Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 445 Returning home in glory, the devil of the world!

Sun Wukong smiled slightly and did not go back to clean up. He turned into a stream of light and flew towards Dongsheng Shenzhou, Aolai Kingdom, and Huaguo Mountain.

Wukong acted quickly and followed Sun Wukong. In just a moment, the two figures disappeared one after another on Fangcun Mountain.

On the thirty-third day, the good corpse of Zhunti returned and slowly integrated into the saint's body. Zhunti's body shook slightly and he slowly opened his eyes, with a look of ecstasy inside. "Brother, that monkey has learned a lot. I have returned to Huaguo Mountain, and the next step of the Great Journey to the West can be started, and I am one step closer to the great success of my journey to the West.”

Jieyin's eyes lit up, "How did the monkey behave on Fangcun Mountain?"

Zhunti hurriedly told the complete story of Sun Wukong's performance to Jie Yin. After Jie Yin listened, he breathed a long sigh of relief and said with deep eyes, "The task of teaching the monkeys has been completed. Next, we have to look at the heaven."

"Junior brother, in my opinion, we still have to go to heaven. The next step in our plan must not cause any accidents."

"That's what senior brother said."

Zhunti nodded heavily.

Dongsheng Shenzhou, Aolai Kingdom, Hainan, the Dragon of the Three Islands, and the Huaguo Mountain of the Ancestral Line of Ten Continents, have also undergone great changes in the past two hundred years. Within the nearby sea area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, the birth of He killed many demon kings and opened seventy-two caves, collectively known as the Seventy-two Demon Kings of the East China Sea.

Of course, although they are said to be demon kings, their cultivation level is actually average. Most of them are only true immortals, and even the golden immortals can only be counted on the fingers of the Xuanxian.

This level of strength, if placed before the Great Lich Tribulation, would definitely make people laugh out loud. That is to say, now that the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods has passed, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has collapsed, nature has returned to the day after tomorrow, and the difficulty of cultivation has greatly increased, that is why such funny things will happen. One scene.

Among the seventy-two demon kings, there are seven extremely powerful demon kings, who are called the Seven Kings.

They are the Bull Demon King, the Peng Demon King, the Jiao Demon King, the Tamarin King, the Macaque King, the Lion and Camel King, and the Hunshi Demon King.

The weakest of these seven demon kings has the cultivation level of a golden immortal. In today's era, being called a demon king is barely enough.

In mid-air, two streams of light passed by, and finally landed on the Flower and Fruit Mountain. They were Sun Wukong and Wu Jue.

Wujue looked at Huaguo Mountain excitedly, his eyes full of joy, "Junior Brother Wukong, this Huaguo Mountain is so beautiful. It is worthy of being the Dragon of the Three Islands and the Ancestor of the Ten Continents. It is well-deserved."

Sun Wukong's face was also filled with joy. How could he be unhappy when someone praised his hometown?

"On Huaguo Mountain, there are two best things: peaches and monkey wine. Let's go down right now and I'll take you to taste them."

Sun Wukong took Wu Jue to Huaguo Mountain, but saw a very surprising scene.

Huaguo Mountain is still the same Huaguo Mountain, and the monkeys are still the same group of monkeys, but there are many more jackals, tigers and leopards.

These jackals, tigers and leopards breathe out the essence of the sun and the moon day and night, and have become wise, but at this time, they live in harmony with the monkey tribe!

Wu Jue said in surprise, "Junior Brother Wukong, Huaguo Mountain is really open to all kinds of rivers. The monkey tribe can actually coexist with all other tribes."

Sun Wukong remained silent, using small tricks at will, and detained a monkey.

The monkey was picking peaches on the tree, and was suddenly grabbed. He shrank in fear, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Sun Wukong was a monkey like them.

Sun Wukong asked, "On Huaguo Mountain, the world has always been dominated by the monkey tribe. How come there are so many jackals, tigers and leopards living in harmony with the monkey tribe now?"

The monkey looked at Sun Wukong in surprise, as if he was shocked as to why Sun Wukong would ask such a strange question.

He simply organized his words and said very naturally, "This is the territory of the Demon King. We are all subjects of the Demon King. Of course we will live in harmony."

"The territory of the Demon King Hunshi, the subjects of the Demon King Hunshi?"

Stone Monkey was completely stunned, and it took him a long time to react.

He clearly remembered that more than two hundred years ago, when he left Huaguoshan, there was no such so-called demon king.

"Who is this devil incarnate, where does he live, what does he look like, what kind of ethics do he have, and he dares to occupy my Huaguo Mountain?"

The monkey answered honestly, "The Demon King is said to be a white bear who attained enlightenment. He lives on Kanyuan Mountain not far from Huaguo Mountain. He is very powerful. Your Majesty takes great care of our Huaguo Mountain and does not let those jackals, tigers and leopards hurt you." One point for us.”

Although he only heard a few words from the monkeys, Sun Wukong could also detect the respect these monkeys had for the Demon King.

Sun Wukong nodded thoughtfully, as if he remembered something, and asked, "How old is the oldest monkey on our Huaguo Mountain?"

"The oldest seems to be over a hundred and fifty years old."

The monkey thought for a moment and answered uncertainly.

Sun Wukong waved his hand, and the monkey immediately returned to where it was.

"Junior Brother Wukong, what should we do next? Go and settle the score with the Demon King?"

Wujue was a little eager to try it. He had been in Fangcun Mountain for many years and had no chance to actually fight. He was really about to get sick.

Sun Wukong said, "Let's go to Kanyuan Mountain to see what the devil incarnate is."

Sun Wukong, Wujue turned into two streams of light and flew towards Kanyuan Mountain.

In Kanyuan Mountain, in the Shuizang Cave, the Demon King is sleeping soundly. The muscles on his strong body are looming, and it contains huge power at a glance.

Today's Demon King, who studies hard and practices hard, also has the perfect cultivation level of the Golden Immortal.

Not long after, Sun Wukong and Wujue arrived outside Kanyuan Mountain.

He was immediately surrounded by a large group of little demons, shouting, "Who is trespassing on our Kanyuan Mountain!"

"How dare you! Flying is prohibited on Kanyuan Mountain. You have committed a serious crime. Why don't you confess your crime quickly!"

"Keep your voice down. The king is sleeping. Don't wake him up."

Sun Wukong glanced at the monsters surrounding him and waved his hand slightly!


A terrifying storm of magic power suddenly rose up. The little monsters were overwhelmed by the strong wind. They were suffocated. Their bodies were suddenly blown away and fell to the ground in a mess.

The little monsters were thick-skinned and naturally nothing would happen to them, but the pain caused by the strong fall still made them frown.

"Demon King of Chaos, do you dare to come out to see me?"

Sun Wukong shouted calmly at the entrance of Shuizang Cave.

In Shuizang Cave, the Demon King of Chaos turned over impatiently and muttered, "Who are you? You disturbed my good dream early in the morning."

At this time, another voice came into Shuizang Cave, which was faintly threatening.

"Devil King, if you don't come out, all of your men will become delicacies, braised bear paws, steamed tiger penis, deer blood soup."

Devil King was so angry that his nose was smoking, "I want to see who dares to run wild outside my dirty water cave."

Devil King flew out of the dirty water cave with a shiny machete.

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