Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 402: Emperor Qin Shi Huang destroyed Buddhism. The end of Buddhism!

When the civil and military officials saw it, their faces showed doubts.

Jing Ke? Isn't he dead a long time ago? Why would your Majesty take these out now?

Ying Zheng waved his hand again, and Wei Zhuang walked out of the shadows.

He raised his hands to Ying Zheng and said, "Your Majesty, when Jing Ke was assassinated, I have investigated and found out the truth."

"the truth?"

All civil and military officials were immediately confused. Wasn't it Prince Dan of Yan who was behind Jing Ke's assassination?

And the Yan State has been destroyed, and Prince Dan of Yan has long perished with the Yan State. What more truth is there?

Suddenly, the civil and military officials looked at each other, and their eyes froze!

Could it be that there was someone else behind Jing Ke's assassination? Why didn't you hear His Majesty mention it back then?

"Now that the truth has been found out, let me tell it to my civil and military officials."

Ying Zheng's expression was unusually dull.


Wei Zhuang turned around, faced the civil and military officials, and said seriously, "It was discovered that Jing Ke's identity was a ranger of the Yan Kingdom, but before he became a ranger, Jing Ke had another identity!"

"There is another identity, what is it?"

All civil and military officials held their breath.

"The other identity is that of a Buddhist disciple. The dagger he used to assassinate His Majesty is a Buddhist treasure that has been lost for many years. The Prince Yan Dan was only a part of Buddhism in the assassination."

Wei Zhuang spoke loudly and made the final conclusion, "The mastermind behind Jing Ke's assassination was not Prince Dan of Yan, but Buddhism!"

The civil and military officials asked again, "We, the Qin Dynasty, have never had any enmity with Buddhism. Why does Buddhism want to assassinate Your Majesty?"

Wei Zhuang smiled, "The foundation of Buddhism is all in the Yan State. At that time, our Great Qin was going to raise troops against the Yan State. Our Great Qin was powerful and the Yan State was weak. If the Yan State was destroyed, Buddhism would inevitably be affected, and we wanted to avoid that. If this kind of influence occurs, the only way to attack Qin is to assassinate Qin. As long as the King of Qin falls, Qin's unification of the world will be blocked, and Buddhism will naturally rest easy. "

At this point, Wei Zhuang stopped abruptly and waved his hand fiercely towards the shadows.

There was movement in the shadows, and after a while, someone came up carrying three large boxes.

Wei Zhuang opened the box and found a pile of secret letters.

Wei Zhuang said, "After I investigated the mastermind behind Jing Ke's assassination, I investigated Buddhism again, but I didn't expect that there is such filth hidden under the golden Buddha statue of Buddhism."

All the civil and military officials came forward to look at it. The more they looked, the colder and angry their faces became.

They take human life seriously, commit adultery with a married woman, and seek wealth and murder.

One by one, one by one, they are displayed nakedly in front of the civil and military forces.

Wen Wu's face showed great anger and he said angrily.

"What a great Buddhism. Unexpectedly, it is all gold and jade on the outside, but it is full of corruption. On the surface, it is glorious and majestic, but behind the scenes, it is all dirty things!"

"Buddhism is a heinous crime that makes both heaven and man angry!"

"Assassinating His Majesty is a capital crime. Buddhism must be destroyed!"

Bai Qi stood up, his face cold and murderous.

All civil and military officials were shocked, "Destroy the Buddha?"

To destroy the Buddha is equivalent to fighting Buddhism forever.

Now that the world has just stabilized, the movement to destroy the Buddha will definitely have a very bad impact on the reputation of Da Qin.

Ying Zheng nodded, "Mr. Wu An is right. Buddhists are ambitious, engage in demagoguery, and have countless evil deeds. If they are allowed to continue like this and harm the people of Li, I will feel uneasy."

"From now on, we will burn scriptures and destroy the Buddha. Do you have any opinions?"

"I obey your orders!"

All civil and military officials nodded.

At this point, it became clear that His Majesty had great ill will towards Buddhism.

The burning of scriptures and the destruction of Buddhism was probably not just due to Jing Ke’s assassination, but was also premeditated.

Soon, the First Emperor issued his first imperial edict since proclaiming himself emperor.

Order to destroy Buddha!

As soon as the order to exterminate the Buddha was issued, it swept through Xianyang in just one day, and then spread to all directions.

Today's Qin State has just unified the world. The blood on the swords of Qin's millions of elite soldiers has not yet dried up. Its power is at its peak and no one can resist it!

In just a few months, countless temples were destroyed, countless monks were arrested, and countless Buddhist scriptures were burned!

Buddhism, from being aloof and aloof, instantly transformed into a drowned rat that everyone was shouting for.

Seeing the miserable state of Buddhism, various schools of thought were very sympathetic, and at the same time they were extremely dissatisfied with Da Qin.

There are three religions and nine streams, no matter what conflicts or struggles there are among them, they are still one community.

Buddhism is destroyed today, Mohism is destroyed in the future, farmers are destroyed, and Yin and Yang families are destroyed. How can they resist?

The leaders of hundreds of schools of thought gathered together and wrote a letter of protest to the First Emperor.

Xianyang, main hall, Ying Zheng looked at the basket full of memorials and couldn't help but smile.

"It's time to let them know about the evil things the Buddhists have done, Wei Zhuang, take action."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Wei Zhuang's voice came from the shadows.

As Wei Zhuang began to take action, the things that Buddhism had done were dug out one by one and made public.

The various schools of thought couldn't help but be confused when they saw all the evil deeds of Buddhism revealed.

Are all these evil things done by Buddhism?

Zhuzi Baijia immediately conducted an investigation, and after each piece of information was confirmed.

His original sympathy for Buddhism was completely wiped out, and he began to criticize Buddhism both verbally and in writing.

As the First Emperor destroyed Buddhism, the destiny of Buddhism in the human world began to pass rapidly.

Soon, it affected the immortal world and Mahayana Buddhism.

After the rebellion, Mahayana Buddhism developed rapidly and its luck was like a dragon. Its luck began to decline one by one, and it didn't take long before as much as 10% of it was lost.

You know, after so many years of development, Mahayana Buddhism has a strong luck. Even 10% is an astronomical figure.

Outside the thirty-three heavens, in the paradise, Zhunti's lips were trembling, and his face was visibly pale, even paler than when he was reborn after his death at the end of the Conferred Gods!

"Damn it! Ying Zheng, my Buddhist sect and he will never coexist!"

Jie Yin's face was also gloomy, and there was shock in his eyes that had always been calm!

"We can't kill him with the dagger condensed by the chaotic evil spirit. His identity is definitely not simple!"

Jie Yin spoke gloomily. The lord of the human race in the earthly immortal world has the yellow luck to protect his body, so naturally all evils will retreat and all methods will not invade.

After all, with the current prosperous state of the human race, the status of the human emperor can even be comparable to that of the saints of the heavenly way.

But the status of the emperor of the human world cannot be compared with that of the human emperor of the earthly immortal world. How could the killing weapon condensed by the chaotic evil spirit fail to work?

Zhunti's face condensed, "Brother, do you mean that someone is behind this?"

"I don't know, but we'll know if we try."

Jie Yin's face was cold.

Now is the critical time for the rise of the West. Ordinary things are fine, but this time, the loss of Buddhism has reached an extreme, and it must not be let go.

"Okay, then I will go and see who it is!"

After the voice fell, Zhunti flew out with a split spirit and flew towards the human world.

At the same time, the blood sea that had been paying attention to the West suddenly set off a huge wave, and a blood light flew towards the human world at a very fast speed. The blood sea returned to its previous calm state.

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