Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 437: The Scum of the Holy Land, Wukong Takes Action!

Streams of light flew out from every courtyard and landed on Guangfa.

"Big brother!"

Everyone shouted, because among all the disciples of Subhuti, only Guangfa has achieved the Tao of Earth Immortals, which is the so-called Immortal!

Guangfa nodded slightly, glanced at the crowd and said, "Did you feel anything was wrong in your recent practice?"

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, and replied, "In the past half month, my spiritual energy has not been as good as before. We have been practicing hard and have made almost no progress."

"Have you found the source of the spiritual energy dissipation?"

Guangfa asked again, but the disciples still shook their heads. They had just come out of seclusion. How could they know why the spiritual energy was so thin in this half month?

Suddenly, a disciple suggested, "Senior Brother, in addition to guarding the door, Wujue also has to fetch water and chop wood. Why don't you ask him?"

This proposal was approved by most people.

Guangfa nodded lightly, "Let's go to Wujue's residence."

Guangfa led a large group of people and searched for a long time before arriving at Wujue's courtyard.

At this time, Wujue had filled several large vats and the firewood was piled neatly.

After refining energy for the first time, compared with ordinary people, he was just physically stronger and more energetic. After Wu Jue finished doing it, he also broke out in a smelly sweat.

When he was about to wash up and go to find Wukong, he saw Guangfa coming with a large group of people. He suddenly shivered with fright and got goosebumps all over his body.

"Senior Brother Guangfa, why are you here?"

Wu Jue unconsciously took a few steps back, with a look of fear on his face. It was obvious that he had been bullied by Guang Fa and the others.

Guangfa walked up to Wujue with a smile, so that he could ask in his spare time, "Wujue, in the past half month, the spiritual energy in the back mountain has become much thinner. Do you know what is the reason?"

"I, I don't know."

Wu Jue shook his head and answered subconsciously.

"I really don't know, or I'm just pretending not to know. Do you want to expire, brothers?"

Guangfa's face gradually darkened. Earth Immortal, the foundation of the Immortal Way, requires a large amount of spiritual energy to lay the foundation. Taking away people's spiritual energy is no less than destroying the foundation of others!

Wu Jue still shook his head, "Brothers, I really don't know. I carry water, chop wood, and practice in the evening every day. I really don't know."

"have no idea?"

Next to Guangfa, a fat man jumped out.

The face is big, but the eyes are small, giving people a very flattering feeling.

The fat man pointed at Wujue, "Half a month ago, you were still in the middle stage of refining qi. How come you are now in the later stage? Come to think of it, brothers and sisters, with Wujue's understanding, you can achieve this in just half a month. , such a big progress?”

When the disciples heard this, they immediately became excited!

"How can a loser like Wujue be so fast!"

"I have broken through a small realm in half a month. Even senior brother back then, I'm afraid he wouldn't have made such progress!"

"Senior Brother Guangfa, this kid Wujue is so courageous that he dares to lie!"

Everyone’s vicious gazes fell on Wu Jue!

Obviously all the disciples are wearing Taoist robes and possessing the spirit of immortality, but in Wu Jue's eyes, they are as intimidating as jackals, tigers and leopards.

"Elder brother, fellow senior brothers, I, I really don't know."

Wu Jue covered his head and refused to betray Sun Wukong even if he died.

"It seems that I can't do it without giving you some hardship today."

A big man who was in the early stages of refining his energy and becoming a god walked out, gearing up to greet Wu Jue.

But a burst of laughter came from the ear, "Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, Xianyue Sanxing Cave, it is a holy place for the immortal family, but I didn't expect that these disciples were all as vicious as jackals, tigers and leopards." ”


Guangfa's expression changed slightly, and he stamped his feet fiercely. The power of the Earth Immortal spread, making the mountains and forests rustle.

Wujue's eyes widened, and a wave of heat surged in his heart. That was the voice of Junior Brother Wukong.

But soon, Wujue became nervous. Senior Brother Guangfa was a real immortal.

Although he didn't know the level of cultivation of Junior Brother Wukong, he was certain that Junior Brother Wukong had not yet become an immortal, and the gap was huge. If there was a conflict with Senior Brother

Not far away, under the gaze of everyone, Sun Wukong was wearing a Taoist robe and walking slowly.

He doesn't look like a hozen at all. Instead, he looks like a master who has practiced Taoism for many years. Every move he makes has the flow of Tao and is completely natural!

"This is."

All the disciples, including Guangfa, were stunned. Where did the monkey come from?

And this monkey is also wearing the standard robe of his Fangcun Mountain lineage?

Wait, is this monkey the same one who came to be my disciple more than half a month ago?

Everyone's eyes shifted again and fell on Wu Jue.

"This, this is the new disciple that the Patriarch accepted more than half a month ago. His name is Sun Wukong."

At this point, Wujue couldn't hide it even if he wanted to, so he had no choice but to answer honestly.

"Sun Wukong?"

"A new junior brother?"

"In the past half month, the spiritual energy has collapsed. Was it this junior brother who caused it?"

All the disciples, including Guang Fa, had displeasure on their faces.

Not only were they displeased that Sun Wukong had robbed them of the spiritual energy that originally belonged to them, but they were also displeased that the Patriarch had accepted such a beast as his disciple.

They are all humans. Humans, how can they associate with wild beasts? I really don’t know what the ancestor thinks.

"Sun Wukong? Junior brother, why don't you come and pay homage to senior brother soon?"

The big man raised his fingers at Sun Wukong, his words filled with teasing and disdain.

"Eldest brother?"

Sun Wukong looked curious, "Is this the only senior brother in our Fangcun Mountain lineage who has become an immortal?"

"That's natural!"

The big man said proudly.

Sun Wukong walked to Guangfa, just when everyone thought that Sun Wukong would bow respectfully.

But he saw Sun Wukong throw out a fierce punch, directly grabbing at the big man who had just hooked his finger at him.

The movement was as fast as lightning, raising waves of afterimages in mid-air, and directly pinched the big man's middle finger.

Sun Wukong smiled slightly, then broke it hard, click!

The big man was caught off guard, and his middle finger was broken off and twisted in a weird way.

With their fingers connected to their hearts, the big man had never experienced such pain. He curled up on the ground with his palms in his hands and howled.

Sun Wukong smiled and said, "Senior brother, your fingers are not obedient. Let me help you cure them. Don't worry, there is no charge."

The big man actually struggled to stand up, his eyes were blood red, almost spitting out fire, "You stinky monkey, you are looking for death!"

His right arm was intact. At this moment, he pinched his five fingers, turned his palm into a fist, and slammed it at Sun Wukong.

The big man is in the early stage of refining his energy and becoming a god. With one punch, he has the power to break mountains and crack rocks.

Even a violent wild horse can be killed under the palm of his hand. At this time, he used all his strength to create wind, which rubbed against the void and made a harsh and unpleasant sound.

"Junior Brother Wukong, be careful!"

Wujue yelled.

But it was already too late. Sun Wukong didn't seem to react and allowed the big man's right fist to hit him. (End of chapter)

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