's expectations. He was always the first in every study, standing out from the crowd.

But at the age of ten, he had already gained a great reputation in Qurenli and even in Ku County, and was called a young supernatural power.

When Li Er was ten years old, the incarnations of Yuanshi, Tongtian, Zhunti, and Jieyin were also born.

The incarnation of a saint, even if it is only one billionth of his true spirit, also possesses incredible, innate power.

In just a few years, the name of the child prodigy in the human world resounded throughout the country.

At the same time, a faint literary aura suddenly appeared above the human world.

Then it quickly fell and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

A year later, in Zouyi, Lu State, a child was born!

The child's father was called Shu Lianghe, who served as a doctor in Zouyi and was one of the three great generals of Lu State.

When Jin State attacked Lu State, Shu Lianghe led his troops to resist, but unfortunately died in battle.

Three months after Shu Lianghe died in battle, his child was born.

Because there was a little concave on the top of his head when he was born, his mother named him Qiu.

On the day Confucius was born, the literary aura above the human world lingered for three days.

In the earthly immortal world, the four continents, the destiny of humanity evolved into the long river of humanity.

Inside the human race temple, the literary spirit was surging, as if it was about to burn!

The literary spirit was turbulent, and several human ancestors of Suiren looked at Cangjie in unison.

Cangjie was also very surprised. He didn't do anything, why would the literary spirit be turbulent for no reason!

Cangjie was puzzled, but according to his many years of experience, this was not a bad thing.

In Lu State, Zouyi Land, although Confucius had a little dent on his head, it did not affect his wisdom.

Confucius liked to read. At the age of ten, he had read all the books in his home.

If there were no books to read, Confucius would borrow them. Fortunately, his father had many friends during his lifetime, and he could always borrow different books.

After reading more books, Confucius' temperament also changed greatly.

He was full of righteousness, invulnerable to all laws, indestructible, and his eyes were bright and majestic!

When Confucius was eighteen years old, bandits robbed Qurenli, and Confucius stood up and shouted at them.

With a righteous spirit, he rushed straight to the sky, and the bandit leader burst into tears and dared not to attack again. As a result, Confucius became famous.

Time passed slowly, and more than ten years passed in the blink of an eye. The saint incarnation continued to grow.

He traveled among the seven countries, discussed the Tao, absorbed knowledge, and collided with ideas and integrated them.

Zhunti and Jieyin also successfully became monks. One was called Sakyamuni and the other was called Muni. They spread the Mahayana Buddhist thought everywhere.

At the same time, Zhao Gongming also set out from Mount Emei and came to the endless sea of ​​blood.

"Fellow Daoist Gongming, I have been looking forward to seeing you for a long time."

The sea of ​​blood raised a huge wave, and the strange laughter of the Styx came from the sea of ​​blood.

Then the sea of ​​blood separated to both sides, revealing a passage.

Zhao Gongming walked into the passage for only three or two steps, and saw the Styx sitting on the twelve-grade karma fire red lotus.

"The saints in the human world are discussing the Dao. Now is the best opportunity for you to enter the human world."

Minghe frowned, "If you want to go to the human world, you must pass through the netherworld, but if you do that, my cultivation will be ruined."

The Three Realms are different from the Primordial World. To enter and exit the Three Realms, one must pass through the world barrier.

The Netherworld and the Earthly Immortal Realm are easier to deal with, but in the Human World, most of the people living there are mortals, so the world barrier is unprecedentedly strong.

Let alone the Styx, even if a saint comes in person, it is highly unlikely that he will be able to force his way into the mortal world.

In addition to forcing his way in, he can be reincarnated, but once reincarnated, his cultivation is hidden, and he is no different from a mortal. How can he accomplish the feat of killing a saint?

Zhao Gongming smiled, "Daoyou, follow me, I have my own way."

After saying that, he turned and flew to the Netherworld.

The Styx raised his eyebrows, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and followed behind Zhao Gongming.

The two of them arrived at the Netherworld very quickly. Taoist Mosquito came up to show his courtesy at the first time, "Master, how come you have time to come to the Netherworld!"

When he saw Minghe, he was surprised again, "Senior Minghe, why are you here too?"

"Why, the ancestor can't come?"

Taoist Mosquito shook his head, "Of course, as the master of Shura Dao, the ancestor can come and go freely."

Zhao Gongming was too lazy to talk nonsense with Taoist Mosquito, and went straight to the point, "Is Empress Pingxin in the palace?"

Even Taoist Mosquito couldn't make Minghe sneak into the human world without reincarnation, but Empress Pingxin could do it.

After hearing this, Taoist Mosquito became more attentive, "My master, Empress Pingxin is in the palace."

Arriving at the deepest part of the Netherworld and entering the Pingxin Palace, Zhao Gongming and Minghe saw Houtu.

Billions of years have passed, and Houtu's appearance has not changed at all. She is still so beautiful and incomparable.

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