"Meet the Empress Pingxin!"

After hearing Chen Changsheng's identity, even Zhuque had to salute respectfully.

Chen Changsheng naturally saluted the Empress Pingxin in front of him.

Pingxin is not a witch?

It's a joke.

If she is not a witch, why is it still using the water of the Nine Springs to keep the ancestor witch Xuanming in this half-life state? Why not let them enter the reincarnation like other witches?

Although Chen Changsheng thought so, he absolutely did not dare to show it like this.

"Okay, no need to be polite."

"After all, you came here because of the power of Xuanming."

"If you want to go back to the prehistoric world, I will send you back now."

Send us back.

That's great!

The Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle and the North Sea Black Turtle showed joy on their faces.

The Empress Pingxin in front of them gave too much pressure. Even if she looked gentle, she still felt a little guilty when she thought of such a powerful person in front of her.

After Chen Changsheng's comfort, Zhuque completely recovered to normal.

However, Pingxin's appearance did scare her.

At present, Empress Pingxin was in front of her.

She was very honest and nestled on Chen Changsheng's shoulder, insisting on not participating.

Send back to the prehistoric world?

After hearing Empress Pingxin's words, Chen Changsheng wanted to refuse without thinking.

That's right.

In Chen Changsheng's conception, he had to come to the Nine Netherworld.

Even if he didn't come from the North Sea through the North Sea Crack, he would ask his master, Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, to go to the Nine Netherworld in person.

Although there was a coincidence this time.

He would never go back to the prehistoric world like this, it would be too wasteful.

"Empress Pingxin, it's not necessary to send us back to the prehistoric land."

Chen Changsheng opened his mouth to reject Empress Pingxin's proposal, which made the Golden Winged Dapeng Eagle and the North Sea Black Turtle dumbfounded again.

Zhuque blinked.

That's right.

The familiar feeling came again.

Although she didn't know what Chen Changsheng was going to do.

But Chen Changsheng's choices were always unexpected, and now it was very much in line with his style.

"Empress, Nan Ji is now a Taiyi Jinxian, but he needs to rely on the Nine Netherworld to practice. I hope you can help."


Hearing Chen Changsheng's request.

The Golden Winged Dapeng Eagle and the North Sea Black Turtle were stunned.

Along the way, Chen Changsheng seemed to be practicing all the time, and he didn't see any problems with his practice.

Why did he suddenly become so demanding when he came to the Nine Netherworld?

And he also needs the help of such a great being as Lady Pingxin. What kind of place does he want to cultivate?

Zhuque tilted her head slightly.

She couldn't guess what Chen Changsheng was thinking.


Chen Changsheng seemed to have a little interest in Lady Pingxin after listening to her tone.

"Tell me, I'm curious about where you want to cultivate. You even need my permission?"

Chen Changsheng said seriously.

Next, he must deal with it well. This is related to his cultivation plan, and he must not make any mistakes.


He actually hoped that his master would come forward for him and act as a middleman.

For the sake of the face between the saints, he would come to Lady Pingxin to talk about it, and he could achieve his goal without any effort.

Now that his master Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun didn't speak up, he couldn't just shrink back and dare not move forward.

Even when facing Lady Pingxin, he naturally had to have his own bearing.

"My queen, the place I want to borrow money from is Luofu Mountain in the Nine Netherworld!"

Luofu Mountain.

The queen Pingxin's expression did not change, and it was hard to tell whether she was happy or angry.

"You are quite familiar with the Nine Netherworld now. You know Luofu Mountain just after arriving here."

Luofu Mountain?

The Golden-winged Peng Eagle was confused.

However, the North Sea Black Turtle, who was good at calculation, directly used its tortoise shell and divination to deduce what Luofu Mountain was.

Yuan Feng also used his deduction ability in secret.


They got the same result at the same time. Luofu Mountain is a mountain in the south of the Nine Netherworld, and those who practice on it must become the Southern Ghost Emperor in the Nine Netherworld.

In other words.

Chen Changsheng is not just talking about cultivation now, but asking for a position in the Nine Netherworld from the queen Pingxin in front of him.

Zhuque himself thought more.

Chen Changsheng himself is already the Southern Shoude Star Lord.

After coming down from the prehistoric world, he immediately looked for himself as the overlord of the Southern Immortal Volcano.

Now he has arrived at the Nine NetherworldIn the underworld, the plan for the Southern Ghost Emperor was directly made.

In other words.

Chen Changsheng had already had this plan before he came to the Nine Netherworld.

The eyes of Empress Pingxin were full of light.

"Nanji, you are now the Lord of Longevity and Virtue in the Heavenly Court."

"The Heavenly Court and the Underworld are not the same. Do you think I will give you the Underworld position of the Southern Ghost Emperor?"

The Heavenly Court and the Underworld are of course not the same.

In fact.

Even Pingxin himself was actually the target of suppression.

Chen Changsheng naturally understood this very well.

So at the beginning, he hoped that his master would talk about this matter, so that the steps would be simpler.

But now.

It was Chen Changsheng who was already facing Empress Pingxin.

There was really no use thinking about these things.

He was determined to get the Southern Ghost Emperor's position, which was related to his entire path of cultivation and future direction.

And now.

He naturally had to convince Pingxin in front of him.

If they cannot reach an agreement now, then Chen Changsheng will probably not get any good results by asking his master for help.

"I can finally make the Xuanming Ancestral Witch return."

"I wonder if this can make me the Southern Ghost Emperor?"


The friends who listened to Chen Changsheng's words were stunned.

By now.

They already knew who was in the Nine Springs. It was the eleventh Ancestral Witch in the witch-demon calamity, and the sister of the Houtu Ancestral Witch.

If the Xuanming Ancestral Witch could really return so easily, Lady Pingxin would have done it long ago.


Now Xuanming is still sitting there quietly.

What even saints cannot do, Chen Changsheng, who is still a Taiyi Golden Immortal, can make such a guarantee in order to obtain the Southern Ghost Emperor.

Isn't this a bit too extreme.

They are not the only ones who change color.

Lady Pingxin, who has always remained calm, also completely changed color at this time.

"You mean, you can help Sister Xuanming recover?"

Even though Pingxin wanted to keep calm, she couldn't calm down after hearing that Chen Changsheng could help Xuanming recover!

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