The body was exposed, but the body was still in the air.

Yuan Lian, who showed her figure, kept whispering to herself, and the discomfort and uncomfortable dry cough in her words were relatively clear.

At this time, Yuan Lian was still sitting on the dazzling Yuanchu Purple Lotus, and was still well protected, basically as usual.

But in addition to the Yuanchu Purple Lotus, the two precious flags on Yuan Lian's body were much dimmer, and there was a faint sound of mourning. Obviously, she was also slightly injured in the process of resisting the terrifying sea of ​​thunder.

As for the golden wheel of merit behind Yuan Lian's head, although it was still as real as a physical wheel, the golden light of merit seemed to be a little dim, and it also seemed to be struggling to resist some unknown force.

In fact, the golden wheel of merit and Yuan Lian's own huge luck were indeed resisting an unknown mysterious force.

Because Yuan Lian could clearly sense that there were wisps of invisible, yet mysterious and tangible, inexplicably strange gray-black gas that was constantly emerging in the void and trying to sink into Yuan Lian's body.

This was the karma of heaven and earth, the consequence of Yuan Lian's angering the way of heaven. It was called the most dangerous and terrifying force in the prehistoric world together with the so-called cause and effect. Countless prehistoric creatures and cultivators regarded it as a poisonous insect and beast, and were afraid to avoid it.

But facing Yuan Lian, the Golden Immortal of the Primordial Chaos, the karma of heaven and earth was actually helpless against Yuan Lian and could not cause any impact. Even if Yuan Lian did not use the golden wheel of merit and luck to resist, it would not fall on Yuan Lian.

The reason why Yuanlian was willing to consume his own merits and luck to resist and consume the karma of heaven and earth was also for the sake of his apprentice and several subordinates.

Yes, Hunyuan Jinxian has achieved transcendence to a certain extent, and barely jumped out of the chess game of heaven and earth in the prehistoric world, becoming a chess player who can play chess in the chess game of heaven and earth in the prehistoric world. Without special circumstances, the Heavenly Dao can hardly restrain and calculate Hunyuan Jinxian.

But don't forget that it is only Yuanlian who has achieved a certain degree of transcendence, and it is only Yuanlian who has barely jumped out of the prehistoric world and become a chess player, but the living beings who are close to or familiar with Yuanlian may not be the same.

Therefore, the Heavenly Dao has no way to deal with Yuanlian for the time being, but there are many ways to deal with living beings who are close to or familiar with Yuanlian.

So if Yuanlian does not use his own merits and luck now, and actively resists and consumes the karma of heaven and earth and even some possible causes and effects, it will basically flow to the living beings who are close to or familiar with Yuanlian.

In this case, Yuan Lian can't resist the consumption just because she wants to. Those living beings and cultivators who are close to or familiar with Yuan Lian will inevitably encounter many disasters and even death.

And the reason why Yuan Lian can resist the consumption of the karma of heaven and earth with merit and luck in advance is also because of the light of the era when the Heavenly Dao was born but not perfect.

If the Heavenly Dao determines the person who is in harmony with the Dao, the Heavenly Dao is perfect to a certain extent, and the rules of the Heavenly Dao are relatively self-consistent, then the karma of heaven and earth will probably not fight to the death with Yuan Lian, the Hunyuan Jinxian, and will directly flow silently to the living beings and cultivators who are close to or familiar with Yuan Lian. Whether Yuan Lian knows it clearly is probably an unknown thing.

If you anger the Heavenly Dao, you will have bitter consequences. Karma is a portrayal!

"But even though I angered the Heavenly Dao and saw some future evolutions that the Heavenly Dao didn't allow me to see, which made the Heavenly Dao angry, I have to say that I still gained something, at least I'm not confused anymore."

Yuan Lian put away many treasures, and after getting rid of some discomfort, a smile appeared on his face, and the two images in his eyes still appeared again, but since I don't know when, no causal lines have appeared.

And the causal great magical power that evolved the future secrets of the heavens by the causal lines did not last too long because of the bombardment of the sea of ​​thunder. It was forcibly destroyed by the Heavenly Dao with the purple sea of ​​thunder and other means.

And even if Yuan Lian used his magical power again now, it would not have a very good effect. I think the Heavenly Dao is also slowly improving some loopholes and rules through some things!

Yuan Lian, who had already gained something, didn't care much about it, but just focused his mind on the pictures that appeared in his eyes.

The images that appeared in Yuanlian's eyes were Qinglianzi, Yuanlian's apprentice, and the almost rare Beihai Black Turtle.

"Qinglianzi is a congenital god appointed by the Heavenly Dao. With my years of training, theoretically, he can be born after the Heavenly Dao is born. There is nothing wrong with it."

"But in the development trajectory of the prehistoric world that I know

In the development trajectory of the prehistoric world, let alone the fact that there was no Qinglianzi, the time when the Xiantian Great God officially took shape was actually at the end of the three tribes' hegemony and the beginning of the Dao-Mo war. "

"And the Xiantian Great Gods who took shape during this period were basically still under the protection of the Heavenly Dao, and they were aware of the secrets of the Heavenly Dao and followed the Heavenly Dao. They did not leave the place of birth and walk in the prehistoric world."

"It was not until the Dao-Mo war was completely over and almost everything was cleared that the Xiantian Great Gods gradually walked out of the place of birth, galloping across the world, proudly roaring in the prehistoric world, and leading the world's wind and cloud."

"Now Qinglianzi, the Xiantian Great God who should not exist but exists, took shape after the Heavenly Dao was born, and walked out of the place of birth and began to travel in the prehistoric world. It almost stirred up the overall luck and direction of the Xiantian Great God. It is estimated that it is difficult to keep the fate trajectory under the Heavenly Dao unchanged! "

Yuan Lian thought of the clear or blurry scenes and names that seemed familiar and strange when he was watching the future. He couldn't help but frowned slightly and felt almost the same as Zulong. The future might be very chaotic!

Although the future is just a branch of the endless destiny, or even a vague result of the intersection of multiple branches, it may not necessarily become a reality, but Yuan Lian is very clear that Xihe and Changxi in Taiyin are Wangshu's disciples. It is estimated that they are not far from the transformation and birth. At that time, they will definitely travel around the prehistoric world.

And Zhen Yuanzi is now being taught by Yang Mei. Because he borrowed the Book of Earth, he has merits. It is estimated that he is not far from the transformation and birth.

And Randeng, because of some reasons in the sky, it is estimated that there will be some changes.

Added together, it is already a general trend.

"Not to mention the anomaly of the black tortoise, it is estimated that the overall situation is determined in nine out of ten cases. "

Yuan Lian's brows were furrowed and relaxed, and the twelve Dinghai Shenzhu that had been collected for who knows how many years appeared in his hands, and Yuan Lian gently played with them.

Yuan Lian's interest in the black turtle came from when he traveled in the prehistoric times and occasionally counted and admired the treasures on his body. Through the twelve Dinghai Shenzhu, he noticed some mysterious cause and effect, and then traced the source and knew the existence of the black turtle.

At that time, Yuan Lian almost dropped his jaw. For a moment, Yuan Lian thought that he had met a "fellow villager", so much so that...

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