In the past, because the Great Dao had retired and the Heavenly Dao had not come out, the calculations were about the mysteries of the Great Dao, which not only required a high starting foundation, but also strong magical power. Moreover, the calculations were very obscure and difficult to understand. Whether the calculations were accurate or not depended entirely on luck.

If there were a great catastrophe of killing and destruction in the heaven and earth, as well as many causal interferences, then only by chance, plus the facts in front of you, and it was related to yourself, you could understand some of the reasons and barely calculate some of the mysteries of the Great Dao.

However, now that the Heavenly Dao has come out, under the Heavenly Dao, there is the Heavenly Secret, and the starting conditions for calculations have been reduced a lot, and its difficulty has also been reduced a lot, and therefore it has become relatively simpler.

Therefore, as long as it is not the time of the killing and destruction of heaven and earth, with Yuanlian's current strength, many things can be calculated clearly.

"When the Heavenly Dao comes into the world, it will naturally operate everything in the prehistoric world, and this operation is still in a starting stage. Some human factors that are easy to interfere with the normal operation of the Heavenly Dao are taboos and must be dealt with."

"For example, the three thousand stone tablets engraved with the "Dao Ti Xuan Yuan Jing" are like this! Haha... this Heavenly Dao..."

Yuanlian, who has already calculated clearly, can't help but look up at the sky, shake his head slightly, and is a little speechless.

The three thousand huge stone tablets that suddenly appeared and floated in front of Yuanlian were the stone tablets that Yuanlian used to record and engrave the "Dao Ti Xuan Yuan Jing" a long time ago.

There is nothing special about these three thousand stone tablets, they are just hard enough and difficult to be damaged.

The important thing is actually the "Dao Ti Xuan Yuan Jing" recorded and engraved on them.

The Dao Ti Xuan Yuan Jing can not only help the living beings who are on the verge of transformation to better comprehend and understand the innate Dao body, so as to perfect the transformation, so that the living beings can better fit the nature and laws of heaven and earth with the innate Dao body, so as to better practice and improve.

At the same time, it can also allow living beings who have already transformed, but the transformation is not complete, and can no longer change under the rules of heaven and earth to practice frequently, so as to slowly improve the innate Dao body and achieve perfection.

Although this will take a long time, there are no hidden dangers. All the living beings in the prehistoric world who are not perfect in transformation can practice with confidence, which is also very mysterious and magical.

When Yuan Lian recorded and engraved the Dao Ti Xuan Yuan Jing on these three thousand huge stone tablets, except for a few that were deliberately left in Tianlian Mountain, the rest were all thrown out by Yuan Lian at will, and scattered all over the prehistoric world, spreading the Dao Ti Xuan Yuan Jing and bringing good news to the endless living beings in the prehistoric world.

As a result, in the prehistoric world, the endless living beings and cultivators are basically normal innate Dao bodies, and no longer have the appearance of monsters.

Perhaps only a very small number of special living beings or cultivators with special hobbies will deliberately maintain some unique characteristics of their bodies, which makes them different from ordinary people.

After endless years, the current prehistoric living beings and cultivators basically have a complete "Dao Ti Xuan Yuan Jing", so the three thousand stone tablets have become dispensable and have no much significance at a very early time. Yuan Lian himself almost forgot about these three thousand stone tablets.

But after experiencing the baptism of endless years, these three thousand stone tablets recording and engraving the "Dao Ti Xuan Yuan Jing" have also left some legends. They are real prehistoric antiques, revealing a heavy atmosphere of vicissitudes of time, and have some strangeness.

And once they are taken back, merits will surely come from heaven, which is a thing of acquired merits.

However, these are not too important to Yuan Lian now. What is important is...

"What is important is that the Heavenly Dao feels that these three thousand stone tablets recording and engraving the "Dao Ti Xuan Yuan Jing" interfere with the initial operation of the Heavenly Dao."

"To put it bluntly, the Heavenly Dao needs to collect and engulf the luck of all living beings in the world and promote the majesty of the Heavenly Dao. Now the Heavenly Dao thinks that these three thousand stone tablets interfere with the collection and engulfment of luck, making it impossible to be perfect. Haha... so petty..."

Yuan Lian shook her head speechlessly again, and then flipped her palm lightly. The three thousand huge stone tablets quickly shrank and were easily absorbed into Yuan Lian's palm.

"Buzz... Boom..."

The three thousand huge stone tablets recording and engraving the "Dao Ti Xuan Yuan Jing" emitted strange buzzing and loud noises as soon as they were absorbed into Yuan Lian's palm.


Following closely, a series of golden lights of merit stretched out from the three thousand stone tablets as if they were real, making a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

Obviously, Yuan Lian was willing to take back the three thousand stone tablets and fulfill the Heavenly Dao. From then on, the mission of the three thousand stone tablets was also considered merit.

Virtue was perfected, so Heavenly Dao bestowed merits, allowing Yuan Lian to obtain an acquired merit item all at once.

"I can refine it well when I have time, which is also very good." Yuan Lian looked at the three thousand stone tablets that became merit items, and his eyes flickered. Then he smiled and said, "But it seems that I can't rush to refine it. These three thousand stone tablets that record the "Dao Ti Xuan Yuan Jing" seem to have another chance to earn merits. It can be regarded as a pit that Heavenly Dao has dug for itself. I don't want to fleece Heavenly Dao."

Looking at the three thousand stone tablets, Yuan Lian's Dao Guo Yuan Shen moved slightly, and he had seen many strange and incomplete innate Dao bodies appearing in the future, and for Yuan Lian, this was a bright merit!

After thinking for a while, Yuan Lian stopped thinking about the future. He just put away the three thousand stone tablets in his hand, and then continued to let Qiongqi move forward slowly while continuing to take a quick look at the Dongsheng Shenzhou.

The Dongsheng Shenzhou, which was reorganized based on the original prehistoric eastern land, is generally not much different from the previous one. The only difference is that the overall area has really become much larger.

What Yuan Lian felt most intuitively was that the Buzhou Mountain, which was still in the center of the prehistoric world but above the Dongsheng Shenzhou, felt much taller and more majestic than before.

As for whether there will be more changes after the reorganization of the prehistoric world, it is estimated that it will only be revealed in the future. It is too early to say these things now.

In addition to the reorganization of the prehistoric world, Yuan Lian’s biggest discovery is that after the birth of the Heavenly Dao, the cultivation realm of the new creatures in the prehistoric world has one more level, which is the lowest level of the prehistoric world, and should be the realm of earthly immortals.

Since then, the real starting stage of the prehistoric creatures is no longer the heavenly immortals, but the earthly immortals.

Those who are in the earthly immortal realm, in the prehistoric times, are the combination of the law and the body, the body and the spirit, and understand the nature of heaven and earth, and even more so the secrets of heaven, so they practice silently and hard, and in this way, when the primordial spirit appears, they can obtain the fruit of the heavenly immortal.

However, earthly immortals are ultimately not as good as heavenly immortals, so it is difficult to build a beautiful face, and it is even more difficult to compare the lifespan of heavenly immortals. At most, their lifespan increases by one or two epochs.

However, considering the fact that lifespan is something like lifespan in the prehistoric times, except for the human race, whose lifespan is only about a hundred years, the lifespans of other creatures are relatively long, or they have some other talents, which can be ignored.

Therefore, the most difficult thing for earthly immortals is that they are difficult to take the initiative, and can only naturally and passively eat air and absorb and refine the innate spiritual energy, which is extremely inefficient.

Therefore, at this time, a cultivation method becomes crucial. With a cultivation method, this difficulty can be easily solved.

"The path of cultivation, wealth, friends, law and land, now it seems that after the emergence of the Heavenly Dao, this cultivation method has become more prominent, and my "Yuanlian Dao Zhenjing" should be more perfect."

Yuanlian said, sitting on the back of Qiongqi, the Daoguo Yuanshen was running, practicing the method of deduction, and perfecting the "Yuanlian Dao Zhenjing".

At the same time, Hongjun in Yujing Mountain seemed to be doing some actions related to the secret techniques.

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