Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 554: The Netherworld: The Arrangement of the Emperor Fengdu

After leaving the Paradise, two Vajras escorted Kinnara to the Great Leiyin Temple. As a born Buddha of Buddhism, he had to face the wall and reflect on his mistakes in the Great Leiyin Temple, the ancestral land of Buddhism.

On the way to escort Kinnara to the Great Leiyin Temple, the two Vajras hesitated for a moment, and said, "Master Buddha, we have something to say, but I don't know whether to say it or not."

Kinnara glanced at the two and said, "Whatever you want to say, just say it."

"The saint is above the three realms. The Buddha is my son of Buddhism. He will be the white jade pillar that supports the sky and the purple gold beam that spans the sea. Why bother to contradict the saint."

When the two Vajras said this, sweat appeared on their palms.

Although the slogans of Buddhism are loud, such as equality for all, Buddha in the heart, wine and meat passing through the intestines, the four elements are empty, and the precepts of lust are empty, in fact, the Buddhist monks' rules and precepts, the hierarchy, are far better than those of Xuanmen.

Originally, with the status of Vajra and the other two, they could not interfere with Kinnara's actions.

But the two wanted to gamble. What if they gambled and Kinnara changed his mind and figured it out?

At that time, he would definitely be grateful for what they did, and that would be their chance to rise to the top.

As for Kinnara's inability to figure it out, it was actually not a big problem.

They were the Vajra who took turns to serve the saint. Their every word and action represented the saint's intention. Even though Kinnara was a Buddhist disciple, what could he say was not good?

"You two are very open-minded."

Kinnara smiled and nodded, "What you said makes a lot of sense, but Buddhism also says that right is right and wrong is wrong. We must stick to our original intentions and not be disturbed or influenced by external things, so I decided to stick to my original intentions."

After Kinnara finished speaking, the two Vajras were stunned. They didn't expect Kinnara to be so stubborn and didn't listen to a word.

At this moment, Kinnara attacked fiercely. The perfect magic power of the Daluo Jinxian turned into two huge palms, which were directly shot at the two people in the air. They were fierce and unstoppable.

The two Vajras trembled violently, their faces turned pale instantly, and a deadly threat from the depths of their souls almost swallowed them all.


The two used all their life's strength to attack together, trying to counter the golden giant palm.

But the two Vajras were only at the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, not even Daluo.

How could they be the opponent of Kinnara? The counterattack of the two Vajra was vulnerable to the golden giant palm, and it broke at the touch, and slowly turned into dust.

The golden giant palm fell without any hindrance, stirring up gusts of fierce wind.

The two Vajra silently said in their hearts that their lives were over, but after the giant palm fell, the two Vajra were surprised to find that they did not fall, but were turned into a small mountain by the golden giant palm and pressed in the air.

They tried to move their bodies, but found it was extremely difficult. They couldn't move a little bit.

They looked at Kinnara with fear and wanted to speak, but found that even the ability to speak was blocked by Kinnara.

Kinnara raised an unusually plain smile at the corner of his mouth, "You two wait here for a while, I want to go to the netherworld in person to find Ah Xiu, I want to prove that what the saint did is wrong."

After Kinnara finished speaking, he turned into a golden light and rushed to the netherworld.

Ah Xiu, he must find Ah Xiu!

The two Vajras were so scared that they even regretted why they were not killed by that palm strike!

Anyway, they practiced the art of relic, so as long as their true spirits were not annihilated and their souls were scattered, it would not be difficult to revive them. Now, how should they report to the saint?

The two Vajras looked at each other with bitter smiles on their faces. Now, they were ready to face the wrath of the saint!

The mountain formed by the five golden fingers pressing on the two Vajras did not limit the two Vajras for long. After about an hour, it automatically dissipated.

The two Vajras collapsed to the ground with a heavy burden, and took several deep breaths before they recovered their spirits.

"What do you think we should do now?"

A Vajra spoke.

"What else can we do? Go report to the saint!"


The Vajra's eyes showed great fear, and he was obviously afraid.

"What are you afraid of? If you report now, you may be able to make up for your crime. If you wait a little longer, when Kinnara makes a big mistake, we will have to face the wrath of a true saint!"

"Let's go together!"

The two Vajras straightened their clothes and rushed to the Paradise.

At the same time, in the Netherworld, Kinnara finally arrived!

The aura of the Golden Immortal level spread from him, the void trembled slightly, and the sound of thousands of ways rang out, making everyone breathless.

In the depths of the Senluo Palace, Taoist Mosquito had already summoned the Ten Kings of Hell.

He said seriously, "Kinnara is a Buddhist disciple, of noble status, and the future number one Buddha. If he has any problems, you should help him with all your strength. Do you understand?"

The Yama Kings of the Ten Palaces were a little confused, "Hasn't the Great Emperor always hated Buddhists? Why did his attitude change so much this time?"

The more experienced Yama Kings of the Ten Palaces, such as King Qin Guang and King Chu Jiang, began to speculate on the intentions of Taoist Mosquito.

Could it be that the Great Emperor was speaking in a sarcastic way?

He wanted them to cooperate on the surface, but in fact he was trying to trip them up in various ways?

But there were no outsiders here, so what was the point of Zheng's empty talk?

Seeing the little thoughts of the Yama Kings of the Ten Palaces, how could they be hidden from Taoist Mosquito?

Taoist Mosquito immediately had a sharp look on his face and said coldly, "What I mean is literally what I mean. Anyone who dares not to cooperate as much as possible should not take the position of King of Hell!"

After leaving the last words, Taoist Mosquito flashed and left Senluo Hall.

Only the Ten Palaces of Yama were left looking at each other, listening to the meaning of the words, is the emperor serious?

Xuan and Buddha are not mutually exclusive. The underworld and the underworld are actually of the same lineage. Strictly speaking, they also belong to Xuanmen. Let them entertain the Buddhist disciples. It is weird, it is simply too weird!

In the end, it was still one of the Ten Palaces of Yama. King Qin Guang made the final decision, "Silence, the emperor has spoken. Naturally, follow what the emperor said. Be careful when meeting that Buddhist disciple."


All the kings of hell are weak and powerless.

On the other side, Kinnara stepped into the underworld, and the terrifying aura rushed into the sky, immediately alarming the black and white impermanence, bull-headed and horse-faced people.

Black and white, the bull-headed and horse-faced man hurriedly came to Kinnara, his body trembling slightly, but his face remained calm, "What does this senior want to do when he comes to my underworld?"

Kinnara asked, "There is a netherworld that accommodates souls in the world. Can Asha's soul be in it?"

With a wave of Kinnara's hand, the void suddenly condensed into substance, reflecting Ah Sha's appearance.

"May I ask this fairy, how long has it been since he died?"

Black and White Wuchang asked carefully.

"He died yesterday."

Black and White Wuchang began to try hard to recall it, but his mind was almost exhausted, but he still had no memory at all.

He could only shake his head in embarrassment, "My lord, I really don't have this shy soul these past two days."

"No? How is that possible!"

Kinnara didn't believe it at all, and his face became a little colder!

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