In Chaos City, in a hall with simple decorations, dozens of Chaos Clan leaders were sitting cross-legged in a circle in the air. Above the hall were carved mysterious pictures and texts that recorded the origin of the Chaos Clan. Below was a huge mirror.

"Today, we have called together all the senior members of our clan to discuss two things. First, after tens of thousands of years, creatures from the outside world have set foot in the Primal Chaos Realm. Second, the decision on whether our Primal Chaos Clan should be born."

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man spoke slowly, full of energy and a rather majestic temperament. The eyes of the people present were also very respectful when they looked at the man, which showed that the man's status was not simple.

The man's name was Jun Xiao, and his full name was 'Chaos Jun Xiao'. He was from the Chaos clan, and his name was Jun Xiao. He was the current patriarch of the Chaos clan, and his cultivation was at the peak of the Immortal Emperor realm!

The identities of the people present were not simple either. They were the elders of the Chaos clan, and none of them had a cultivation level lower than the Immortal Emperor realm.

If the creatures of the Perfect World saw this, they would be scared to death. You know, the Immortal Emperor realm has always been a legend, but the Chaos clan not only has Immortal Emperors, but also more than one!!

How incredible this is, with multiple Immortal Emperors in one clan, if the Chaos clan is born, it would be too easy to sweep across the Perfect World. It can even be said that any one person present can suppress the Perfect World!

"Another creature from the outside world has entered our Chaos Realm!"

After hearing Jun Xiao's words, many Chaos Clan leaders present were shocked, and their faces showed excitement and curiosity. Although their Chaos Clan was extremely powerful, they had never left the Chaos Realm, so they were extremely yearning and curious about the outside world. The Chaos Clan had always relied on those intruders to obtain information about the outside world.

So whenever an intruder entered the Chaos Realm, the Chaos Clan would be very excited.

"Yes, everyone, please take a look."Jun Xiao pointed his finger at the mirror below the hall, and in an instant, a picture appeared on the mirror. There were three men in the picture. These three men were shuttling through the chaotic fog outside the Chaos Realm, unaware that all their actions had been exposed.

"This is the intruder this time. According to the realm classification of the outside world, they are all in the realm of true immortals."Jun Xiao said calmly.

"Three True Immortals! This is rare. Since a True Immortal from the outside world was captured by our clan 300,000 years ago, there have been very few creatures from the outside world entering our Chaos Realm."A Chaos High-ranking official rubbed his chin slightly and said with a smile.

"Moreover, from the information of the True Immortal from the outside world three hundred thousand years ago, it is inferred that the creatures from the outside world now call our Chaos Realm"Chaos Guixu", and it is also regarded as one of the ten forbidden areas. It is quite interesting."

"Hahaha, Chaos Returns to Ruins, it makes it seem like our Chaos Realm is some kind of desolate place, not appropriate at all."

Everyone laughed. These secrets were the memories of outsiders who had once trespassed into the Chaos Realm. Many of those memories were comments on their Chaos Realm, mainly about how dangerous their Chaos Realm, or Chaos Returns to Ruins, was, filled with ominous signs, and that the most vicious creatures in the world lived there, etc., which made the Chaos Clan members laugh and cry.

""Okay, everyone, please be quiet." Seeing the laughter of the crowd, the clan leader Jun Xiao could not help but say helplessly. After hearing this, the crowd stopped laughing, and one of the elders said,"Clan leader, let's hand these three people over to the Chaos Guards, and let them capture them."

Jun Xiao nodded slightly and said,"Okay."

Then, the elder sent a divine thought out of the hall, ordering the Chaos Guards to capture the three True Immortals from the outside world who broke into the Chaos Realm.

The Chaos Guards are the patrol guards of the Chaos Realm, mainly responsible for patrolling the Chaos Realm, and the members of the Chaos Guards are at least True Immortals, and the captain is an Immortal King.

"Okay, let's put aside the affairs of the outside world for now. Let's discuss whether the Chaos Clan will come out, which is also the main topic of this meeting."Jun Xiao's tone suddenly became serious. The

Chaos Clan leaders present also looked solemn, and it was obvious that this matter was extremely important.

Jun Xiao glanced around at everyone and slowly said:"Everyone present is the elders of our Chaos Clan. I wonder what you think about whether our Chaos Clan will come out?"

As soon as these words came out, an elder immediately replied:"I wonder how the elders decided?"

Everyone nodded. Although they were the high-level leaders of the Chaos Clan, the elders were the core of the Chaos Clan, and all decisions were made by the elders.

Jun Xiao showed a helpless look, sighed and said:"The elders did discuss it several times, but the results were ambiguous every time. Some agreed and some rejected it, and no conclusion was reached, so the elders left this matter to us to decide."

Hearing Jun Xiao's words, the expressions of the people present were different. Some were excited, and some were hesitant.

"I agree that our clan will be born! Our Chaos Clan has been born for billions of years. It is not a good idea to stay in the Chaos Realm. We should go out and see the world."An elder said

"That's right, although our tribe can rely on the outside world to bring information, it is not a good idea to always do this. We should go to the outside world to take a look. Moreover, our tribe is not afraid of the so-called strong people in the outside world, and there is no need to stay in the Chaos Realm."An elder echoed

"I object. Although the outside world is good, the creatures there are too weak, not as good as our chaotic world. Why should we come out into the world?"

"Yes, judging from the memories of those who have trespassed in the past, the creatures in the outside world are too weak, and the laws of the world in the outside world are incomplete. The laws of the world in our Chaos World are more perfect than theirs, so why bother going to such an incomplete place?"

"I agree……"

"I object……"


From time to time, elders spoke in the hall, some agreed, some opposed, and each was equally divided.

Jun Xiao saw this scene, his face became even more helpless. He had guessed that this situation would happen. In fact, he himself was also struggling with whether to come out into the world. After all, this question was very embarrassing. The embarrassing point was that no matter whether it was the creatures in the outside world or the laws of the outside world, they were not as good as their Chaos Realm.

Just as everyone was arguing about whether the Chaos Clan should come out into the world, a figure suddenly appeared in the hall.

"It's not good to stay indoors, so go out and have a look. You can't judge a thing by its appearance." Yang Mei smiled.

PS: The protagonist is about to lead the Chaos Clan to the world, and the plot is absolutely wonderful. I beg for your support. In addition, I would like to thank"cqx小仙女" for her 100VIP reward, and"1820.0261.570","Thank you very much for the monthly ticket support from the two great writers of"The Heaven Sword and the Slaughterer".

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