There are many people in the brilliant building, a full four or five hundred people, but after all, it is a cultivation world, and the space inside is also very large, with the space formation, amplification formation, lighting formation, phantom array and so on arranged by the cultivators.

There is also a large number of music equipment of scientific and technological civilization.

After combining technology and cultivation techniques, the arrangement here is even better than the concert arrangement in modern society, and although Fang Hao is not here for the first time, he still feels the shock of his heart.

The illusion slowly opened, Fang Hao only felt that a thick fog was produced around him, the fog made the surrounding five fingers not visible, and he did not use divine sense, after all, everyone knew that the illusion here was fake, but they just wanted to fall into the wonderful illusion.

When the mist disappeared, everyone only felt that they had come to a dream world, only to see the stars and rivers turning, the sky was filled with light, and everything was so beautiful and dreamy.

A beautiful white-clothed flower fairy appeared in the center of the venue, and due to the rendering of the environment, her body was full of dreamy taste, and many people were deeply attracted to it.

“Hello everyone, welcome to the Brilliant Building Opera House, we will present you with a wonderful program, I hope you like it, in addition, Huazun will appear in person today.” The white-clothed flower fairy said with a smile, his voice was charming, like a fairy voice.

“Good!” The crowd couldn’t help but cheer.

Then a few flower fairies began to perform the show, although the show was very good, but it was far from comparable to Hua Zun’s show, and everyone was looking forward to Hua Zun on the stage.

After a few programs, Hua Zun finally appeared, and Fang Hao couldn’t help but look forward to it when he looked at the beautiful figure on the stage.

As the deputy city lord of Redstone City before, he had also listened to Huazun’s performance several times, and each time was shocking and inexplicable, making him lose himself in the feast beauty of music, the sound was so beautiful, and it could even promote the improvement of cultivation.

With a melodious piano sound, four dancing girls, dressed in red silk veils, danced to the beautiful music.

Then, eight beautiful women with white gauze slid into the room lightly, red and white brocade clothes were messy, their bodies were long, well-proportioned and wonderful, and their casual twisting movements were so touching.

In the dark light, hundreds of flower fairies played a series of musical instruments, the interpretation was very devoted, and the sound became able to pass through deeply through the blessing of the formation, bringing people a shock from the soul.

“Oriental Buzhou Mountain,……”

The beautiful song fluttered, and the crowd listened to it mesmerized.

The soft sound of the piano is like a stream flowing through the grass, and the crisp sound of plucking strings is like a dripping spring leaking from the cracks of the stone.

The sound of thick drums is like a stream of ten thousand streams converging in an empty valley, and the sound produced by the sharp percussion instruments is like a torrent falling down a steep wall, like a waterfall falling into a deep pool.

The melodious melody is like spring water around the roots of trees, and the clear stream beats the pebbles, the weight is urgent, far and near, high and low, each emits a different sound.

All kinds of music, woven together by an invisible rule, come together into a wonderful symphony.

In this wonderful symphony, it seems that you can hear the passage of time, the changes of history, the birth, growth, reproduction, and death of life, and the voice of metabolism, from weak to strong, gradually unfolding, rising into the main melody.

Fang Hao and everyone leaned over and listened, distinguishing, their minds seemed to melt into the water, flowing with the spring, swimming all over Dinghu, and it was like the spring water gurgling through the heart field and washing away the dirt in the heart.

After the song, Huazun had already left, but everyone was still immersed in their hearts, immersed in the depths of their inner harbors.

There was silence.

“Xianyin really lives up to its name!” After a long time, Fang Hao finally woke up from his intoxication.

“Hee-hee, thanks for the compliment.” A voice came, but it was Huazun’s voice.

Fang Hao thought that he had woken up, but he saw that he had come to a new space, and the scene inside was actually a fantasy of scientific and technological civilization, that is, a scientific and technological fantasy scene in the afterlife.

“Huazun, where is this?” Fang Hao looked at the strange environment without panic, and asked in the direction of the voice.

“This is your inner world, the most beautiful spiritual world of your life, I guided you here through music, and I wonder why your inner world is like this.” A white mist suddenly appeared, slowly forming the image of Hua Zun.

The hands are like soft shades, the skin is like curd, the face is like a scorpion qi, the teeth are like a rhinoceros, the head of the moth is eyebrows, the smile is delicate, the beautiful eyes are looking forward, the dimples are slightly smiling, and the beautiful eyes are looking forward to the flow of eye waves.

“This world is not the real world, but a futuristic fantasy world.” Fang Hao looked at the peerless goddess in front of him and frowned.

Although she is Hua Zun, a peerless goddess, but Fang Hao is not a fledgling young man after all, but an old monster who has lived for millions of years, and has reached the age when the old man sees the essence, he will not be confused because of his appearance.

He could not imagine that his mind would be interpreted, and the secrets of his past life would appear in the flood, and he felt that he was a little uneasy.

“This is just my essence power, through the sound of music into the heart of living beings, the heart is the source of our psychological feelings, more able to reflect a person’s inner world, your spiritual world is peaceful, beautiful, is a friend worth making.” As if sensing Fang Hao’s thoughts, Huazun said.

“You called me in because?” Fang Hao asked, and began to look around.

“You are the most prestigious prophet in Redstone City and Purple River City, and you are also the deputy city lord of Redstone City, and some things really need to find you.” Hua Zun said with a smile.

She looked at Fang Hao’s eyes a little strangely, if it weren’t for her own magical powers, I am afraid that she really did not know Fang Hao’s origin.

The person who can be noticed by Huazun is obviously not an ordinary person, Fang Hao is barely a special person in Redstone City, she wants to know a question about time and space and reincarnation.

“That’s before, Huazun or just say, what do you have to ask?” Fang Hao smiled and said.

“Don’t worry about exposing your origin, this is my inner magical space, the rules of sound, can listen to all the voices of the whole universe, can also block all the voices of the world, no one can come here except us, the reason why I am looking for you is because I have observed you for a long time, I want to get your help.” Peony Huazun said with a smile.

“Get my help? Can I help you with anything? Fang Hao asked strangely, it seemed that he didn’t know anything about music.

“Let me explain to you, there are five senses of sound and color in the world, that is: shape, sound, smell, taste, touch, corresponding to the five sensory organs of living beings: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Shape: refers to the shape and shape, including long, square, flat, round and other forms and shapes of large, small, less directional behavior appearance. Sound: refers to sound, including high, low, long, short and other sounds, emitting sound, hearing sound. Smell: refers to the sense of smell, which is the reflection of particles in the mucosa, such as: incense, smell. Taste: refers to taste, including bitter, spicy, sour, sweet, salty and other flavors. Touch: refers to the feeling of touch, including the touch feeling: hot and cold, slippery, soft and hard, itchy and other touches. And I am the Dao of Sound, and I hope that one day I can collect the Voice of the World, form the Dao Immortal Yin, and preach the Dao Daluo, in return, I can become your confidant, and the Zhiyin is the partner of the Dao practitioner of the Dao of Yin, which is equivalent to the relationship between you and the Feng, and there is a difference at the same time. Peony Huazun explained, his face a little red after speaking.

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