Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 77: The Martial Arts Monument and the Human Race

When Suiren's voice fell, Zhao Gongming glanced at the countless tribal leaders in the square and asked again.

"If you, the leaders, have any objections, just raise them."

"No objection. We have also heard that this violent bear tribe bullies the market and specializes in plundering small tribes that are not as powerful as them. They should have died long ago."

"That's right. Our Linglu tribe was robbed several times by the violent bear tribe. One winter, there was not enough food to eat, and many people even starved to death."

"Master Zhao Yingming, this violent bear is greedy and cruel, and deserves death."

Below the square, great anger flashed across the faces of countless human tribe leaders.

Obviously, they have been bullied by the violent bear tribe over the years.

As a thousand people pointed out, Bao Xiong finally showed a look of fear on his face, trembling all over, and begged Zhao Gongming for mercy.

"Master Zhao, I was wrong. I will never dare to do it again. Please ask Master Zhao to spare my life."

Zhao Gongming shook his head, his voice was firm and murderous, "Spare your life? Who will save the lives of those humans who starved to death because you plundered their prey?"

Zhao Gongming's voice fell, and a bright long knife appeared in his hand.

On the long knife, cold air radiated, and the next moment he said:

The sword was unsheathed, and the sword was raised and lowered in the hand, and it was slashed in mid-air.


A high stream of blood spurted out from the violent bear's neck.

A big head fell to the ground and rolled several times before stopping on the ground.

There was still a hint of disbelief in Bao Xiong's wide eyes, as if he didn't expect that he would really die here.

The death of the violent bear has eliminated a great harm to the human tribe.

All the tribes that had been bullied by the violent bear gave out an overwhelming cheer.

Suiren ordered people to carry away the violent bear's body and clean up the blood.

Raising his hand slightly, the voices in the noisy square gradually calmed down.

Suiren said solemnly, "We have brought you here today. In addition to getting rid of the scourge of the violent bear, we also have something to ask Master Zhao to announce to you."

Zhao Gongming stood with his hands behind his hands. He glanced at the endless human race in the square and spoke slowly, word by word.

"The human race has been thriving and living in the East China Sea for a thousand years. Over the past thousand years, the human race has made a difficult journey. Relying on their own efforts, they drilled wood to make fire, built wood as nests, used animal skins and leaves as clothing, and their lives were getting better and better. , but now, this corner of the East China Sea can no longer match the speed of development of the human race. "

Zhao Gongming's voice was full of powerful magic, which impacted everyone's heart.

Soon, the square echoed with the voices of countless leaders.

"I dare to ask Master Zhao, the tribe needs food and the people want to reproduce, so what should we do next?"

"Good question."

Zhao Gongming nodded and said, "The wilderness is vast. Not to mention the place we live in, even the entire East China Sea is only an insignificant part of it."

"Leave the East China Sea and let the human race step into the real prehistoric world. Let all the races in the prehistoric world know that we, the human race, are also enterprising."

Soon, under the square, countless tribal leaders raised questions again.

"Master Zhao, I heard that there is an extremely dangerous place outside the ancient world. There are great monsters and immortals. Once they fight, the sky will collapse and the earth will fall apart. The human race is as weak as ants. If they go out, won't they all become blood food?"

As soon as these words came out, they were recognized by most of the human race.

"Yes, my human race has no way to practice. Once we go out, we will be reduced to the blood of all races in the wild."

Although the human race has no cultivation skills at this stage, none of them are fools.

Naturally, we know that the East China Sea is a protected place and very safe, but that is not necessarily true for the outside world.

Although Sage Nuwa has said that for ten thousand years, all races in the wild will not take action against the human race.

But that is based on the fact that the human race is peaceful and only on its own territory.

If the human race goes out and occupies the territory of other tribes, it kills all the tribesmen.

The body died and the Tao disappeared, and was eaten as blood food. Even Nuwa could not say anything.

In the square, Zhao Gongming waved his hand and spoke slowly.

"As for the method of practice, don't worry. I will set up a heavenly monument of martial arts in the ancestral land of the human race, and the method of practice will be engraved on it. All my fellow humans can come to the ancestral land to understand the heavenly monument of martial arts and step into the path of practice. ”

Zhao Gongming made this choice after careful consideration and discussions with the Third Ancestor.

When the human race was first born, if Zhao Gongming gave a lot of benefits to the human race, it would destroy the human race's status as the protagonist of the world.

But now, the human race is constantly striving for self-improvement and relying on its own efforts, it has gradually gained a firm foothold.

The current preaching of Zhao Gongming can be said to be an investment in the human race and a way to deepen the cause and effect between each other.

Of course, when I teach the Dharma, I won’t teach any profound Dharma.

In Zhao Gongming's opinion, the Golden Immortal Technique is enough for the human race to use at the moment.

It is too high and cannot be used by the human race at this stage.

Zhao Gongming's voice fell, and immediately, countless human beings in front of the square became completely excited and started cheering hugely.

The first batch of innate human races were fabricated from the Three Lights Divine Water and the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil.

He is born with great blessings and has a long life.

Even if he is just a mortal, he can live for tens of thousands of years without any problems.

Throughout their long lives, they will always have a great interest in spiritual practice.

At this time, Master Zhao wanted to pass on the Dharma to them, which was like a fish finding water.

"Master Zhao, when will the Martial Arts Heavenly Monument be erected?"

The leaders of countless human tribes were already impatient.

The East China Sea, where they lived, was just a corner of the world, and they were already impatient to see the outside world.

"One year later, the Martial Arts Heavenly Monument will be erected. You should go back and wait for the news now."

Zhao Gongming said.

"We will obey Master Zhao's orders."

In the square, countless human races gradually retreated.

Among them, the middle-aged leader of the Changfeng tribe clenched his fists, and excitement flashed across his face!

The supreme method of cultivation was exactly what he was pursuing.

Soon, only the three ancestors and Zhao Gongming were left in the huge square.

Zhao Gongming said, "I will go to refine the Martial Arts Heavenly Stele. One year later, the Martial Arts Heavenly Stele will appear in the world, and our human race will officially enter the golden age of cultivation."

"Yes, Master Zhao."

The three ancestors and others did not say much polite words, but showed respect and bowed to Zhao Gongming.

Master Zhao's actions over the past thousand years are worthy of the position of the master of the other race.

After Zhao Gongming left, Suiren looked at Youchao and Ziyi and said firmly.

"The Holy Mother, molded the human race into clay. Without the Holy Mother, there would be no human race today."

"Master Zhao, since the birth of the human race, the human race has been accompanied in the East China Sea. Now it has erected the Martial Arts Heavenly Stele and lit the light on the road of cultivation for the human race. These two people are worthy of our human race's eternal worship."

"Brother, what do you mean."

Youchao and Ziyi showed surprise on their faces.

"Carve the statue of the Virgin Mary and Master Zhao, and place it in the ancestral land of the human race. It will be worshipped by our human race day and night."

"Yes, brother."

Youchao and Ziyi nodded without hesitation.

"You two, hurry up and arrange people to carve the stone statue. It will be unveiled with the Martial Arts Heavenly Stele in a year."

"We understand."

Youchao and Ziyi nodded firmly.

Back to the back mountain, in a simple dojo he opened up.

Zhao Gongming sat cross-legged with his five hearts facing the sky. On the Martial Arts Heavenly Stele of the human race, Zhao Gongming was ready to imprint ten Golden Immortal-level skills.

These skills are all ready-made. They were given to him by Nuwa when he left Fengqi Mountain.

Let him find a suitable time to give them to the human race for practice.

Now that the skills are available, the next step is to refine the Martial Arts Heavenly Stele. To refine the Martial Arts Heavenly Stele, you first need to choose a carrier.

The carrier that bears the ten golden immortals' methods, imprints the true meaning of the immortal way, and allows the human race to comprehend day and night, must be very solid.

However, Zhao Gongming plundered Penglai and Yingzhou, and he had a lot of money.

"Nine Heavens Mysterious Yang Crystal, Heavenly Cold Iron, Refined Heaven Purple Copper, Nine Turns Diamond Sand"

Zhao Gongming picked and chose, and soon, a large pile of colorful ores appeared at his feet, forming a small mountain.

These ores are all top-notch refining materials and can be used as carriers of innate spiritual treasures.

At this time, Zhao Gongming took them out all at once, shining brightly on the ground, very dazzling.

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