Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 405 Ksitigarbha goes to the underworld, the great aspiration of Buddhism

There are countless hungry ghosts in the underworld, and if they want to reincarnate, they need a series of processes to enter the six reincarnation channels to reincarnate.

This has led to a surge in the number of ghosts in the underworld.

With such a huge base, those with outstanding qualifications are one in a hundred or one in a thousand, and the overall number is also very considerable.

If they can all be reincarnated to the West through the six reincarnations, one after another, why worry that there are few talents in the West and they are not as good as the East?

Jie Yin was very tempted after hearing this, but still frowned and said, "The Supreme Hou Tu of the Underworld and the Emperor Fengdu have a deep relationship with Jiejiao. Will they agree to let our people go in?"

Zunti said righteously, "Brother, you are wrong. I, the Buddhist sect, have no selfish motives when I enter the underworld, but I am completely thinking about the sentient beings in the three realms. What a broad mind this is. Even if the underworld does not allow it, as long as the Heavenly Dao approves, no one can stop it!"

Jie Yin's eyes suddenly lit up!

Yes, what is the core purpose of his Mahayana Buddhism? Saving the world and saving people, getting rid of troubles, getting rid of reincarnation, and entering the underworld, what is unreasonable?

When the time comes, they will make a vow to the Heavenly Dao, and the Heavenly Dao will respond. Even the Supreme Hou Tu will not be able to stop them from entering the underworld in the West.

And once they enter the underworld, they will bring a steady stream of talents!

If this plan succeeds, not only can the losses of the human world be fully recovered, but there will be even more gains!

Jie Yin said, "Entering the underworld is a matter of great importance. Junior brother, have you thought of a good candidate?"

"Ksitigarbha is very suitable."


Jie Yin sighed, "Jing Ke failed to assassinate Qin, but instead caused Ksitigarbha to lose tens of thousands of years of Taoism. Let's change someone to go."

Zunti said solemnly, "Ksitigarbha is my direct descendant of Buddhism, and he should be compensated well. How can I just give up like this?"

Jie Yin nodded and agreed, "Then I will listen to you."

Soon, Zhunti and Jie Yin called Ksitigarbha to the paradise.

Dizang was the same as always, but his face was a little too pale.

The luck of the quasi-human emperor was not to be underestimated. Not only did the magic weapon refined by his uncle have no effect.

Even a wisp of his true spirit turned into smoke and dust, and even backfired on his body, and he has not recovered until now.

"Dizang greets Master, Uncle, I don't know that Master, Uncle asked the disciple to come here."

"I asked you to come here to give you an unparalleled opportunity."

"Great opportunity?"

Dizang was stunned, and he couldn't help but feel shocked instead of happy.

"Come here, Uncle will tell you."

Seeing Dizang's performance, Zhunti coughed a few times and waved his hand to signal Dizang to come over.

Dizang went over as he was told, and Zhunti said in his ear, "The thing is, the underworld is in charge of reincarnation, and the human world, and..."

Zhunti's eloquence was amazing, and he told Dizang about the plan in just three or two sentences.

This time, Dizang was really excited. If it was as his uncle said,

Entering the underworld means that there is an endless supply of merit to be gained.

That is merit, which is what Dizang needs most at present. If it can be accomplished, what is this loss now?

Dizang said firmly, "For the prosperity of my Buddhist sect, for the great aspirations of my master and uncle, and for my Western Paradise, Dizang is willing to give it a try!"


Zunti seemed to be infected by Dizang's emotions, with tears in his eyes, "You are worthy of being my Western disciple, well done, if my Western Paradise prospers in the future, you will be the first to contribute!"

Zunti wiped the tears from his eyes with his hand, "But the underworld is dangerous after all, let uncle accompany you."

"Yes, uncle."

Zunti and Dizang turned into a stream of light and flew to the underworld.

Only a moment later, they arrived at the entrance of the underworld.

The underworld is a forbidden place for ordinary immortals, because it represents reincarnation, extinction, and reincarnation.

But for Zhunti and Dizang, going in and out is not a big deal at all.

Entering the netherworld, there were gusts of cold wind, black mountains standing tall, and countless ghosts slowly driving towards the depths of the netherworld along the arranged trajectory.

Entering the netherworld, there were gusts of cold wind, black mountains standing tall, and countless ghosts slowly driving towards the depths of the netherworld along the arranged trajectory.

"In front of the Ghost Gate, the power of the Heavenly Dao is strong. Go there quickly to make a great wish. Uncle Master will help you hold them back."

Zhunti left a word and rushed to the Senluo Palace.

Ksitigarbha went the other way and headed straight for the Ghost Gate.

In the Senluo Palace, the Taoist Mosquito who was practicing suddenly opened his eyes, licked his lips, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"People from the West dare to come to my netherworld and act presumptuously? Do you really think my netherworld is just for eating dry food?"

The saint was very fast, and soon Zhunti appeared in front of the Senluo Palace.

Zhunti smiled and looked at the Senluo Palace, and walked directly into the Senluo Palace.

But before he took a few steps, he saw a black shadow flashing in front of him, and Taoist Mosquito appeared in front of him.

Taoist Mosquito has been the King of Fengdu for so long, and he has naturally developed a very majestic aura. He said fiercely.

"How can the underworld allow idle people to trespass?"

There is almost no need to think, as long as you see Zhunti's face, it is definitely not a good thing.

Zhunti smiled and said, "It turns out to be Taoist Fengdu, long time no see"

Taoist Mosquito was quite surprised, "Oh? It turns out that the saint came in person, but it is my underworld that is rude. I wonder if the saint came to my underworld for any important business?"

Zhunti smiled and said, "No one comes to the temple for no reason. I came to the underworld this time, of course, for something."

Zhunti chatted with Taoist Mosquito in a casual manner.

Anyway, as long as Ksitigarbha makes a great wish and gets the approval of the Heavenly Dao, it will be a foregone conclusion that the West will enter the underworld.

At the gate of hell, Ksitigarbha hurried over, feeling excited. Along the way, he had a panoramic view of the situation in the underworld.

There are too many talents in the underworld. If only half of these talents come to the West, what will the West have to worry about?

Ksitigarbha's hands are clasped together, with a majestic appearance. The seven-color cassock on his body is shining with glaze-like glow. It is holy and unsullied, which is very different from the gloomy atmosphere of the netherworld.

Suddenly, Ksitigarbha suddenly opened his eyes, and the infinite golden Brahma light centered on him and spread violently in all directions. Wherever it passed, the gloomy ghostly energy emitted a sizzling business and quickly melted away.

Ksitigarbha's solemn appearance said loudly, "I, a disciple of Mahayana Buddhism, Venerable Ksitigarbha, feel deeply for the countless dead souls in the underworld and the suffering of all sentient beings."

"Young men are arrogant. In the Netherworld, are you the only ones who can be so arrogant?"

These words were arrogant and overbearing, and there were no taboos. As soon as the words fell, a bloody stream of light flew towards Ksitigarbha.

The bloody light dissipated in mid-air, revealing the sword body. This turned out to be the Abi Sword.


The Abi Sword was mixed with endless evil energy and struck Ksitigarbha fiercely.

Ksitigarbha was immediately stunned. The instinctive sense of crisis he had practiced for hundreds of millions of years made him use his spiritual treasure to resist.


The spiritual treasures collided together in mid-air in an instant, and the Tao Yun stirred up

Ksitigarbha only felt that he was hit by an ancient sacred mountain that flew towards him.

The internal organs were displaced, the golden body was shattered, a mouthful of old blood spurted out from the whole person, and he flew backwards, instantly falling unconscious.

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