Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 583 Summoning Pangu Axe, the Power of Creation

"The Demon Ancestor Rahu is indeed powerful. The Great Mo that destroys the world is worthy of the name of the Supreme Treasure of Chaos."

Zhao Gongming did not hesitate to praise him.

Luo Hu smiled coldly, "Why, if you think you can beg for mercy from me by saying a few nice words, it's too simple for you."

"No, I'm just stating a fact."

Zhao Gongming shook his head, his expression became solemn, and he slowly raised the Chaos Bell, an innate treasure in his hand, "Can the Demon Ancestor recognize this spiritual treasure?"

"This is."

Luo Hu has obviously never seen the Chaos Clock, but he can feel a supreme and mysterious aura on the Chaos Clock, which comes from the same source as the Pangu Flag and the Tai Chi Diagram.

But Luo Hu didn't delve into this point. A sneer flashed across his face, and he drove the world-destroying mill and called Zhao Gongming directly.

This son is not showy, but under Luo Hu's perception, Zhao Gongming even gives him a more dangerous feeling than Hongjun gives him.

Luo Hu rushed at him with the force of thunder. All the saints and Hunyuan secretly scolded Luo Hu for being shameless, but at the same time they were worried about Zhao Gongming. Not to mention his cultivation level, Zhao Gongming already had absolute control in terms of spiritual treasures. At a disadvantage, if the innate treasure beats the chaos treasure, no one else can beat it.

Zhao Gongming took a deep breath and poured all his mana into the chaos. The next moment, a bell shook the nine heavens and ten earth. The blazing black and yellow light almost burned. Zhao Gongming's figure flashed and he was already fighting with Luo Hu. .

The World-Destroying Great Mo is worthy of the power of the Chaos Spiritual Treasure. After only fighting for hundreds of rounds, Zhao Gongming has been put at an absolute disadvantage. In terms of cultivation, it is not bad. He and Luo Hu are both at the peak of the Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal. There is a huge gap. It's so small that it can be ignored. The biggest difference is between the two spiritual treasures.

If Luo Hu's own strength is equivalent to ten parts, then the World-Destroying Great Mo is equivalent to twenty parts. Adding the two together, there are thirty parts of strength!

Zhao Gongming's strength is as good as Luo Hu's.

But the Chaos Clock is only equivalent to five parts. If you add them all together, there are only fifteen parts, which is only half of Luo Hu's. This is the difference between the two.


The World-Destroying Great Mo and the Chaos Clock collided again, and Zhao Gongming was directly blown away by the huge Dao Yun ripples.

But he reacted extremely quickly. While he was in mid-air, he had already dissolved the Tao Yun. He landed smoothly and allowed the power of the demonic Dao to corrode him, but he remained unmoved.

A sneer appeared on Luo Hu's face, "You are better than that veteran Hongjun, but it's a pity that you will still be defeated today, no, you will fall!"

Zhao Gongming smiled, "Is Demon Ancestor so sure?"

"It would be a bit of a fool's dream to think of competing with me with an innate treasure."

There was no concealed sarcasm on Luo Hu's face.

Zhao Gongming was not in a hurry and said slowly, "The Chaos Bell is just an innate treasure, but what about the Tai Chi Diagram and the Pangu Flag?"


Luo Hu was shocked and confused.

When Pangu opened the sky, Pangu's ax, the most precious treasure of chaos, was shattered into Pangu flags, Tai Chi diagrams, and the Chaos Bell because they could not withstand the power of the opening of the sky. He was clear about these three treasures.

But it was clear that what Zhao Gongming said was completely unreasonable.

The Pangu Ax has long been broken and lost in the long river of history. Could it be that Zhao Gongming has the ability to reshape the Pangu Ax?

Luo Hu shook his head, there was absolutely no such possibility!

Zhao Gongming looked solemn and said word by word, "In my name, call Pangu Ax!"

The Chaos Clock began to tremble violently at this moment, as if meeting a blood relative, it kept trembling hugely.

Not only the Chaos Clock, but also the Pangu Flag in Yuanshi's hand and the Taichi Diagram in Taiqing's hand began to tremble slightly.

"This is!"

Taiqing and Yuanshi both had shock on their faces. The Taichi Diagram and Pangu Flag had been in their hands for hundreds of millions of years and had already become a part of themselves. Now, there was a faint tendency to escape from their control.

"What is he doing?"

Ming He narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhao Gongming with shock on his face.

Tongtian said solemnly, "When Pangu Father God created the world, the divine weapon Pangu Ax could not withstand the power of the opening of the sky and shattered, turning into the Chaos Bell, the Tai Chi Diagram, and the Pangu Ax. Now, he wants to use the Chaos Bell as the core to forcefully summon Tai Chi. Picture, Pangu flag, reshape Pangu ax.”

"Pangu's ax is broken, can it really be reshaped?"

Styx questioned.

"I don't know. I think he is sure of it. If he summons the Pangu Ax, then there shouldn't be much of a problem in this battle."

Tongtian's face was full of complex expressions. He was proud of Zhao Gongming, but also regretful about why he couldn't give up that little cultivation. He didn't kill himself until now, otherwise, he would be able to fight alongside them today.

In the Tai Chi diagram, the gravitational force coming from the Pangu flag is getting stronger and stronger, and the two great treasures are faintly about to fly to the nine heavens.

Taiqing said in a solemn tone, "He wants to reshape Pangu Ax, let's give him the spiritual treasure."

Taiqing removed the magic power that had been blessed on the Tai Chi Diagram, and the Tai Chi Diagram spun around in mid-air, as if bidding farewell to Tai Qing, and then turned into a stream of light and flew fiercely towards the nine heavens.

Yuanshi's face was ugly. After pondering for a few breaths, he finally released his control on the Pangu flag like Taiqing. The Pangu ax immediately turned into a stream of light and flew towards the nine heavens.

For nine days, there was a mist, as if it had returned to the chaos and disorder at the beginning of the creation of the world. There was chaos and confusion. The earth, fire, water and wind trembled, annihilating all things. After the annihilation, all things revived in a new round of reincarnation. , never stops.

Zhao Gongming stood on a golden cloud, holding the Chaos Bell, which was full of dark yellow light, in his hand. On the left and right sides of the Chaos Bell were the Taiji Diagram and Pangu Banner.

The three innate treasures gathered together, and the auras between them formed a cycle. Although the concentration of Taoism was far less than that of the World-Destroying Great Mill in Luohou's hand, it was far beyond the scope of innate treasures.


Zhao Gongming put his hands together, and all the mana of the peak of the Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian poured out, trying to use the supreme mana to condense the three treasures of the creation of the world together again.

But no matter how hard Zhao Gongming tried, the Chaos Bell, Pangu Banner, and Taiji Diagram were always attracted to each other and difficult to merge together.

Luohou watched coldly from the side, and the World-Destroying Great Mill hovered above his head, emitting an extreme aura of destruction, but he did not take action when Zhao Gongming was reshaping the Pangu Axe.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but he can't. There are still the remaining will of Pangu in the billions of miles under the ruins of Buzhou Mountain.

What kind of existence is Pangu? After billions of years of death, his will is still infinitely close to the power of the half-step avenue.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to perfectly gather the aftermath of his battle with Hongjun into the ruins of Buzhou Mountain.

If he took action at this time, it would inevitably cause Pangu's will. Even if he held the world-destroying mill and could forcibly defeat Pangu's will, the three realms would surely collapse. Then what would be the meaning of his counterattack on the prehistoric world?

Therefore, if he wanted to capture the three realms and turn them into the domain of the magic way, he had to defeat Zhao Gongming with the momentum of the magic way.

Chaos Bell, Pangu Banner, and Tai Chi Diagram could not condense for a long time. Zhao Gongming's face turned cold, and he waved his hand fiercely and slapped the ground.


The shocking Dao essence produced endless ripples, which spread out in circles. The land of billions of miles under Mount Buzhou began to tremble violently. A huge torrent of the source of the earth veins gushed directly from the ground and poured unreservedly on the three treasures of the Creation of Heaven.

The infinite power of the earth veins, with the blessing of Pangu's will, the three treasures of the Creation of Heaven, which had been difficult to integrate together, finally changed.

Pangu Banner, turned into the blade of the Axe of the Creation of Heaven!

The Tai Chi diagram, turned into the back of the Axe of the Creation of Heaven!

The Chaos Bell, turned into the handle of the Axe of the Creation of Heaven!

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