Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 475: Buddhism’s back-up plan to Chang’an City!

In the sky above Jinshan Temple, a lotus platform quietly appeared in the layers of space.

Guanyin sat quietly on the lotus platform, looking down. When she saw Jiang Liu'er setting off, she nodded slightly and raised the corners of her mouth, "Departing from Chang'an is the first step for the prosperity of our Buddhist sect. It can be regarded as a step!"

Guanyin thought, and couldn't help but look in the direction of Lingshan.

Lingshan should also take action, right?

In the main hall of Daleiyin Temple, the pharmacist sits quietly on the lotus platform. He is neither sad nor happy. The whole body emits bursts of Brahma light, purifying everything. It is extremely peaceful and far-reaching!

Soon, under the lotus platform, Manjushri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva came up, clasping their hands together, "Greetings to my Buddha!"

The pharmacist opened his eyes, "Are those two people ready?"

"Everything is ready!"

Manjusri waved his hand, a pure Brahma light flashed through, and a figure appeared on the spot.

He is tall and full of heroic spirit, and there is a faint aura of king between his eyebrows!

At this time, Puxian also waved slightly, and another figure appeared on the spot!

The new figure that appeared was completely different from the previous one!

He is thin, short, has mean eyes, his face is pockmarked, and there are several black moles, making him very ugly.

If Li Shimin were here, he would be able to recognize at a glance that the tall and handsome man is none other than his eldest brother Li Jiancheng, and the ugly man with the black mole is his third brother Yuanji.

Manjusri cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Lord Buddha, Jiang Liu'er has rushed to Chang'an. The two back-up men we have prepared are ready for action."

"Although Li Shimin is not a human emperor, he has great talents and great strategies. He has carried forward the past and opened up the future. When the Tang Dynasty and all the kingdoms come to court, he has the faint aura of a human emperor. Could these two people be close to him?"

the pharmacist asked.

"Don't worry, Lord Buddha. No matter how talented and strategist Li Shimin is, he is not the real Emperor after all. Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji have an immortal blood connection with him. How can he not be close to him?"

Manjusri smiled and explained, "After Li Shimin is built and Yuanji is tortured, my Buddhist sect will appear again and win Li Shimin's attention in one fell swoop. At that time, the journey to the west can begin smoothly."

The pharmacist nodded, "Okay, let's do this quickly. Make sure nothing happens."

"Yes, Buddha!"

Manjushri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva waved their hands, took Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji away, turned them into a stream of light, and flew away into the distance!

Two months later, Jiang Liuer arrived in Chang'an by boat.

Chang'an is prosperous, and the flowers are becoming more and more charming. Businessmen from all over the world gather here, selling treasures from all over the world, which is very interesting!

On the streets of Chang'an, a Zhang Huang Bang was posted.

Anyone who uncovers the imperial list will be invited into the palace by the Yulin Guards to treat the Queen's illness.

Jiang Liuer was not in a hurry to get treatment, but started walking around Chang'an City!

The six-winged golden cicada was killed too much, tempered by being in the world, and cleansed the Taoist heart, making the six-winged golden cicada feel like never before!

The violence and extreme killing deep in the bloodline seems to have faded a lot!

Hundreds of millions of years of practice have made the Six-winged Golden Cicada understand that blind killing will only lead to the devil's path. Only by tempering one's heart in the world of mortals and controlling killing by oneself can one go one step further!

In Chang'an City, Jiang Liu'er strolled around for half a month, and almost all his expenses were spent.

So Jiang Liuer walked up to the imperial list and took off the imperial list.

After taking off the emperor's list, two Yulin guards came over with strong armor and looked at Jiang Liu'er with some surprise.

It’s a bit strange indeed!

There were several people who had unveiled the emperor's list before, but they were all white-haired masters of Chinese medicine. This was the first time for him to see such a young boy.

"You kid, you are so brave. Are you able to reveal this imperial list casually?"

One of the Yulin guards scolded, "If you put down the imperial list now, you can pretend that nothing has happened. If it is a few minutes later, we will not be blamed!"

Jiang Liuer smiled and said, "Brother, isn't this imperial list just for uncovering it? Why is it that now that I've uncovered it, it doesn't count?"


That Yu Linwei had probably never seen anyone looking for death like this.

He yelled, "Do you know what will happen if your empress cannot be cured?"

"Isn't it written on the imperial list that if he cannot be cured, he will be exiled for three thousand miles and will never be able to return to Chang'an?"

"Good boy, if you have courage, come on and come with us."

Two Yulin guards brought Jiang Liu'er to the palace.

Jiang Liuer asked with a smile, "I haven't eaten for a day. Brother, is there any food in the palace? I have to fill my stomach before treating the disease."

"Food? Come with me."

Yu Linwei took Jiang Liu'er to the imperial dining room and served a few dishes for Jiang Liu'er to eat.

Jiang Liu'er was not polite and ate happily. After eating and drinking, he asked, "Brothers, what should we do next, go directly to the doctor?"

"Your Majesty is not feeling well right now and does not allow outsiders to disturb her. We will discuss the matter of medical treatment later."

Yu Linwei took Jiang Liu'er to a small building and sent Jiang Liu'er in to rest.

In the Taiji Hall, Yu Linwei hurriedly walked in, "I pay my respects to Your Majesty."

Li Shimin frowned, "Why are you here to disturb me? Someone has revealed the list again?"

"Your Majesty, someone has indeed come to unveil the list again, but this time it is a young monk."

"Young monk?"

Li Shimin frowned. He released the imperial list to recruit famous doctors in the world. What is a monk?

"Where are people now?"

"Already in the palace."

"That's all, since he's here, let him diagnose the queen."

Li Shimin rubbed his temples and felt exhausted!

Political affairs are nothing, but the complicated affairs, coupled with the increasingly serious condition of Guanyin Bi, are a bit unbearable for him!

"I hope this monk can be of some use."

Soon, the Yulin Army took Jiang Liuer and went straight into the Taiji Hall.

Li Shimin looked up at Jiang Liuer and felt that he was too young, "Are you the Jiang Liuer who took down the imperial edict?"


Jiang Liuer nodded neither servilely nor arrogantly.

"What do you rely on to dare to treat the queen?"

Jiang Liuer said solemnly, "Since I dare to take down the imperial edict, I am naturally confident that I can treat the queen. If I fail, according to the law, I will be exiled three thousand miles away."

"Okay, that's what you said."

Li Shimin waved his hand, "Let's go, take him to treat the queen."

Passing through the palace complex with carved beams and painted rafters, he went straight into the queen's bedroom.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, Jiang Liuer smelled a very strong smell of medicine.

Li Shimin was also stunned when he smelled the medicine, and then his face showed deep heartache.

The medicine is so bitter, Guanyin Bi took it three times a day, but it was too painful.

"Your Majesty, you came to see me."

The weak voice of Empress Changsun came from the bed.

Li Shimin took two steps at a time and walked to the bed, holding Empress Changsun's cold little hand tightly, "Guanyin Bi, are you better?"

"Better, better!"

The queen nodded gently, not wanting to make Li Shimin worry.

"I'll invite another young genius doctor for you, who will definitely cure your illness."

"Little monk, didn't you say that you have superb medical skills? Why don't you come to diagnose?"

Li Shimin waved his hand!

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