"Every time you meet those sea dragons, they will look at you with contempt. It's like they are the orthodox dragon clan, I'm really angry."

Every dragon is very arrogant, but the dragon clan on the sea seems to be more orthodox. Every time we meet them, they are full of arrogance.

"No matter how arrogant they are, it has nothing to do with you."Shen Long said to them

"Their arrogance is their own problem, just leave it alone."There was a hint of coldness in Shen Long's voice.

Shen Long said to them,"No matter how arrogant they are, you will have no chance to contact them. The person who contacts them is me."

"Don't worry, if I want to bring them back, I will definitely make them docile."

It means that he will not bring any trouble to his gathering place. If it is trouble, Shen Long will never bring him back, so the remaining dragons can rest assured

"Then I'll leave first."Shen Long still has some things to do. There are other things about the deep space beasts.

"The world of sky behemoths is likely to be more than just deep space behemoths."When Shen Long thought of what happened before, he was a little afraid.

"This must be checked."Shen Long said in his heart

"You just stay here and train for me. As long as you are strong, I can go out and plunder resources for you. You have to help me."

These dragons are his forces. They have become stronger after they have been cultivated, and they can give him a lot of help and assistance."

"I hope you will not live up to my expectations of you."That's what he wanted to say.

Shen Long left and didn't stay here. He turned around and left, and he was flying very fast.

The people behind him looked at Shen Long nervously, and their hearts suddenly sank..

Sometimes, the things Shen Long does make their hearts beat faster!

Sometimes, they really feel that Shen Long is someone who can control them.

For some reason, they can resonate with Shen Long!

They are all dragons, these Dragon House kept flying in the air, its tail kept flapping in the air.

"It seems that we cannot let the spiritual beasts outside come in. The leader found this place for us."

There are a lot of clouds and mist in their place. This place shrouded in clouds and mist is very suitable for the survival of spirit beasts. If the spirit beasts outside want to come over, they are trying to occupy their living space.

"Those spiritual beasts must not be allowed in."These dragons are actually selfish.

Each dragon has its own territory, and they are not enough in this place.

"Practicing here is indeed getting twice the result with half the effort."A dragon said with emotion,"When I was outside before, although I was a dragon and very powerful, my cultivation speed was far not as fast as here."

So he already knew it.

He already knew that he could follow Shen Long. This is the source of their strength.

If they follow the right leader, they can obtain countless cultivation resources, so that they can become more powerful. Once you are strong, your strength can grow continuously.

"We must not let the leader be dissatisfied with us in any way."

Yi Long said this.

If Shen Long is dissatisfied with them, it means they have done a lot of things wrong.

Yes, they are wrong!

They have done a lot of things wrong and they will never forgive themselves.

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