Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 504: Buddhist sect seeking help, the Blue Lotus Treasure Flag

Nowadays, the situation in the Three Realms, although they are in the midst of a calamity between heaven and earth, is already very clear. Xuanmen and Buddhism are competing, while Heavenly Court is assisting Buddhism in moving westward smoothly, thus gaining huge benefits.

Unfortunately, Zhen Yuanzi is a member of Xuanmen. Today, Haotian personally came to visit him at Wanshou Mountain, so he can guess Haotian's purpose.

Sure enough, after Zhen Yuanzi asked, Haotian said decisively, "The great catastrophe has set off, and all living beings in the three realms are affected by the catastrophe. When he traveled to the west, Taozu once said that if the west wants to prosper, it must go through ninety-nine catastrophes. Eighty-one calamities, not long ago, a calamity aura fell above the Wuzhuang Temple, so the next calamity heading west will unfold on the Wuzhuang Temple."

Haotian briefly explained the explanation to Zhen Yuanzi, and then asked, "Therefore, I, Heavenly Court, would like to ask fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi to help me."

A faint smile appeared on Zhen Yuanzi's face. He did not answer Haotian's words, but asked, "May I ask the Great Heavenly Lord, for whom is this great disaster coming?"

"Of course it's Buddhism."

Haotian said subconsciously.

"Since it is a Buddhist matter, why don't the Buddhists come in person and let the Great Heavenly Lord take over instead? It would be insincere."

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and shook his head, his refusal already obvious.

Haotian secretly thought in his heart that he was indeed the top major cultivator among the three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace and should not be underestimated.

Haotian calmed down and said with a smile, "After the Great Tribulation of the Gods, Taoist Ancestor Jun decreed that saints are no longer allowed to enter the Three Realms. Without the saints, who among the Buddhist sect can make fellow Taoist Zhenyuan lose face?"

"I remember that the past Buddha of today's Buddhism was Taoist monk Randeng. I and fellow Taoist Randeng are both three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace. If Taoist monk Randeng comes forward, how can I refute his face?"

Haotian was silent. Yes, even though Ran Deng was a little worse off, he was still one of Zixiao's three thousand guests. The Buddhists asked people to do things, but it was really unreasonable that Ran Deng couldn't come.

At this time, Qingfeng and Mingyue came in carrying a white jade plate. On it was a crystal clear fruit that resembled an unformed fetus, which was ginseng fruit.

"The Great Goddess came all the way as a guest. Not long ago, the ginseng fruit tree ripened again. Please try it, the Great Goddess."

Zhen Yuanzi made a gesture of invitation.

A bit of embarrassment flashed across Haotian's face. With his current behavior, what's the point of eating a ginseng fruit?

Zhen Yuanzi's meaning has been expressed very clearly. Come and eat the fruit. Let's go after eating.

Haotian took the ginseng fruit and ate it in two bites. He chatted with Zhen Yuanzi for a while and then stood up to say goodbye. Zhen Yuanzi naturally saw off the guests happily.

Haotian returned to Heaven, and soon Yaochi came. When Yaochi saw Haotian's depressed look, he knew that the matter was not done.

She walked gently to Haotian's side, gently rubbed his shoulders, and said in a soft voice, "The matter is not done?"

Haotian let out a long breath and said depressedly, "It's useless for me to come forward. The Buddhists must come in person."

"Then let Buddhism go in person."

Yaochi said, "The greatest benefit from this great rise in the West is Buddhism. If Buddhism doesn't come forward, what's the point of asking Heaven to come forward?"

Haotian sighed, unable to explain the entanglement of interests in this catastrophe to Yaochi in detail, so he could only nod and said, "If Zhen Yuanzi doesn't agree, then he can only go to Buddhism."

The Heavenly Court worked very efficiently. Only half a day later, the pharmacist received the latest news in the Grand Hall of Leiyin Temple and the Great Hall. After reading the news from the Heavenly Court, the pharmacist rushed to find Lantern and Maitreya.

Soon, in the Main Hall and the Great Leiyin Temple, three contemporary speakers of Buddhism gathered together. The pharmacist gave Ran Deng the news from heaven. After Maitreya read it, the two fell silent.

After a long time, Ran Deng spoke, with a slightly solemn look on his face, "Zhen Yuanzi is the top master of Zixiao Palace. He has good relations with Xuanmen and Jie Jiao. It's difficult to persuade him!"

Maitreya said with a firm voice, "For the sake of our Buddhist sect, no matter how difficult it is, we must do it."

After saying that, he looked at the pharmacist and said, "Brother Pharmacist, what do you think?"

The pharmacist thought for a while, then looked at Ran Deng and said, "Compared with Zhen Yuanzi, we are all juniors. For this matter, you have to do it, Ran Deng."

Ran Dong felt a little bitter in his heart, and as expected, the secret path found him in the end.

To be fair, in the years since he joined the Buddhist sect, the Buddhist sect has really treated him well. He has been given a respected status and a huge amount of resources for his use. Otherwise, his cultivation would not have been able to advance so fast, thousands of miles a day, to the current stage of the quasi-sage.

But while enjoying the benefits imparted by Buddhism, he must also bear corresponding responsibilities. Now, it is time for him to fulfill the relevant responsibilities.

"That Zhen Yuanzi and I are both one of the three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace. It's okay for me to go there."

Ran Deng nodded and agreed directly.

The pharmacist nodded solemnly, "In that case, I'm sorry to trouble you. This matter must be done."

Immediately, the burning lantern turned into a stream of light, starting from the Great Leiyin Temple and going straight to Wanshou Mountain.

Above Wanshou Mountain, Ran Deng looked down and felt the unparalleled aura coming from the entire Wanshou Mountain. Ran Deng couldn't help but secretly sigh, he is worthy of being the top power in Zixiao Palace. Not to mention anything else, it is just a book. With it in hand, it has endless uses, and you can draw on the power of the earth veins at any time. How unique is this?

Ran Deng exhaled a breath of turbid air, came down from the clouds, walked into the Wuzhuang Temple, and knocked on the door gently, "The ancient Buddhist monk Ran Deng Buddha came to pay homage to fellow Taoist Zhenyuan."

The sound of the Taoist voice, accompanied by the sound of knocking on the door, spread throughout the Wuzhuang Temple. After only a few breaths, Qingfeng and Mingyue opened the door again and bowed, "It turns out that it is the Buddha Ran Deng who has come. Please come in quickly."

As they said, Qingfeng and Mingyue took Ran Deng to the main hall of Wuzhuang Temple. Zhen Yuanzi had been waiting there for a long time. Seeing that Ran Deng came so quickly, he smiled secretly in his heart. It seems that the Buddhist sect has attached unprecedented importance to this journey to the west. Ran Deng came just after Haotian left.

"Daoist friend Ran Deng."

Zhen Yuanzi bowed to Ran Deng.

Ran Deng quickly returned the greeting and sat down.

After the two of them sat down, they exchanged greetings for a while, and then got to the point. Ran Deng, as Haotian asked, asked the same question as before.

Zhen Yuanzi pondered for a moment, and said with some embarrassment, "Daoyou Randeng, you also know that I am from the Xuanmen, and I have always been on good terms with Jiejiao. It is very difficult for me to deal with the Buddha's behavior."

Randeng took out the prepared speech and said firmly, "The Buddha naturally knows that Daoyou Zhenyuan is a little difficult to deal with this matter. If Daoyou has any conditions, just put them forward first. If I can do it, I will definitely accept it."

Zhen Yuanzi's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a knowing smile, "Then I really have something I want to ask for from the Buddha."

"What is it?"

"One of the five innate flags, the blue lotus treasure color flag."

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