Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 572 Daozu's decree, all saints fight against the devil!

After saying that, Wu Tian waved his hand and threw several black jade slips into the hands of Evil Zhu, Xie Tu, and Ji Du, "This is some information about the Saints of the Three Realms and Hunyuan that I have compiled during my many years in the Three Realms. Are you waiting? If necessary, take a look.”

The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy means you can fight a hundred battles without danger, and the same is true for demons. Therefore, after Wu Tian occupied Mount Sumeru, he sent his men to vigorously collect information about the saints and Hunyuan, in order to one day use it in the war with the Three Realms.

Evil Zhu, Xie Tu, and Ji Du nodded, and when they patted the jade slip, it immediately shattered into pieces, and a massive amount of information poured into their minds and became part of their knowledge.

"The Three Realms are indeed the vast world that Pangu opened up back then. Saints and Hunyuan do have some ways. This battle should not be taken lightly."

There was a glint in Xizhu's eyes. He had always been extremely cautious when dealing with his enemies. Otherwise, he would not have been able to stand out among the hundreds of millions of demons and become the number one general under Demon Ancestor.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Xie Tu's lips, "Tongtian Cult Leader is interesting. He dethrones his holy position and rebuilds Hunyuan. He is quite courageous. Leave this person to me."

"Xie Tu, why are your visions getting lower and lower? It has only taken a thousand years to rebuild Hunyuan. How powerful can Taoism be? You are just picking on weaklings."

Ji Du joked at the side that he was also very interested in the leader of Tongtian who cut himself off and rebuilt the Hunyuan Road.

Xie Tu was immediately unhappy and snorted, "What does a mere leader of Tongtian Cult mean? Even if you don't count him, my record will not be worse than you."

"Master of Tongtian"

Wutian said slowly, "You must not be careless. The supreme swordsmanship that reaches the sky, and the innate treasure in his hands. Even if he cuts himself with a sword, the understanding of the swordsmanship will not disappear. Don't underestimate it. watch for."

Xie Tu waved his hand impatiently, "I know, I know."

At this time, in the center of Mount Sumeru, ripples rippled again, and a black light traveled through the void without knowing when, and attached to the twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus.

The four extraterrestrial demon gods were stunned for a moment, and their originally unruly faces showed a touch of respect. They leaned down and said in a respectful tone, "Greetings to the Demon Ancestor."

From the twelfth-level world-destroying black lotus, Rahu's voice was as plain as water, "Let's get started, Wutian, still stay at Mount Sumeru, in the three realms, stabilize my destiny of the devil, kill evil, kill evil, and plot the capital, you The three of us will serve as the vanguard of my demonic invasion and will immediately launch a crusade against the Three Realms without any mistakes."

"Yes, Lord Demon Ancestor."

Evil execution, evil slaughter, Ji all nodded respectfully.

Although Wutian was a little reluctant and wanted to be the vanguard of the crusade, the Demon Ancestor had already spoken, so how could he dare to disobey him, so he replied respectfully.

After the four people answered in unison, a faint light flashed on the World-Destroying Black Lotus, and in an instant it broke through the void and disappeared in an instant.

Xie Tu patted Wu Tian on the shoulder, "Just stay in Mount Xumi and wait for the good news of our triumphant return."

"Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly."

Evil Zhu dropped a word, slightly tore his hands, and the void was instantly torn to pieces. His figure flashed, escaped into the vast void, and disappeared.

Xie Tu and Ji Du also quickly followed behind Xie Zhu, their figures flashed, escaped into the void, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The three demon gods set off, and Wutian was not idle either. He summoned all the demon disciples from the entire West to gather on Mount Xumi and activated the demon formation that had been prepared for a long time.

The so-called Heavenly Demon Array, to be more precise, should be a demonic energy traction array. Once it is opened, all the negative auras in a radius of billions of miles will be drawn in, and eventually become the tonic of the demonic path.


As a roar sounded, and after making all preparations, the Heavenly Demon Formation slowly began to operate.

As the Heavenly Demon Array started to operate, the entire three realms seemed to tremble silently. East, West, North, South, the four major continents, including the Nether World, the Human World, and even the blood evil energy in the vast sea of ​​​​blood were also suppressed. Get mobilized.

Endless negative emotions, like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea, continue to come to Xiniuhezhou, and finally converge on Mount Xumi.


For nine days, the devil's destiny began to rise at an extremely fast speed, covering up the sky and the sun, covering up the sun and the moon. It became extremely prosperous, and even rivaled Xuanmen in a short period of time!

The infinite evil energy of the blood sea was mobilized and continued to converge towards Xiniu Hezhou, immediately alarming the ancestor of Styx.

Ancestor Minghe opened his eyes on the twelfth-grade ye flaming red lotus, and smiled arrogantly, "I originally planned to watch from the sidelines, but your demonic way led my blood sea evil energy without my permission. It is really too much to bully others, old man. I won’t tolerate this kind of anger!”

Styx smiled, waved his hand, broke through the void, and disappeared.

The war is about to break out, the devil is in action, and the saints of Xuanmen and Hunyuan are not idle either. They all gather at Shouyang Mountain, the dojo of Taiqing Saint.

All the saints gathered at Shouyang Mountain. A flash of determination flashed in Saint Taiqing's eyes. Just when he was about to speak, a golden decree shattered the void and landed on Shouyang Mountain.

The extremely familiar aura of immortality came from the golden decree, which was the decree of Taoist Ancestor Hongjun.

All the saints and Hunyuan did not dare to be careless, and they all raised their hands and saluted the golden decree in the void, "Disciple pays homage to Taoist Ancestor."

The golden decree was unfolded. There was not a single word on it, but a majestic voice resounded throughout the three realms.

"Billions of years ago, I joined forces with the Yin-Yang Demon God, Qiankun Demon God, and Yangmei Demon God to defeat Luohou on Mount Xumi. I thought that Luohou would change his ways after this setback, but I never thought that he would be more obsessed with the devil. Now, the devil has made a comeback. You are all cultivators in the Three Realms. You must take up the banner of eliminating devils and defending the way!"

"Where are Taiqing, Yuqing, Shangqing, Nuwa, Zhunti, and Jieyin?"

In the golden decree, a majestic sound of Taoism came, exploding in the Three Realms and clearly falling into the ears of countless people.

"Disciple is here."

The saints and Hunyuan took a step forward and spoke in unison.

"Today, I order you to be the vanguard of the Three Realms and fight against the devil, and there must be no mistakes!"

"Yes, teacher, disciples and others will definitely eliminate devils and defend the way, and will never step back!"

The voices of the saints rang out again in a rare unison, including Zhunti and Jieyin, who like to be sneaky the most.

It's not that they have come to their senses and want to make some contributions to the Three Realms, but that the Demon Dao is getting too aggressive and bullying too much. Even his Western ancestral temple has been forcibly occupied by the Demon Dao. If they can still tolerate this, wouldn't they be turtles and tortoises?

This time, Zhunti and Jieyin vowed to take back everything that originally belonged to them. No, not only to take it back, but also to double it back. The losses of so many years must not be let go.

The voice in the golden decree ended, and the decree fell into Taiqing's hands. Taiqing said firmly, "Everyone, follow me to fight against the Demon Dao!"

The next moment, the innate treasure Tai Chi diagram appeared above Taiqing's head, and the huge Yin and Yang fish rotated in the air. The Yin and Yang forces that were originally mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining were strangely fused together at this moment, and the infinite power of obliteration collapsed the void in an instant.

Taiqing drove the Tai Chi diagram and rushed into the void. Naturally, the saints were unwilling to lag behind and followed closely.

Although the location of this war between the devil and the demon has not been determined, the saints of the Three Realms, Hunyuan, and the demon Hunyuan all chose the center of the Three Realms as the place where Mount Buzhou stood.

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