Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 516: The Secret of the Imperial Master, the Nine-tailed Scorpion's Plan!

The Queen's inner peace, which had been quiet for more than ten years, was suddenly in turmoil.

Late at night, the monk from the Tang Dynasty came to her palace?

In the Queen's heart, infinite ripples were set off. Events from the past appeared in her mind one by one.

The Daughter's Kingdom, as its name suggests, has always been dominated by women, with the queen in charge and governing all directions.

But I don’t know how many years ago, a national master came to the Daughter’s Kingdom. Because of his miraculous methods and profound immortal skills, he became a guest of the Daughter’s Kingdom.

The king of the Daughter Kingdom valued the Imperial Advisor more and more, and delegated more and more power. The Imperial Advisor's power and status in the Daughter Kingdom also increased.

At some point, the national master has become synonymous with power in the entire daughter's kingdom, and the king has become a mascot and a decoration.

If it develops according to normal people's ideas, the next step will be for the national master to usurp power and replace him. From then on, he will become the real overlord of the daughter country.

But this scene did not happen in the Daughter's Kingdom. The Imperial Master continued to assist the King of the Daughter's Kingdom, and was even treated very well, but he no longer gave the Queen power, and firmly held the power in his own hands.

When she was fifteen years old, her mother died of illness. She inherited her mother's throne and ascended the throne. It has been ten years now, but she still cannot figure out what the real purpose of the Imperial Master is.

The queen's heart was beating fast. She thought about opening the door of the palace and letting Jiang Liu'er in, but she was afraid that the imperial master would find her and cause big trouble!

After tossing and turning and thinking about it, the Queen felt relieved, dressed neatly, stood up and opened the door.

Outside the door, he was shocked when he saw the guards turning a blind eye to Jiang Liu'er, and quickly ordered Jiang Liu'er to go in.

It was late at night and the lights were dim, giving people a sense of hazyness. In this atmosphere, the Queen looked even more bright and charming, and even Jiang Liuer's Taoist heart, which had been as stable as Mount Tai for hundreds of millions of years, also set off a wave of excitement. Ripples.

Jiang Liuer got into the queen, and a faint fragrance penetrated her nose.

"The elder is so brave, he dares to break into the Queen's palace secretly?"

The queen looked at Jiang Liu'er lightly, exuding a faint sense of oppression.

It seemed like he was back to the day when Jiang Liuer had an audience with the Queen.

Jiang Liuer said calmly, "If it is a serious crime, then why does Her Majesty the Queen open the door?"

The Queen was stunned for a moment and stretched out her hand, "Elder, please."

Jiang Liu'er stepped forward and sat down with the Queen. The Queen did not hesitate and went straight to the point, saying loudly, "Elder comes here late at night. He must have encountered something big. Please tell me."

Jiang Liu'er spoke slowly and slowly, "I am here to serve as the national master."

National Preceptor?

The Queen was obviously surprised, "The elders are new here, do they have any conflicts with the Imperial Master?"

Jiang Liuer looked at the Queen calmly with a pair of dark and deep eyes, and said slowly, "Her Majesty the Queen should know that this is not what I asked."

"The emergence of the Imperial Preceptor has seriously hindered the downward extension of imperial power. Even over the years, it has severed the connection between the imperial power and the lower class. What is the purpose of the Imperial Preceptor doing this? Why does he do this? ?”

The Queen was silent for a while and said, "Besides these, what else do you know?"

"In the Jieyang Mountain due south, Po'er Cave, and the Fountain Spring, the Ruyi True Immortal that appeared a few years ago must have been the work of the Imperial Master. In the end, a drop of the Foul Spring was worth as much as one tael of gold."

The Queen looked at the meticulous Jiang Liu'er and slowly told her all the information she knew about the Imperial Master.

After saying that, he added, "Besides these, there is one of the strangest things. Every other year, the Imperial Master will come and take away a bowl of blood from me. I dare not ask, so I can only follow it." At first, I was very scared because of what the Imperial Preceptor did, thinking that the Imperial Preceptor was trying to harm me, but later I found out that he was not, and after taking the blood, the Imperial Preceptor’s attitude became much better, and gradually I became accustomed to it. "

"Getting blood, mortal blood, what's so good about it? Could it be that after hundreds of millions of years, this nine-tailed earth scorpion has changed so much?"

After hearing this, Jiang Liuer frowned and began to think hard.

Soon, a bright light flashed in my mind, and I finally had a clue that I had never had before, and I could connect everything together.

The national master, that is, the nine-tailed earth scorpion, how could he value the daughter's country, which is a small country.

The reason why he stayed in the daughter country, controlled the government, monopolized the power and did not abolish the establishment, was probably because of the extremely yin attribute of the queen.

The nine-tailed earth scorpion has extremely yin attributes. The Daughter Kingdom is the country of women, and it is also an extremely yin place.

And in the birthplace spring, there are great mysteries, the laws of yin and yang, and a rich artistic conception. It is even comparable to that of a saint, and it contains supreme mysteries.

From this point of view, the purpose of the nine-tailed earth scorpion is already obvious. With the help of the power of the Jiyin of the daughter country, coupled with its own Taoism, it gradually refines and masters the power hidden deep in the Shenbo Spring.

After a moment, Jiang Liu'er raised his head and asked, "Does the Queen want to regain power?"

The Queen nodded subconsciously, "Whoever regains the power will naturally be good."

But the queen showed a sad look on her face again, "But with the Imperial Master here, how easy is it?"

"What if I can help the queen get rid of the imperial advisor and regain power?"

Jiang Liu'er had a confident smile on his face.

The queen's face turned slightly red, thinking of the words of her late king, her mother, before she passed away.

If one day, someone can help you regain power, if it is a man, marry him.

"If the elder can really help me, I will be willing to give my life to you when the matter is accomplished."

The Queen's firm voice sounded, but Jiang Liu'er was slightly startled, and subconsciously said, "Let's talk about this after the matter is completed."

Late at night, candlelight flickered in the palace. Jiang Liuer talked with the queen for a long time before leaving the palace.

On this side, Jiang Liuer acted quickly and almost touched the essence of the truth.

On the other side, Sun Wukong left the palace, fled all the way, and came to the residence of the national master.

The residence of the Imperial Preceptor is indeed magnificent and extraordinary. It covers a vast area, has many buildings, is so luxurious, magnificent, and mysterious. Apart from the Imperial City, no other place in the Daughter's Kingdom can match it.

Flying above the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion, Sun Wukong immediately noticed a demonic aura that shot straight into the sky!

Sun Wukong released his aura slightly, deliberately targeting this evil spirit. Soon, there was movement in the Imperial Master's residence.

A breath locked on Sun Wukong at an extremely fast speed, flew directly from the Imperial Master's residence, and rushed towards Sun Wukong.

Sun Wujue's eyes narrowed, he ducked and flew in the direction of Jie Yang Mountain.

In the void, Sun Wukong is in front, and the nine-tailed scorpion is behind. You chase me, regardless of each other.

Soon, the two parties arrived at the boundary of Xie Yang Mountain. In Po'er Cave, the little black dragon was lying on the rocking chair, shaking his head comfortably.

Ruyi Zhenxian massaged the little black dragon with a flattering look on her face. After a while, she asked if it was light or heavy. The little black dragon was very comfortable.

"Ruyi, your technique is very good. It would be a pity to stay in the daughter country. Have you ever heard of Nanzhan Buzhou, the Tang Dynasty?"

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