Although Yuanlian knew some things, he still felt that Luohou might be narrowing his path according to the development trajectory in the legend! First of all, Yuanlian believed that the Zhuxian Four Swords with the Zhuxian Formation Diagram, that is, the Zhuxian Sword Formation, was born with an ominous aura. The Zhuxian Sword Formation was too extreme, and the killing aura was too heavy, which could easily affect the mind and interfere with the mind. Even if Luohou was very powerful, it was estimated that he would inevitably be affected! Not to mention that Luohou was unruly and sharp, and he had a temper and personality that would face everything and must be tough to the end, so he was prone to extremes. And this Zhuxian Sword Formation, which is the first killing formation of the Heavenly Dao, is controlled by Luohou, which really has the effect of thunder and fire from the sky and earth. It is really an ominous sign that the sky collapses and the earth cracks, and the strong is easily broken. It is really not a good thing.

Another reason is that the many conditions for the birth of the Zhuxian Sword Formation are somewhat restraining the master, which is also ominous!

Although there are many killing disasters in the prehistoric world, they do not like excessive killing. The first killing formation of the Heavenly Dao seems to be very powerful, but in fact it is feared by the heaven and earth, so it is naturally inferior. Not to mention that it has absorbed the origin of the fierce beasts that are not favored by the prehistoric world, and it needs to be guided by the energy of the heaven and earth, and the essence of the blood and the evil spirit of all races are cleansed, which is another inferior.

In this way, if it does not restrain the master and does not have an ominous breath, it would be strange!

In the legends known by Yuanlian, the Zhuxian Sword Formation has three masters.

The first master was Luohou, and Luohou failed in the end!

The second owner was Hongjun, but according to legend, after Hongjun fought with Luohou, he could no longer use the Zhuxian Sword Formation, so he only collected the Zhuxian Sword Formation. To be honest, he could not be considered the second owner of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

It was just because in the legend, Hongjun was directly dragged by Luohou in the final battle between Taoism and Demonism, and the battle of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and the entire Western Land was forced to lose both sides, blocking Hongjun's most likely chance of transcendence, which was also related to the master's defeat.

As for the last owner of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, it was naturally the legendary Tongtian Saint, and that was also a failed ending!

For all these reasons, Yuanlian believed that the Zhuxian Sword Formation exuded an ominous aura and was a bit of a master's defeat, which was reasonable.

Of course, these are not important, and have nothing to do with Yuanlian. What is important is Luohou's current state, which makes Yuanlian more concerned.

"The feeling Luohou gives me now is very vague and difficult to explain. If I don't get close, I can hardly detect his specific cultivation level. But it is obvious that his cultivation has made great progress. It must be the Heavenly Dao that is doing something in secret. Could it be that Luohou also has a method similar to Hongjun's method of killing three corpses to prove his Taoism?"

Looking at the direction of Xiniu Hezhou, Yuanlian, who has been silent for a long time, can't help but think about it.

But after all, the whole picture is not seen, and there is not much meaning in guessing many things. Therefore, Yuanlian soon stopped caring about Luohou's specific cultivation level, but just looked at the general direction of Xiniu Hezhou from a distance, feeling the demonic energy emitted by Luohou, which almost permeated the entire Xiniu Hezhou, and used it to deduce the future direction.

"The demonic energy is everywhere, and the killing intention is hidden. It seems that he is still on the original destiny of killing to prove the truth..."

"Luo Hou is preparing to kill and kill with the demonic way, using the world as a chessboard and all living beings as chess pieces. He will kill endlessly, sacrifice his own avenue with blood, save all living beings in the world, and set off an endless heaven and earth calamity. He will gather the luck of the demonic way and the power of the killing calamity to impact Hunyuan..."

"This also explains why Luo Hou started to think about the Zhuxian Sword Formation. This thing is just a by-product of Luo Hou's plan..."

After observing some future secrets through the Hunyuan Golden Immortal Dao Fruit Yuanshen that transcended the prehistoric heavenly way, Yuan Lian raised his sword eyebrows and looked a little solemn.

"Using demons to cause disasters, and using killing to prove the truth? Haha... This is very illusory and unrealistic! Even as strong as Luohou, he only seems to be a little successful in the legend, but he didn't succeed after all..."

Seeing that the trajectory of fate seemed to have not changed at all due to the changes in the prehistoric land, and some things were still going on according to the development trajectory in memory, Yuan Lian felt a little helpless and inexplicably emotional.

Creating a catastrophe in the world and proving the truth by killing sounds feasible and seems very grand, but the karma that accompanies it is also unimaginably terrifying. Once it fails, the luck will decline, and the consequences can be imagined.

When the time comes, the heaven and earth will work together, and when the luck is gone, the hero will not be free. This is clearly and thoroughly demonstrated in the prehistoric world.

Moreover, the path of proving the truth by killing is inherently very dangerous and difficult to walk. It is a path that is almost mortal enemy to all living beings in the world. If Yuanlian had not achieved the Golden Immortal of the Primordial Universe and theoretically jumped out of the chess game of heaven and earth in the prehistoric world, he would probably have been forced to be involved in the chess game because of Luohou.

And now...

"Now I have been warned by the Heavenly Dao. It is really an unprovoked disaster!"

Yuanlian sensed that after he had calculated some information about the secrets of heaven, the Heavenly Dao in the dark sent a little bit of fluctuations of the Heavenly Dao Law in an unspeakable and incomprehensible way, and he could not help but shake his head.

The fluctuations of the Heavenly Dao Law sent by the Heavenly Dao naturally contained not words or texts, but a kind of mysterious and indescribable secret of heaven that was naturally encrypted. It required the cultivators to deduce and comprehend, and decipher it with their own understanding, which was very troublesome.

Fortunately, Yuanlian's cultivation level is still very good. When Yuanlian's Dao Fruit Yuanshen captured this fluctuation of the Heavenly Dao Law, it quickly operated and deciphered it without much effort.

Hunyuan Jinxian, quietly observe the world, do not get involved in cause and effect, and do not meddle in other people's business!

This is the message from the Heavenly Dao that Yuanlian understood and deciphered, and it is also the Heavenly Dao warning that Yuanlian said.

"Heavenly Dao! I can ignore other things, but in the future, under the Heavenly Dao, the prehistoric world will be naturally fragile due to the energy of the calamity. When it reaches the peak of the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao may not be able to take care of the overall situation. At that time, I will protect the prehistoric land. You can't warn or stop me anymore."

Yuanlian looked up at the sky, and the Dao Fruit Yuanshen operated, sensing the Heavenly Dao, turning his mind into a mysterious law fluctuation, which was sent out by the Dao Fruit Yuanshen, passed on the Heavenly Dao, and echoed in the dark.

"Huh... a little tired. Communicating with the Heavenly Dao is really not as good as making a great vow. It is really too energy-consuming and not something that people should do. Not to mention whether the Heavenly Dao will respond, it is also unknown. This makes me look forward to the return of the people who have achieved the Dao..."

Yuan Lian, who sensed the Heavenly Dao and communicated with it, turned pale and panted slightly.

The Dao Fruit Yuan Shen also became a little dim, which made Yuan Lian feel drowsy.

Yuan Lian could only mutter to herself and smile bitterly, then close her eyes and rest to see if the Heavenly Dao would respond.

Yuan Lian waited for some time before getting the Heavenly Dao's response.

After deciphering it, the general meaning is that if Yuan Lian only protects the prehistoric land and does not participate in the great situation of heaven and earth, the Heavenly Dao will not have too many restrictions on Yuan Lian. Yuan Lian has made contributions to the prehistoric land and has a huge amount of merit and luck, and the Heavenly Dao is willing to cooperate with him!

Yuan Lian smiled with satisfaction, his eyes sparkled, his lips moved slightly, and he muttered something.

Just when Yuan Lian was in a good mood and was about to let Qiongqi move quickly towards Buzhou Mountain, there was a slight movement of wind and clouds in the world!

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