Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 432: The Buddhist sect is surprised, Guanyin steps in!

In his eyes, there was no longer the ignorance that he had when he first came to the fairy island, but full of determination.

Although he had not been on the fairy island for a long time, the stone monkey had greatly increased his knowledge.

Although he was not well-versed in history, he was not much different. He was no longer the stone monkey who had just started out.

The stone monkey came to the thatched cottage, knelt down suddenly, kowtowed three times, and then stood up resolutely and walked out of the island.

Although he had only practiced on the fairy island for a few years, the immortal gave him a treasure that he would benefit from for a lifetime.

Not long after the stone monkey left, the door of the thatched cottage suddenly opened again.

Zhao Gongming walked out again, staring at the back of the stone monkey, and a sigh flashed across his face!

The stone monkey was indeed amazing, but under the catastrophe, the trend of the heaven was unstoppable. The longer the stone monkey stayed by his side, the more harm it would do to the stone monkey. Therefore, in the past few years, he raced against time, and the result was finally satisfactory.

He has already taught the great way and guided the stone monkey to embark on the right path. The next road is for the stone monkey to walk on his own.

Zhao Gongming waved his hand, and the thatched cottage, the cushion, and the glittering golden mountain in the center of the fairy island suddenly began to dissipate like a bubble.

In the thirty-third heaven, the three pure golden lights transformed by the Taoist Master Ran Deng, the Venerable Ananda, and the Venerable Kasyapa were flying towards the paradise.

Soon, the three flew to the gate of the paradise and revealed their true bodies. They looked at each other and were very embarrassed!

For more than ten years, they have been guarding the edges of the East China Sea, trying their best to find out the news of the stone monkey, but everything is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and nothing is found.

If the robber cannot be found, Buddhism cannot flourish. They are the last sinners!

Ananda put his hands together, his face gloomy, "Dragon clan, damn it, if it weren't for the dragon clan, how could my Buddhist robbery child be lost?"

Kasyapa said, "What's the point of saying this now? The robbery child has not been found, which is our biggest dereliction of duty."

Randeng raised his mouth and showed a cold smile, "Do you really think that the monkey is missing because of the dragon clan?"

Ananda and Kasyapa looked at each other, "Brother Ran Deng, is it the Jiejiao that has always been behind everything?"

Randeng said coldly, "Apart from the Jiejiao, who else could it be, but the robbery child is missing, no matter what, we always have a responsibility, two brothers, let's go and meet the saint."

After speaking, Ran Deng strode into the paradise.

Ananda and Kasyapa did not dare to be careless and hurried to follow.

In the paradise, beside the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, Zhunti and Jieyin looked miserable and listened to the report of Ran Deng and the other two.

The two were not surprised at all by the report of Ran Deng and the other two.

If it was really the Jiejiao saint who did it, they alone would not be able to detect it.

After ordering Randeng and others to continue guarding the East China Sea and report back as soon as there was any news, Zhunti waved his hand and signaled Randeng and others to go out.

"Brother, it has been more than ten years, and the robbery child is still hidden by Jiejiao. We can't wait any longer. Let's go to Zixiao Palace together to complain to the teacher."

Zunti really couldn't hold on any longer. This great calamity is a great opportunity for the West, and it can't be ruined by the monkey.

Jie Yin's face was also a bit painful, "In this case, come with me to Zixiao Palace."

Zunti and Jie Yin reached a consensus and were about to go to Zixiao Palace.

Suddenly, the heavenly secrets running in the dark suddenly made a huge roar!

The heavenly secrets changed, Zhunti and Jie Yin's eyes condensed, and they hurriedly used their great magic power to calculate!

The robbery star that had been obscure more than ten years ago was now clear again.

Although the cause and effect are obscured and the secrets of heaven are confused due to the calamity of heaven and earth, it is impossible to speculate its exact location, but the calamity star is clear, which means that the stone monkey has reappeared. This is an indisputable fact.

"Brother, am I seeing it right? The calamity star is clear!"

Zhunti's voice was trembling.

"Yes, the calamity star is clear, which means that the stone monkey has come out of the hands of Jiejiao!"

Jieyin was decisive, and with a wave of his hand, three golden decrees flew out of the Pure Land.

After a while, Randeng, Ananda, and Kasyapa, who had already left, returned to the Pure Land.

Jieyin said, "The calamity star is clear. If nothing unexpected happens, the stone monkey has reappeared. You can search in the East China Sea to see where the stone monkey is now."


Randeng hurriedly took Ananda and Kasyapa away.

At the edge of the fairy island, the stone monkey dug out the wooden boat that he had hidden when he first came to the fairy island.

The wooden boat had been soaked in the sea for many years and had decayed, so the stone monkey made an identical wooden boat in a hurry, picked a lot of peaches, and filled the wooden boat with peaches before setting off.

This time, he set off without a destination, but to go fishing!

The power behind the old white monkey when fishing in Huaguo Mountain!

The stone monkey had a vague guess about that power.

Leaving the fairy island by boat, the stone monkey rowed aimlessly, and soon he was seen by a guardian who was aimlessly on the sea.

The Buddhist guardian rubbed his eyes hard, pushed his companion, and said in disbelief, "Look, what is that!"

The companion turned around, and soon his face changed drastically, "This is... the stone monkey!"

The two Buddhist guardians were like beasts that had been hungry for three days and three nights, and saw the most delicious prey!

"You stay here and watch, remember not to be discovered by the monkey. I will report to the Buddha and His Holiness."

The guardian who first discovered the stone monkey said a few words, turned into a stream of light, and headed straight for the edge of the East China Sea.

After a while, Randang, Ananda, and Kasyapa got the news and hurried over.

When the three saw the stone monkey hiding in the cabin, chewing peaches, their hearts suddenly fell to the ground.

"God has mercy on us, the son of the Buddhist sect has returned to the light of day!"

Randeng, Ananda, and Kasyapa returned to the Paradise with mixed and excited emotions to report.

In the Paradise, Randeng reported what he saw in detail, "Teacher, uncle, the monkey head is sitting on a wooden boat, drifting on the sea. I guess that it is likely to return to Huaguo Mountain. The monkey's aura is a bit special. It should be guided by Jiejiao and has embarked on the path of cultivation."

Zhunti and Jieyin were not surprised that the monkey embarked on the path of cultivation.

The level of the stone monkey's cultivation was not what they valued the most.

What about a mere mortal monkey?

What about a Daluo Jinxian or a Quasi-Sage?

It's nothing at all!

At least Zhunti and Jieyin didn't care!

For Buddhism, a good robbery child is one that can help Buddhism, with the help of the great trend of heaven, plan the great robbery from beginning to end, and realize the great prosperity of Buddhism.

Jie Yin thought for a while and said, "Since the robbery child has appeared, it means that Jiejiao can no longer interfere. You should evacuate the East China Sea. Someone else will be responsible for the matter of the stone monkey."


Randeng, Ananda, and Kasyapa nodded and returned to the East China Sea, calling back all the disciples of Buddhism and returning to the Great Leiyin Temple.

Paradise, Zhunti, Jie Yin thought about it and found Guanyin Bodhisattva again.

Guanyin, after all, has been in Huaguo Mountain for many years and is familiar with the stone monkey, so it is more convenient to guide the stone monkey!

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