"What are you going to do?"

Zhuque tilted her head and asked Chen Changsheng what he thought. Chen Changsheng was so confident that she thought he had a plan.

Chen Changsheng smiled and said, "Of course I will learn from you."

Learn from me?

Zhuque was slightly stunned, and then she understood.

Chen Changsheng's "you" was not referring to Zhuque, but the phoenix, the leader of all birds.

"Are you going to let her be reborn in Nirvana?"

Zhuque was surprised.

"But she doesn't have the blood of the phoenix family."

Rebirth in Nirvana is an innate great magical power that can only be used by the orthodox phoenix. Even the Golden Winged Dapeng Eagle, who is acting as a hidden phoenix, cannot use it.

But now Chen Changsheng wants to use it on Jingwei. Zhuque was shocked when he said this.

"You think too complicated."

Chen Changsheng stretched out his hand and gave Zhuque a slap, "It's just that the effect is similar to Nirvana. After all, Jingwei is now a divine bird."


Zhuque felt wronged.

"Then you can start. I want to see how you are going to make him reborn from the ashes."

Chen Changsheng nodded slightly.

Now with the pressure of Suzaku, Jingwei can't run around at all. He can concentrate on sorting out the soul of Jingwei in front of him.

"There are three souls and seven spirits in the human body. The girl turned into Jingwei because one of her seven spirits, Que Yin, changed under the heavenly way."


Chen Changsheng just said that he didn't know why the girl turned into Suzaku. Now he fluently explained the reason, which made her want to burn this guy with Nanming Lihuo.

"One of her souls is still there."

"The other three souls and six spirits did not go to the earth because of their great fortune."

'And it's still a post-natal human race. As long as they are sorted out again and rearranged according to the three souls and seven spirits, they can naturally be reborn from the ashes. '

Suzaku listened carefully to the principle Chen Changsheng said.

This description seems very simple, but if it were that simple, the Three Emperors would have resurrected the girl long ago, so how could it be Chen Changsheng's turn to take over?

"They can't do it, just because they are not professional."

"And I am now on the road to becoming the most professional."

Chen Changsheng said in a gentle tone, and his eyes fell on Jingwei.

The original shape of the divine bird slowly began to degenerate in his eyes, returning to its original appearance.

"This is the Queyin soul. If this soul is tenacious, it will turn into birds such as cuckoos and sparrows."

"The way to longevity requires the soul to control the corpse."

Chen Changsheng thought about his own insights, and the karma of Shoude Xingjun and the karma of the Southern Ghost Emperor immediately exuded countless Tao rhymes.

Countless lines of life and death spread in his eyes with the Queyin soul.

And the other end of these threads, naturally, is the soul scattered everywhere.

Originally, the thread of life and death was invisible, but now it has been manifested in Chen Changsheng's eyes.

This is the result of the combined effect of his own cultivation and karma.

Then Chen Changsheng began to operate his soul, carefully reaching out to those silk threads. He wanted to use his own hands to pull these silk threads, and then pull them back and gather them here at Jingwei.

This is something that requires great caution.

If it is safe, Chen Changsheng should personally go to the end of the thread to pull back the three souls and six spirits.

But Jingwei is also covered by the luck of the Three Emperors after all, and is still different from ordinary mortals.

"The South Pole Longevity Star, responds to changes without stopping; the three souls are permanent, and the spirits are not lost."

Chen Changsheng still took six steps, and in an instant, the star representing his longevity in the sky immediately seemed to be inspired by him, and a huge star fell down and landed beside Jingwei.


Countless stars swirled along the line of life and death, emitting brilliant divine light.

As they swirled, it seemed that a mysterious power was generated in the dark, and those lines of life and death, as if they had vitality, slowly began to move towards Jingwei.

Chen Changsheng's expression did not fluctuate at all.

He was operating his soul with all his strength.

This starlight was the manifestation of his power, and it also represented the current concentration of his soul.

Finally, at a certain moment.

The starlight suddenly began to sway, emitting a hint of the color of the aurora.

"This is the performance of the birthday star operating to the extreme, and it can indeed be turned into the South Pole."

Chen Changsheng was delighted. He had just been completely immersed in the control of these forces, operating them to the limit with all his strength, and indeed produced mysterious changes.

And at the same time as this light appeared.

Those on all sidesThe life and death lines in all directions immediately seemed to be stimulated by something, and quickly gathered around the falling star.

In the blink of an eye.

In front of Chen Changsheng's eyes, the other three souls and six spirits that were scattered all over the place returned to Chen Changsheng's hands again.

Of course, just like this, it is naturally not enough to make the girl's three souls and seven spirits complete.

It is not in vain that Chen Changsheng came to the prehistoric world to practice.

"Use yang to eliminate yin, and let the soul refine the spirit."

Chen Changsheng exhaled and spoke, and the three souls and six spirits drawn by the starlight immediately gathered towards Jingwei again under his magic power.

When all the three souls and seven spirits were sorted out, Jingwei's Yuanshen was less yin and returned to completeness.

In the end, it was naturally the so-called body.

When Peng Keng fell in Luofu Mountain, Chen Changsheng asked him to go back early to prevent him from losing his human body.

But it is naturally different to leave it here in Jingwei.

Nvwa had died, and her body had long since dissipated.

Even if her soul returned, she no longer had her original body.

Chen Changsheng now had a new understanding of the body after Empress Pingxin reshaped it for him, and he had a deeper understanding of the body.

He could also reshape a body for Nvwa like Empress Pingxin did.

But his own body contained the power of Xuanming Zuwu and Bianhua, which had a great cause and effect, but it was not suitable for Nvwa who could be revived.

Shennong himself probably didn't want his youngest daughter to have any relationship with the witch clan of the last catastrophe.

At this time, Chen Changsheng had to rely on the method of Nirvana, which was to transform Yuanfeng into Suzaku.

Of course.

He wanted to rely on a little bit of the true meaning of Nirvana rebirth.

Nvwa was the daughter of Shennong, and she had actually eaten a lot of fairy herbs since she was a child, and many of those powers were still contained in her soul.

"The meaning of Nirvana will cover her body."

Hearing Chen Changsheng speak again,

Suzaku's eyes were full of light.

The next moment.

She was surprised to find that the Jingwei who was originally leaning on her suddenly produced an invisible fire, and that fire actually had the same meaning of Nirvana as her Yuanfeng magic.

The flame burned invisibly, covering Jingwei's body, and when it was completely burned out, the body of a human girl suddenly appeared.

Chen Changsheng, he really succeeded!

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