Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 429: Buddhism is frustrated and the stone monkey has a chance

"It has been arranged. It is estimated that it will not take long to reach the island."

"That's good. You must pay special attention to this matter. The saint has asked that no accidents should happen."

"Don't worry, ancestor. Ao Qing understands."

The candle dragon then turned into a stream of light and plunged into the East China Sea again. Ao Qing hurriedly followed. The East China Sea, which was tense just now, became calm again in an instant.

At the edge of the East China Sea, Randeng and his party stopped. Ananda and Kasyapa's faces were so gloomy that water could drip from them. "Brother Randeng, the dragon clan is so bullying. How do the three realms and the prehistoric races view our Buddhism when we make such concessions?"

Today is an unforgettable day for Ananda and Kasyapa. As disciples of the saint, they were humiliated by others. They had to swallow their broken teeth. It was really aggrieved.

Randeng sighed, "The dragon clan is indeed hateful, but the retreat is what the teacher said, how can we not obey?"

"What does the teacher mean?"

Ananda and Kasyapa's faces suddenly changed, and they dared not say anything. Randeng, they could still refute, but the saintly teacher and saintly uncle dared not disobey at all.

Randeng comforted, "Don't worry, two junior brothers, it's just a temporary honor and disgrace. When my Western Region is prosperous, I will make the dragon clan pay a hundred times back."

Ananda and Kasyapa nodded, "Then Randeng, what should we do next?"

"The teacher said, let us stay at the edge of the East China Sea for a while and secretly explore the traces of the stone monkey. In this calamity, the trend of the heavenly way is in my Western Region, and the stone monkey will always appear."


Ananda and Kasyapa nodded, and directly stationed at the edge of the East China Sea with Randeng, secretly sending people to search for the whereabouts of the stone monkey.

At the same time, somewhere in the East China Sea, the stone monkey was traveling on the sea by boat. He didn't know how many days had passed. The floods in recent days made the stone monkey very embarrassed. His originally soft fur was knotted into clumps. He only ate a small part of the stored fruits, and the rest were all rotten. Fortunately, the stone monkey was smart and cautious. He prepared a fishing rod in advance, so he could fish in the water. With the rain, he could barely fill his stomach.

Although the stone monkey was in a mess, he showed great joy in his eyes at this time!

Because he saw a huge island not far ahead. Having an island means that he can have a good rest, which surprised the stone monkey who had been splashing on the sea for days.

The stone monkey grabbed the oars with both hands and slid hard. The wooden boat was like pressing an accelerator and drove quickly towards the island in the distance.

After more than half a day, the wooden boat finally approached the island. The stone monkey got off the wooden boat and connected the wooden boat and the island tightly with the rope prepared in advance. Then he began to look at the island in front of him.

The island is not big, but it has cliffs and mountains, and it has everything. The spiritual energy is very rich, and the grass and trees are lush. Fairy birds can be seen flying everywhere, and towering trees grow on fertile land.

Looking up at the sky, the sun and the moon shine together, and countless stars are looming in the sky, emitting a faint glow. The most important thing is that on this island, the stone monkey feels very safe. On the Flower and Fruit Mountain, the sense of prying that lingers in his heart all the time disappears completely.

After checking that there is no danger, the stone monkey fell headfirst on the island, greedily breathing the long-lost fragrance of fruits and plants.

This sleep, the stone monkey slept for a whole day and two nights before waking up. After waking up, the stone monkey checked the wooden boat. After seeing that the wooden boat was fine, he picked a lot of palm leaves nearby, carefully covered the wooden boat, and then went ashore to find something to eat.

After being on the sea for days, eating only fish and sleeping for so long, the stone monkey was already starving.

The stone monkey was looking for food on the island. Not long after, he saw an old peach tree. The old peach tree was obviously quite old, with strong branches and well-developed roots exposed outside. Its roots extended far underground.

The peaches on it were big and red. A breeze blew, and a refreshing peach fragrance came into my heart.

"Good peaches, good peaches, these peaches are more fragrant than those on Huaguo Mountain."

The stone monkey sniffed intoxicatedly, climbed up the tree in no time, picked a bunch of them, and began to eat them. Sure enough, the peaches were very sweet. After swallowing one, all the fatigue in his body disappeared completely, and he felt more relaxed than ever before.

After eating and drinking, the stone monkey decided to look at the center of the island, because when he landed before, he vaguely saw some buildings and several thatched houses in the center of the island.

Although he didn't know if there were people on the island, he had to go and see it since he was here.

The stone monkey made a few large baskets with vines, filled them with peaches, and set off directly. The closer he walked to the center of the island, the more peach trees there were.

Each peach tree was much larger than the one the stone monkey had seen before, and the peaches on the tree were becoming more and more sweet and delicious.

"Could it be that the peaches on this island are all planted by immortals?"

A guess gradually arose in the stone monkey's mind. Even the peaches on the outermost edge were much more delicious than the most delicious peaches on Huaguo Mountain, and they could also eliminate fatigue.

In addition to the things of the immortals, the stone monkey really couldn't think of anything else.

The stone monkey continued to move forward and walked for more than half a day. The stone monkey didn't even dare to eat peaches on the tree anymore.

Because the energy contained was too great, he would be full after eating only one.

At this time, the stone monkey finally saw the thatched house in front of him clearly, and the peach in his hand didn't hold it firmly, and fell to the ground.

There are only three or two thatched houses located in the center of the island, and they are unremarkable.

What surprised the stone monkey was the meditating immortal in white next to the thatched cottage.

The immortal in white looked like a young man, with his eyes slightly closed, his skin as lustrous and delicate as white jade, and the sun, moon and stars shrouded his body, blending and converging with each other, with an immortal style and character that seemed indescribable in all the words in the world.

Immortal, this is definitely an immortal, the stone monkey was extremely excited!

He had found the immortal without any effort after searching everywhere, as soon as he left the Flower and Fruit Mountain!

If he found the immortal, he could practice great supernatural powers, and he could find the person behind the old white monkey on the Flower and Fruit Mountain. Similarly, he could break free from his shackles and gain great freedom!

That's right, the ultimate goal in the stone monkey's heart was great freedom and great freedom!

"This monkey head is interesting!"

Beside the thatched cottage, Zhao Gongming sat cross-legged, laughing in his heart.

At this time, the monkey was not yet the future Monkey King, the puppet of Buddhism, and the Fighting Buddha.

Under the tempering of the heart fire day and night, it retains its nature, which is natural and interesting.

Suddenly, the stone monkey moved. He took two steps at a time and came to Zhao Gongming in the blink of an eye. He put his paws together, knelt down and bowed, calling out.

"Stone monkey, I pay my respects to the immortal. Please accept me as your disciple."

Zhao Gongming slowly opened his eyes. When his dark and bright eyes opened, the whole island seemed to be brighter. This made the stone monkey more convinced that the one in front of him was definitely an immortal, the kind of immortal who could teach him supreme magical powers!

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