Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 96 The Sage's Plan and the Ownership of the Cushion

Of the seven futons, it goes without saying that Sanqing is the direct descendant of Xuanmen, and only three of them, Zhunti and Jieying, are not direct descendants of Xuanmen, but they obtained the Hongmeng Purple Qi when they preached in Zixiao Palace. Existence, it is reasonable for two people to occupy two.

Then there were two left. Fuxi, Nuwa's brother, occupied one of the remaining two, and no one had any doubts.

But of the seven futons, there is only one left. Who will sit on it?

People from the demon clan? People from the Wu Clan are not suitable.

Demon Emperor Jun looked at the remaining futon with burning eyes, longing in his eyes.

Heaven decreed that Nuwa be conferred the title of Emperor Wa. Is it not too much for Emperor Wa to leave a futon for them?

The only drawback is that there is only one futon.

As for Donghuang Taiyi, he gave Di Jiang a proud look provocatively.

Look, we, the demon clan, can listen to the sermons of saints at close range, but you, the witch clan, can only listen on the sidelines pretending to understand, which is a waste of time.

Di Jiang's face suddenly darkened and became very ugly.

The seven futons, very close to Nuwa, are all enveloped by the power of the Supreme Holy Way, which is of great benefit to the monks.

Although the witch treasure soul-catching bell in his hand is powerful, in the face of the power of the saint, I'm afraid it really can't get any closer.

Are we going to watch helplessly as the demon clan gets a huge opportunity to greatly increase their strength?

At this moment, Nuwa, who was sitting in the first seat with a smile on her face, swept past the great masters who came to listen to the lecture, and finally landed on Zhao Gongming.

"Master Nephew Gongming, please take a seat."

After Nuwa finished speaking, she specifically pointed to the last futon left.

As soon as these words came out, all the powerful people present were stunned.

Gongming’s nephew?

Could it be that the last futon was left by Saint Nuwa to the so-called nephew Gongming?

Who is the so-called nephew of Master Gongming, and what qualifications do he have to be ranked alongside Sanqing, Zhunti, Jingyin, Fuxi and others?

Yuqing's camp, Guangchengzi, Chizheng, Weiliu Sun and others looked shocked.

"Then the last futon was actually reserved for Zhao Gongming?"

"Senior Brother, you are really amazing. You are a role model for us. When will we be able to be like Senior Senior Brother?"

The disciples of the Shangqing lineage cheered. Duobao, Jinling, and Sanxiao all had a flash of envy in their eyes.

At the same time, I felt very honored, as if they were the ones who could listen to the saint's sermons at close range.

The eyes of countless powerful people from all over the world immediately fell on Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming turned out to be a disciple of Shangqing Tongtian, but even if he is a disciple of Tongtian, he is still a junior, so what qualifications do he have to be ranked alongside Sanqing, Zhunti, and Jieying?

Even Zhunti and Hui Yin, who were sitting nearby, changed their expressions slightly, and their eyes fell on Zhao Gongming, looking at him carefully.

"Master Nephew obeys the order."

Zhao Gongming walked out from the Shangqing lineage disciples, and then Shi Shiran sat down on the futon. Suddenly, a rich and thick saint's Tao Yun rushed to his face.

It is much better than the positions outside. It seems that the speed of comprehending the laws of heaven and earth has been accelerated by an unknown amount.

The ten ancestral witches of the Wu Clan were stunned at first, and then burst into laughter. Although they did not name them by name, everyone could clearly see the mockery in their eyes.

Donghuang Taiyi's face suddenly became ugly. He was about to ask questions, but was stopped by Di Jun on the side.

If it were someone else sitting on the futon, he would naturally not stop Donghuang Taiyi.

That was Zhao Gongming, a disciple of the Shangqing lineage, and Tongtian protected his shortcomings to the extreme. The current situation in the heavenly court was such that the three Qings could no longer be at odds with each other. As for some innocuous things, there was no harm in being patient for a while.

Fuxi felt relieved when he saw that Donghuang Taiyi didn't speak.

At this time, Nuwa spoke, her cold and stunning eyes scanning the crowd, "Do you know why Zhao Gongming, a disciple of the Shangqing Dynasty, can occupy a futon?"

"Sage, I don't know."

All the great experts shook their heads, not knowing the details.

Nuwa smiled and said, "Three thousand years ago, half of the credit for why I was able to attain enlightenment and become a saint, transcending the prehistoric way of heaven, was attributed to my nephew Gongming. If it weren't for him, I'm afraid I still can't understand the holy way now. I’m still studying and enlightening on Fengqi Mountain.”


As soon as he said this, the world was shocked, and almost all the powerful people in the world were stunned.

The reason why Saint Nuwa was able to attain enlightenment was half of the credit attributed to Zhao Gongming?

"Most of the credit for Saint Nuwa's enlightenment is due to him."

The faces of Guangchengzi, Chi Jingzheng, Zhenliu Sun and others were extremely complicated, and a huge sense of gap emerged in their hearts.

This is the second saint in the world, and it has extraordinary significance!

On the other hand, the disciples of the Shangqing lineage suddenly became excited!

"Sage Nuwa's enlightenment is actually all the credit of the senior brother???"

"I thought that Senior Brother could defeat Senior Brother Huang Quan, which was already at his peak. I didn't expect that Saint Nuwa's enlightenment was also due to Senior Brother."

"Eldest brother is too strong, I will regard him as a role model and chase after him all the way."

Sanqing's expression was still indifferent. They already knew about this matter in Sanqing Hall.

Zhunti, leading to the Taoist heart that was originally calm, suddenly caused waves.

He looked at Zhao Gongming as if he were looking at a rare treasure.

Instructing Nuwa, let alone half the probability, even if it is only one percent probability, it is still a supreme treasure to them.

Zhunti's old habit has happened again. He is a talented person. If he can be recruited from the West.

Zhunti was about to speak, but saw Tongtian's extremely sharp eyes cast over. Zhunti was startled and had to withdraw his gaze in dismay.

At this time, Zhenyuanzi, Minghe, Queen Mother of the West, and countless powerful cultivators in the prehistoric world all looked at Zhao Gongming with a touch of heat.

Zhao Gongming felt uncomfortable under the gazes of countless people and stood up to say.

"I dare not guide the saint. It's just a few words that made the saint realize something."

Zhao Gongming's words further confirmed what Nuwa said before.

"Nuwa Saint's enlightenment is actually related to Zhao Gongming!"

"Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, but he has accepted a good disciple!"

Suddenly, countless powerful people in the Chaos Dojo were like a pot of boiling water, and they all started discussing, just like a vegetable market, with endless noise.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi looked deep, and there was an uproar in their hearts. The saint's enlightenment was actually the credit of Zhao Gongming.

At the same time, he was slightly glad that he had not spoken out before, otherwise he would have offended Nuwa.

The ten great witch ancestors still looked indifferent.

They didn't care how Nuwa achieved enlightenment. They had only one goal, which was to prevent the three-legged old bird from achieving enlightenment!

There were bursts of noise, but in a place where no one else could see, Zhao Gongming, Nuwa's mouth corners quietly rose, and a smile appeared.

Nuwa said today that the merit of becoming a saint was related to Zhao Gongming, but in fact, the two had discussed it long ago.

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