At the same time, the Heaven-suppressing Coffin was still vibrating in the void! The thick smoke inside it, which seemed as black as ink, and the chaotic world inside the coffin, which was indistinguishable from clear and turbid, and yin and yang were not obvious, was surging due to the constant vibration of the Heaven-suppressing Coffin, and bursts of creepy and weird laughter were emitted. Accompanied by the supreme power, it kept pulling the endless strange black mist chains tied to Shen Ni and Lun Hui. Obviously, this was to pull Shen Ni and Lun Hui into the Heaven-suppressing Coffin, seal them, or even kill them. However, although Shen Ni and Lun Hui now seem to have no fighting power and are unable to escape, except for the World Destruction Monument and the Samsara Disk, all other treasures on their bodies have been shattered and their origins have dissipated because of the strongest head-on bombardment at the end of the decisive battle.

But Shen Ni and Lun Hui still have a little bit of strength left, and are struggling to activate the two innate treasures to resist, trying to use the power of the innate treasures to forcibly break the endless strange black mist chains on their bodies and escape.

However, judging from the current situation, it is obviously not very effective.

As for the help of the army of fierce beasts, uh... forget it, they have already lost all their fighting power and can't help Shen Ni and Lun Hui at all.

It turned out that because of the last bombardment of the decisive battle, the power generated was too fierce, which caused the Chaos Evil Array to be forcibly broken, and the array backfired, and the endless fierce beasts were all seriously injured. In addition to the impact of the terrifying aftermath, the endless fierce beasts have been greatly reduced.

Although the number seems to be relatively large, it is obviously a world of difference compared with the previous one, just a drop in the ocean, not worth mentioning at all.

And the kings of the fierce beasts, except for a few who survived by chance, all the others fell in the decisive battle.

It can be said that after a decisive battle, the situation of the decline and disappearance of the fierce beasts is basically determined, and the rest is just some finishing work.

With this idea in mind, Yuanlian moved slightly, stepped on the Yuanchu Purple Lotus, and landed on the lid of the Zhentian Coffin, and then with a thought, he put away the Chaos Bell and the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler.

Then, Yuanlian took a look at the broken treasures, frowned slightly, and then took them back, waiting for them to recover.

Then, Yuanlian looked at the Yuanlian Dao Sword floating in the void.

"It seems that imperfection is imperfection. Although it is an innate treasure, it is obviously far behind the Chaos Bell and the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler!" Looking at the Yuanlian Dao Sword that had several deep cracks and was suspended in the void, Yuanlian frowned again and shook his head gently.

"Crack... crack..." As Yuanlian's mind turned, the Yuanlian Dao Sword had just been retracted, and there was a crisp but deafening sound of breaking.

Looking again, the Yuanlian Dao Sword that had just fallen into Yuanlian's hands had broken into two pieces, and it might even have signs of degenerating into the original form of the innate embryo because it was not perfect.

"Maybe this is a good thing!"

Looking at the strange changes in the Yuanlian Dao Sword that was broken into two pieces, Yuanlian did not have too many emotional fluctuations and quickly took it into his body.

However, the bright light flashing in his eyes showed that Yuanlian seemed to have some other ideas and plans.

But this was obviously a matter for the future, so Yuan Lian quickly gathered his thoughts, and then used his magic power to cast a few mysterious spells at the Heaven-Suppressing Coffin.

This immediately greatly increased the power of the Heaven-Suppressing Coffin. The endless strange black mist chains kept vibrating, and while making strange laughter, the pulling force became more obvious. Shen Ni and Lun Hui showed obvious signs of being pulled and moved.

At this moment, Shen Ni and Lun Hui saw that Yuan Lian only wanted to pull them into the Heaven-Suppressing Coffin, rather than kill them directly, and they immediately felt extremely humiliated.

So, Shen Ni and Lun Hui, who were seriously injured in the final confrontation and had no strength to fight again, knew that the situation was hopeless and did not want to say anything more, immediately coughed up blood and cursed: "Yuan Lian, you bastard! Cough cough... Even if you win... Cough cough... You shouldn't humiliate us like this... Cough cough... You will die a miserable death... Cough cough..."

There were countless cracks on their bodies, and Shen Ni and Lun Hui were bleeding constantly. They kept coughing up blood and cursing Yuan Lian, which also caused their injuries to become more and more serious, and they were already dying.

Yuan Lian naturally disdained this, just gave Shen Ni and Lun Hui a cold and ruthless look, and then shouted coldly: "Noisy! You deserve to be beaten!"

After the cold shout, Yuan Lian's hand

He raised his arm slightly, and slapped out a palm, which turned into an infinite giant palm and hit the face of Shen Ni and Lun Hui.


" hurts so much..."

The giant palm slapped the face, and there was a sound, accompanied by the screams of the two beast kings, which was earth-shaking.

Although Yuan Lian was injured relatively seriously for various reasons, the injury was not light, but it was not too serious. His strength was still there, and his combat power was still extraordinary, so terrifying!

Therefore, although Yuan Lian did not kill them because of some other plans, Shen Ni and Lun Hui were almost unconscious, and there were more cracks on their bodies, and fragments and debris began to fall continuously.

At the same time, this slap directly knocked away the few beast kings who had survived by chance and were about to lead the almost defeated beast army to rescue Shen Ni and Lun Hui, but were seriously injured and had almost no strength left, making it difficult for these beast kings to move for a while.

And the large number of defeated beast army was also knocked away together. The scene seemed a bit shocking, and it also made the beast army after the decisive battle unable to move for a while, making the whole situation much more stable.

"I'll keep these two treasures for you first!"

After stabilizing the situation, Yuan Lian spoke indifferently, and then turned into a giant hand, forcibly snatched the innate treasures, the World Destruction Monument and the Samsara Disk, which resisted the endless strange black mist chains erupted from the Zhentian Coffin, from the hands of Shen Ni and Lun Hui, who had no fighting power.

"Yuan Lian, you are so despicable! Ahem..."

Shen Ni and Lun Hui, the two beast kings who were almost unconscious, saw that their treasures were taken away and their bodies were about to be pulled into the Heaven-suppressing Coffin. They could not help but feel grief and anger, and hysterically cursed Yuan Lian and coughed up blood crazily.

Yuan Lian still disdained it and did not care much. He just looked down at the two treasures in his hands with a little regret on his face.

"What a pity! These two innate treasures have been determined in the dark and are difficult to change. Now I can only take them temporarily and enjoy my eyes!"

Just as Yuan Lian was secretly regretful, Shen Ni and Lun Hui were about to be pulled into the Heaven-suppressing Coffin. When the overall situation was about to be determined, if nothing unexpected happened, then there must be an accident!

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