Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 548 Determination Brahman's Conditions

Kinnara walked on the streets of Chencheng, his eyes emitting a faint glow, looking at the local customs and people, and heard various sounds from time to time.

"Hey, you stinky boy, you come to steal my buns again, today I must break your legs."

Then, Kinnara heard the sound of a wooden stick breaking through the air, accompanied by a faint sound of a slight bone crack, and then a scream of pain that penetrated the bone marrow.

Obviously, the owner of the bun shop did what he said and really broke the thief's leg. Kinnara looked at the reactions of the people around him, but found that they were not surprised at all, as if they were used to it.

In addition, there were many other sounds, insults, beatings, kneeling, begging for mercy. After walking only half of the main road, Kinnara was sure that this was an extremely chaotic place. Justice and peace had no place here. This was a hatchery where sin and filth thrived.

Near noon, the sun was scorching, and even the air was filled with anger, making the impetuous people even more impetuous.

Kinnara found a teahouse and sat down, and began to think about what to do next. First of all, the purpose of his coming to the world this time was to preach.

And preaching cannot use magic power at all. Once magic power is used, all previous efforts will be wasted, just like Jin Chanzi's journey to the West to obtain the scriptures. He had to take one step at a time, step by step, and go from east to west to obtain the true scriptures.

After thinking for a while, Kinnara drank the tea on the table in one gulp, threw down a few copper coins, and walked straight to the largest house in the city, the base camp of the Brahmans.

Soon, Kinnara arrived in front of the Brahman's gate. Looking at the tall and thick vermilion lacquered gate, Kinnara smiled, slowly stepped forward, and knocked on the gate.

After a while, a young man dressed in Brahmin clothes opened the door. He first glanced at Kinnara, frowned slightly, and asked directly, "Who are you?"

Obviously, the clothes Kinnara wore aroused the suspicion of the Brahmin disciple.

Kinnara did not intend to hide his identity, and said directly, "I am a Buddhist disciple, Kinnara."

"A Buddhist?"

The Brahmin disciple frowned, and his face became even uglier, "This is my Brahmin territory. People from other sects are not welcome to preach. I advise you to go back to where you came from."

After saying that, the Brahmin disciple closed the door with a snap, and Kinnara was turned away.

Although he was turned away, Kinnara was not in a hurry and left directly. He continued to knock on the door the next day.

The next day, the Brahmin disciple became even more impatient and ordered people to expel Kinnara.

This was still because of Kinnara's identity as a Buddhist disciple. If it was a disciple from another small family, he would have ordered people to beat him to death and thrown him out to feed the dogs.

But Kinnara still did not give up. On the third day, he knocked on the Brahman's door as usual. This time, the Brahman disciple finally couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted and waved his hand hard at the door.

In an instant, more than 20 Brahman thugs rushed out of the door with wooden sticks, and then after the Brahman disciple's order, they quickly rushed towards Kinnara. The wooden sticks made a sharp sound of breaking through the air in the air, and it was obvious that they were very cruel.

Kinnara shook his head and sighed. Although preaching cannot use magic power and supernatural powers, it is still possible to take action when you are in danger.

I saw Kinnara waved his hand slightly, and the twenty or so thugs seemed to hit an invisible air wall. They were bounced to the ground by the huge elastic force. One by one, they broke their bones and bones and lay on the ground, wailing.

Only then did Kinnara say seriously, "I want to see your high priest."

After saying that, he added, "If I were you, I would report it obediently, so as not to suffer physical pain."

The Brahmin disciple had never seen such a scene before, and nodded in agreement, then hurriedly ran to the door.

Kinnara did not stand still, but also walked behind the door. Behind the door was a long corridor. After walking a few dozen steps, it suddenly opened up to an extremely luxurious manor with pavilions, towers, waterside pavilions and rockery. In the center of the manor, there were three coral trees more than one meter tall, which were hung with jewels, jade, agate and jadeite. Under the sunlight, they emitted dazzling light.

Kinnara was secretly surprised at the profound background of the Brahmins. The city where the Brahmins lived was far away from the ocean. Coral trees were extremely precious things, not to mention the existence of this one who was more than one meter tall and could be called the king of coral trees. It can be seen that the wealth of the Brahmins was by no means exaggerated.

Just when Kinnara was surprised, many men in different clothes hurried out of the room. The leader was a man in his forties or fifties, dressed in luxurious clothes, with a big belly, giving people a sense of majesty without anger. He was the Brahman priest.

Beside the high priest, there were more than a dozen strong disciples holding weapons, staring at Kinnara with a covetous look. As long as Kinnara made a slightly unusual move, they would attack with thunder.

Kinnara naturally didn't care about these people, but looked directly at the Brahman high priest.

The high priest looked at Kinnara indifferently and said slowly, "Are you a Buddhist?"

"Yes, I am Kinnara, a disciple of Buddhism."

"I heard that you want to come to my Brahman territory to preach, and you have been here for three days in a row?"

Kinnara put his hands together and smiled, "Yes."

The Brahmin priest looked at Kinnara and suddenly smiled, "If you want to preach, there is nothing wrong with it, but you have to agree to my three conditions. If these three conditions are met, then I, the Brahmin, will no longer hinder you from preaching. How about it?"

"What conditions?"

"In this city, there is a descendant of a local thief family, A Liu, a gangster who loves to fight, and A Xiu, a prostitute in Yihongyuan. What you have to do is to make A Liu stop stealing. Gangster A Dao will stop fighting, and prostitute A Xiu will stop being a prostitute. If you can complete these three things, I, the Brahmin, will no longer hinder you from preaching Buddhism. How about it?"

"Then it's a deal."

Kinnara agreed readily.

Kinnara left the Brahmin territory and found A Liu from the thief family as soon as possible. A Liu is indeed a thief. His great grandfather, grandfather, father, and him are all thieves. Stealing for generations has become a unique skill. As long as A Liu wants to steal something, there is nothing he can't steal.

When Kinnara found A-liu, A-liu was eyeing a wealthy family and was about to steal something, but before he could do anything, he was caught by Kinnara and taken aside.

A-liu glared at Kinnara, wishing he could eat him, "Who are you? Why are you interfering with my good deeds?"

Kinnara sneered, "Good deeds? I'm saving you, so that you won't suffer in the eighteen levels of hell like your great grandfather, grandfather, and father."

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