The old man was very angry.

"Tell me, what's the matter? While I'm in a good mood and don't want to get angry, tell me all at once, otherwise... hum..."

Yuan Lian looked at Zu Long and spoke slowly. The last cold humph showed dissatisfaction.

Yuan Lian thought he had a deeper understanding of Zu Long. He knew that Zu Long was born with unparalleled ambition and no one could make him surrender sincerely.

The previous Yuan Lian couldn't do it, and the current Yuan Lian couldn't do it. Even if he developed according to the legendary trajectory in the future, the so-called Hongjun Daozu and the saints of heaven and earth would not be able to make Zu Long surrender sincerely.

So even though Zu Long just expressed his loyalty so crisply, Yuan Lian never took it seriously.

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal, it's nothing more than asking for help!

This is the moment when Zulong expressed his loyalty, and Yuanlian's mind naturally emerged with an idea and cognition.

And judging from Zulong's hesitation now, it is indeed the case.

Zulong quickly restrained the hesitation on his face, bowed to Yuanlian again, and then suddenly asked: "May I ask the Heavenly Lord, if this catastrophe is over, will the four seas of the prehistoric world recover?"

"If the fierce beasts are destroyed, there will be the merit of reshaping the world, and there will be supreme luck. Therefore, the four seas of the prehistoric world, which have been eroded by endless fierce spirits for endless years, should also be within the reshaping of the world, so the four seas of the prehistoric world should also have a time to recover." Yuanlian looked at the East China Sea and said slowly.

Of course, Yuanlian did not say some key points.

First, the four seas of the prehistoric world can be restored, but it will definitely not be restored to the state of not being occupied by fierce beasts as before. Compared with the past, it is far from it.

Moreover, this difference is far from perfect, and it is all-round, such as spiritual energy, resources, spiritual veins, cultivator qualifications, etc. It is estimated that the status of overseas cultivators in the future will not be as high and prominent as the legend.

In addition, the restoration of the prehistoric four seas is not achieved overnight.

Because the restoration of the prehistoric four seas needs to be led by the unborn Heavenly Dao, and the power of Heavenly Dao will change the world and evolve infinite creation. Therefore, the time involved is very long. It is estimated that two kalpas will be required, which is quite long.

And this long time is destined to mean that if there are living cultivators who want to settle in the prehistoric four seas, they will inevitably be affected by some changes in the environment of heaven and earth, and there will be certain obstacles to their own cultivation.

Whether the prehistoric living cultivators are willing to settle in the prehistoric four seas is also a huge problem.

However, this matter has nothing to do with Yuanlian, and Yuanlian does not need to mention it.

Zulong is also a powerful person in the world. He has some understanding of some things, so Yuanlian doesn't need to explain them one by one. Therefore, Zulong can figure out the twists and turns here. After Zulong figured it out, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he asked: "May I ask the Heavenly Venerable, can the dragon race enter the prehistoric four seas?" "That is your dragon race's business, and it has nothing to do with this Heavenly Venerable!" Yuanlian looked at Zulong and said lightly. "Haha! It's easy to withdraw and it's easy to come in, but the dragon race wants to control the prehistoric four seas like before, enjoy the prehistoric four seas' luck, and hold the power of the prehistoric four seas. That's simply a fool's dream! Even if the dragon race dominates the prehistoric four seas again with its own talents, it will still be the same!" Luohou, who didn't want to pay attention to Zulong anymore, suddenly sneered, a bit of gloating. Although Zulong's face turned a little ugly for Luohou's words, with Zulong's intelligence, he knew that what Luohou said was true.

Once some things are lost, it is absolutely difficult to find them back, or even impossible. Once lost, they are lost and can never be recovered, but...

"But I am unwilling and don't want to do this. The luck of the four seas must return to the dragon clan, and the authority of the four seas must also be in the hands of the dragon clan, so I must take a gamble!"

Thinking so, Zulong spoke again.

But this time Zulong did not speak directly, but used a secret method to transmit his voice to Yuanlian, and roughly explained some of his ideas to Yuanlian.

After a while, Zulong bowed again and asked: "May I ask the Heavenly Venerable, are there any mistakes or omissions in my ideas?"

"I understand what you mean. It is false to ask about the mistakes and omissions, but it is true to find out the attitude. However, I have no obligation to escort your dragon clan. However, if this matter succeeds, it will be a good thing. I am happy to see it succeed. And if it really comes to that time, I guess no one will care about this matter.

"It's up to you guys to do it yourself!"

Listening to Yuanlian's ambiguous words, Zulong felt a little disappointed, but he also knew that in a sense, this could be regarded as Yuanlian's support for their dragon clan.

I think when some things are completely over, with Yuanlian's ambiguous words, some people will definitely have some concerns, so some of the things he wants to do will be much easier.

Therefore, Zulong quickly sorted out his mood, bowed to Yuanlian to thank him, and then returned to the dragon clan camp.

"Fellow Daoist Yuanlian is really concerned about the dragon clan! "Luo Hou looked at Zu Long who had returned to the Dragon Clan camp, and couldn't help but speak to Yuan Lian with some resentment. It was also a way to find out Yuan Lian's attitude towards the Dragon Clan.

Yuan Lian knew this very well, so he said calmly: "It's not that I care too much, but although Zu Long has ambitions, he is quite aware of the current situation now. Then I am naturally indifferent to some things, and Luo Hou Daoyou doesn't need to think too much. "

Yuan Lian's words were almost like telling Luo Hou directly that he had nothing to do with the Dragon Clan, but the timing was too coincidental, and he was just going with the flow. If Luo Hou had any means in the future, he didn't have to worry too much, just go to the Dragon Clan, and Yuan Lian wouldn't care.

"If Zu Long's idea is implemented, it is estimated that the situation between the Dragon, Phoenix, and Kirin clans will return to a certain extent. It is also very likely to lead to a situation of hegemony among the three clans, and it will proceed according to the legendary trajectory. "

"If Luo Hou has any reservations at that time, it will not be fun. In my opinion, the affairs between the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn should proceed according to the trajectory in the legend. There is no need for too many waves, and..."

Yuan Lian, whose thoughts kept turning, suddenly turned his head to look at the unicorn and phoenix tribes. There was a slight light flashing in his eyes, and the marriage book like a wedding invitation flashed in his eyes, and a little speechless expression appeared on Yuan Lian's face.

Yuan Lian never thought that it was just a red thread of marriage that he casually tied at the beginning, but it turned out to be... It also caused some disturbances, directly breaking up the alliance between the Qilin and Phoenix tribes, which Yuanlian had not expected.

Although this was inevitable, and it was not a big deal to tie a marriage red line at random, the impact of the incident was not what Yuanlian wanted to see. Yuanlian still preferred to let everything develop naturally.

After all, whether the three tribes lived or died, whether people's heads were beaten into pigs' brains, Yuanlian didn't care much!

After thinking about it for a while, Yuanlian took his mind back from the affairs of the three tribes, and then moved his lips slightly, shocking all the great powers of heaven and earth!

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